It's not going to work. Dish box requires a DHCP server, I've never understood why they can't allow for static or DHCP like just about any other device but they don't. your blueray would have to act as a DHCP server on the wired lan but and would also require routing funtionality to route between wired and wireless. The only exception to this would be if the wired port on the blueray could be configured in bridged mode. What you could do is purchase another wireless access point, and configure it as a bridge, even most low end units will offer this function. This will allow you to then wire your dish box to it and have it access your lan and then the internet this way. When acting as a bridge that AP will appear as a client to your other and will not serve clients on it's own. If you needed to you could even connect a switch to that AP and then feed multiple wired devices from it.