DirecTV does not support multi room DVR functionality DISH does

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The soon to come D* MRV might still not be good enough for the OP because the remote receiver will not be able to do full DVR functions, only to playback from the other DVR with trickplays, but no searching, scheduling and programming recordings at the remote end.

I guess it might not be good if people are to lazy to walk into a different room to do most of those functions. Still beats not being able to watch a programming on both TV's and still record items.
The soon to come D* MRV might still not be good enough for the OP because the remote receiver will not be able to do full DVR functions, only to playback from the other DVR with trickplays, but no searching, scheduling and programming recordings at the remote end.

That's true now for the very first try at this, but who knows what they might do in the future. Remember DIrecTV owns the Replay patents and Replay's MRV solution let you basiclly do anything from any DVR.
It's coming, but won't work with your D12, since that does not have network capability. You will need a H21/H23, HR2x (possibly R22) or some as-yet unannounced future model.

Will you be able to connect 2 DVR's to accomplish MRV? I have a HR20 and an H20. Since the H20 has no network capability, I am considering upgrading to a HR2x to replace it. I would love to be able to view content on both dvrs.
Will you be able to connect 2 DVR's to accomplish MRV? I have a HR20 and an H20. Since the H20 has no network capability, I am considering upgrading to a HR2x to replace it. I would love to be able to view content on both dvrs.

No HD DVR <-> HD DVR MRV capability at this time and D* hasn't announced it, but it's been rumored that after the HD DVR -> HD STB MRV is stabilized a bit that it would be the next step.
You could use a sender receiver to watch TV in another room assuming you have a uhf remote to change the channels, of course it'll be the same show on both TV's.
You can get them on eBay.
That's a really good question.

This OP's original post smacks somewhat of a trolling attempt, IMHO!

Oh no. I lose atleast 1 install a week because the sales people from Direct told people that the D* DVR can do the same thing as E*'s.

Lost one last week because the sales person told the cs that we could run all 4 tv's from one box. They do this all the time when people are looking to switch from E* dual tuners.

Direct also does not charge 2nd DVR fee, but they get the extra $99 at install and $5.00 a month for the extra box.
It is in testing right now. What receivers do you have from Directv? If you let me know that I could tell you if you might be able to help with the testing of the feature.

I prefer Dish's method. The way D is doing this is useless to people like me. I can not watch HD programs on my SD receiver with their version of MRV. Most people only have one HDTV. It's absurd this isnt supported. With E I could watch all my programs on my HD DVR on my SD TV. That worked great. I did understand this before switching so I was prepared, but still, a major drawback.
And how were you able to do this with Dish. From when I had them you had to have a 622 or 722 DVR and it was just using the coax feed from the receiver to control one more TV. You could not do this with multi TV's unless you wanted to watch the same programming on the other TV's

I used to have the dual tuner DISH DVR and I ran an extra cable from the receiver in the living room to my other tv in the bedroom.
The secondary remote was UHF and because it was a dual tuner receiver I could watch different chanels and access my DVR independant of what was showing in the other room.
I myself though this would be possible with Direc's HR22 receiver.
No big deal I guess. I sill like Directv way better than Dish
I prefer Dish's method. The way D is doing this is useless to people like me. I can not watch HD programs on my SD receiver with their version of MRV. Most people only have one HDTV. It's absurd this isnt supported. With E I could watch all my programs on my HD DVR on my SD TV. That worked great. I did understand this before switching so I was prepared, but still, a major drawback.

I agree that I don't like the part about not watching them on a SD set but people could always upgrade their equipment to all HD receivers even if they don't have an HD set on the other TV's. Why not have a H21/23 instead of a D12 for a receiver?
Dwight_B: Sorry but if you want this Multi-Room DVR you will need to upgrade your D12 Receivers to an H21 or H23. The H21/23 receivers are HD receivers

It sounds like Multi Room viewing won't be release until at least the 2nd half of the year. But if you got those receivers you could join the CE Program to test it out right now.
I agree that I don't like the part about not watching them on a SD set but people could always upgrade their equipment to all HD receivers even if they don't have an HD set on the other TV's. Why not have a H21/23 instead of a D12 for a receiver?

I have a SD Tivo in the bedroom. I want a DVR up there. My understanding is that eventually the HR series will support it. However, I dont want to pay another $200 for a second one.
I was with Dish not too long ago and while my 622 could feed a second TV (referred in their venacular as TV2) it was SD and rather poor quality. Didn't care for it at all.
Uh ok,
Just because someone isn't showering Directv with accolades, does not mean it's a trolling attempt.
Some of you guys are weird and too touchy about this stuff.

Just because someone points out a perceived "flaw" in D*'s equipment which they should have known about BEFORE they switched doesn't mean it's not a trolling attempt either!

It's been talked about adnauseum over the last couple of years in numerous posts.

It could be, it might not be, only the OP knows!
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I prefer Dish's method. The way D is doing this is useless to people like me. I can not watch HD programs on my SD receiver with their version of MRV. Most people only have one HDTV. It's absurd this isnt supported. With E I could watch all my programs on my HD DVR on my SD TV. That worked great. I did understand this before switching so I was prepared, but still, a major drawback.
Learned something new. Something to add to the list of to many limitations for D* for me.:eek:
The solution that E* has is great as long as you don't mind crippling the capabilities of your DVR, ie. I should be able to dedicate 2 tuners to 1 television and not have to worry if they are both busy recording something when TV2 wants to watch a show. The other complaint I had about E* is that since I had 2 DVRs they wouldn't allow me another standard receiver for my RV. They claimed that I should be able to run 4 TV's off of what I had. When I pointed out that my 4th TV was mobile and would be miles away from the other 3 they said there was nothing they could do. This resulted in my having to search Ebay for a reasonably priced receiver. With D* this has not been an issue as the DVRs aren't meant to run 2 TVs.

Just my 2 cents.
I personally hope this doesnt happen with D* for the simple fact that I dont trust my roomates to not delete my unviewed recordings and unless a new box is released with a much bigger hard drive Ill stick with each room having their own HR22 with 500gig HD.
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