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I got to finally talk with Tim of DMSI last night. I won't go into much details about our conversation but Tim is a great guy and we had a great call. I love talking with Tim and he is one of the reasons why I am going to miss the SBE Show, it was always great to sit with Tim at his table and talk to him.

The air is clear and I feel good. Again there is NO BOYCOTT on DMSI products, so feel free to visit your DMSI reseller and buy away, I can recemmond them all except for one, and I am not going to mention that one as I don't feel like like giving him a free plug. :)

Mr Buckner has now made his bed, its now time for him to lay in it. :)

Merry Christmas to ALL! :D
I have to say the more I see issues like this here at Satguys, the more I feel that this community is starting to move in the wrong direction. It seems that every 3-6 months Scott has an issue with a competitor site, or some business that has offended him and he need to call in the masses to start some sort of ban or phone pressure. Maybe it is just hot headedness?

It always starts.
So and so did or did not do this.
Lets call there advertisors and or tie up phone lines
Everyone gets into a frenzy
Scott posts Stop the ban we have things worked out and soon will be incorporating something with the alleged offender.

If it is ultimately a negociating ploy, well it works but is starting to wear thin.
Did anyone listen in? I only caught part of it...those of us that don't want info made public...well lets just say that if you are in that camp you would not have been happy with what you heard. :(

Every basketball game that was scheduled on a full time FTA channel was detailed, right down to the channel. :(

Man I hope this doesn't turn out bad for us. Past experience says it will. :no
i've seen a decline in post on wild feeds lately from several places that i monitor ( and yes i know the sports activity has also declined). wonder if this is going to be a indicator of the future. :(
My take on it is that they see it as a market niche. They're hoping to convince potential buyers that there's a lot of good fta stuff to watch and then sell the equipment needed to watch it. Same ol same ole.

I think ultimately it will lead to everything being encrypted and fta will go the way of C-band. Eventually everyone will be stuck with cable, a small dish subscription service, or an over-the-air antenna (that will be my choice, not gonna pay for tv:D)
Do we really have that much to worry about.

Let me see if I understand this correctly

This radio show is promoting FTA via Galaxy 25 which you need an FTA setup to listen to in the first place.

So they're hoping to sell FTA stuff to people who have FTA stuff ????

The only other method by which you can hear this show is thru streaming audio , as aggressive as they wish to be by disclosing this private info on FTA , who are they targeting exactly , I've never listened too much to streaming audio , my guess is somewhere out there there is a Cyber Geek waiting to embrace FTA , which isn't too bad .
I assume they are probably targeting those that are already in the hobby. Most in the hobby already like to buy lots of equipment and try different things out. Which is why it's a hobby.
If we're RIGHT and posting/discussion of feeds turns out to be a bad idea, they'll still be there.

If they are WRONG and posting/discussion of feeds does turn out to be a BAD idea, then we ALL have nothing to watch.

Which would YOU rather? I know where I stand. IMO I'd rather not mess it up for everybody, play it safe. :)
These are My Thoughts on it.....

I'll never believe that posting something in an Open Forum will lead to it disappearing, regardless of whether it totally disappears or is simply scrambled. I believe when something is scrambled, it comes from Greed. The Content Providers want to sell there Product and mostly to Cable Companies, and these Cable Companies seem to think that if anyone can get the channel from an ITC (in the clear) source, such as a Satellite feed, then it's not good for there Business, so they Threaten the Content Provider, by refusing to Air the Content, unless it's Scrambled. And it is something that is going to happen to any Channel that has any intention of being on Cable in Multiple Areas (such as a channel intended for a National Audience). And you can add to this, the Network affilliates not wanting there Programs to be able to be seen from out of market areas, because of there Contracts with Local TV Stations, so they are protecting those stations when they Force a channel to become scrambled. But, I'll never believe that any channel is Scrambled because Joseph Smith-Jones posted on the World Wide Web that you can now see W???-TV in the clear on channel 12XXX H 22XXX on Satellite XX at 9X.0 degrees west?
But with all that said. I fully expect most of the members here who submit a post, to say the So & So Channel scrambled Today because the New Radio Channel on G25 told all 123 people that listened to it, where it could be found. It's their Fault! I wish they would go dark or Shut Up!
Oh No..... We lost another channel today. It's their fault! They should go to @&$*%!

But that's how it starts, isn't it? Joe Geek, toiling in his garage, comes up with a way to watch great tv for free. He tells a few of his friends and makes up some equipment for them too. Word gets around and Joe is spending all his time making equipment. It's all small time, a few thousand at most.

Then he gets the idea that he could sell this equipment and starts to really get the word out with advertisement and such. Then it gets big enough that it catches the eye of someone at "Let's Gouge The Hell Out of Them Cable/Programming Company" and they decide they need to do something about these people "stealing" their programming. Enter encryption. Isn't that about what happened with the programming we used to get on c-band?

Not really a lot we can do about it is there? There is always going to be somebody, like Buckner, eager to make a buck where they see one waiting to be made. It will be relatively short lived and in the end there will be a lot of electronic boxes for sale on e-bay. Maybe Joe can tweak them to be useful again:D
But that's how it starts, isn't it? Joe Geek, toiling in his garage, comes up with a way to watch great tv for free. He tells a few of his friends and makes up some equipment for them too. Word gets around and Joe is spending all his time making equipment. It's all small time, a few thousand at most.

Then he gets the idea that he could sell this equipment and starts to really get the word out with advertisement and such. Then it gets big enough that it catches the eye of someone at "Let's Gouge The Hell Out of Them Cable/Programming Company" and they decide they need to do something about these people "stealing" their programming. Enter encryption. Isn't that about what happened with the programming we used to get on c-band?

Not really a lot we can do about it is there? There is always going to be somebody, like Buckner, eager to make a buck where they see one waiting to be made. It will be relatively short lived and in the end there will be a lot of electronic boxes for sale on e-bay. Maybe Joe can tweak them to be useful again:D

I thought a big part of them encrypting c-band channels was because some cable companies were rebroadcasting the channels without paying.
I thought a big part of them encrypting c-band channels was because some cable companies were rebroadcasting the channels without paying.

Cable companies taking the signal without paying is one of the reasons that scrambling happened. One of the really big reasons that scrambling happened is because cable companies are valued based on how many subscribers they have. Back in the mid 80's, the value of a cable company was roughly $2000 to $2500 per subscriber that they had hooked up. Each time somebody put in a dish and pulled the plug on their cable company, the value of the cable company went down by roughly $2500. The cable companies put a lot of pressure on the providers to scramble their signals so that satellite dishes couldn't get them, or the channels would face being pulled from their cable systems. The cable companies wanted to control the access to programming. I have a recording where Pat Robertson from the Christian Broadcasting Network admitted to being pressured by the cable companies to scramble his signal or face being pulled from their cable systems.
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wild feeds??

No quality on AMC4

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