XBOX One Owners Thread

Halo 5 multiplayer beta available to Xbox One dashboard preview participants.

I tried to play for about 20 minutes today without getting into a single match. Every time I entered matchmaking it would immediately pop up a full list of players for 4 vs 4 slayer. Just before the level was about to load at least one person would be dropped from the game every time. Then it would just be stuck on searching for players forever with no way to back out. The system doesn't seem to be able to replace players who drop once a lobby is full.
I tried to play for about 20 minutes today without getting into a single match. Every time I entered matchmaking it would immediately pop up a full list of players for 4 vs 4 slayer. Just before the level was about to load at least one person would be dropped from the game every time. Then it would just be stuck on searching for players forever with no way to back out. The system doesn't seem to be able to replace players who drop once a lobby is full.
Bummer, everything I've seen from friends is they're really enjoying it.
After the one match I got to play I had the frustrating wait times again so I decided to go back to Dragon Age. Hopefully by the time the beta opens up to all MCC owners on the 29th it will be much smoother.
After the one match I got to play I had the frustrating wait times again so I decided to go back to Dragon Age. Hopefully by the time the beta opens up to all MCC owners on the 29th it will be much smoother.
That's exactly why I didn't ask for an invite. This is pretty much the beta to the beta, and quite frankly I'm tired of being 343I's guinea pig. I'll wait just like everyone else who purchased the MCC. And honestly the Halo 5 beta is an afterthought for me. That was not an incentive for me to pick up the MCC at all. I just wanted to play the old Halo games.
Here's an interesting deal for Xbox One owners (this may come to other systems but for now it's just for One Owners.)

TellTale is having a deal where you can get 5 "seasons" of games for $55. You get The Walking Dead Seasons 1 & 2, The Wolf Among Us Season 1, Tales from the Borderlands, as well as Game of Thrones. Considering these games normally go $25-$30 each, this is a pretty damn good deal, although if you wait long enough you'll likely get these games all cheaper, but that will take a while. Honestly, if you have an Xbox One and have at least had a passing interest in these titles, this is a great way to start.

Please note: The $55 price is for GOLD Members. If you aren't (but quite frankly at this point who ISN'T a Gold member that has a One?) it costs $110.
Here's an interesting deal for Xbox One owners (this may come to other systems but for now it's just for One Owners.)

TellTale is having a deal where you can get 5 "seasons" of games for $55. You get The Walking Dead Seasons 1 & 2, The Wolf Among Us Season 1, Tales from the Borderlands, as well as Game of Thrones. Considering these games normally go $25-$30 each, this is a pretty damn good deal, although if you wait long enough you'll likely get these games all cheaper, but that will take a while. Honestly, if you have an Xbox One and have at least had a passing interest in these titles, this is a great way to start.

Please note: The $55 price is for GOLD Members. If you aren't (but quite frankly at this point who ISN'T a Gold member that has a One?) it costs $110.

This is a good deal if you haven't played any of these games.

The Gold vs. non-Gold pricing is interesting though. Basically you would be stupid not to get Gold first if you have any interest in these games. They are charging non-Gold members $55 more to buy it. Gold is regularly priced at $60 per year but can just about always be had at a discount. It's currently $51 on Amazon. For less money than buying this at the non-Gold member price you can buy a year of Gold and then buy this at the Gold price.

Evolve's open beta starts today on Xbox One. It will run until the 19th, with the co-op campaign evacuation mode opening up on the 17th. I like how they are carrying anything you unlock during the beta over to the full game. I often don't like participating in betas because I feel it ruins some of the fun when I'm basically just going to have to do the exact same things again when the game launches. Doing it this way is a nice change.

I'm looking forward to trying this. I had a ton of fun with Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 on 360. The combination of a co-op "campaign" and asynchronous multiplayer were something I hadn't really experienced before. It was fun playing as the various zombies and trying to take down the humans for once. All the new modes they were rotating in on a weekly basis kept everything fresh.

Evolve is made by the same team and borrows from that franchise. Instead of a team of zombies trying to stop a team of humans from reaching their destination you have a team of humans trying to kill one person playing as a monster. I probably won't buy the game right away since the friends I played Left 4 Dead with most likely won't be playing this. I do want to use this beta as a demo though and see if I can still have fun with it on my own. I will probably end up buying it on Steam once it gets discounted.

Edit: The beta is coming to PS4 and PC as well but those are limited closed betas. Apparently there are less playable characters, less maps, and less game modes open. They weren't clear how you gain access on PS4 but PC gamers get in if they have Left 4 Dead or Bioshock Infinite in their Steam Library.
I tried the alpha they had on Steam, and I realize these are unfinished, but for f*cks sake give us a tutorial or some sort of guidance as to what the hell is going on. They literally just threw me into games with no explanation. I had no idea that this was akin to L4D until @king3pj said it here because they gave NO info about that.

I guess I'll try it out on my One just because I'd like to use my One as something other than a Halo/WWE Network Machine. AC: Unity has been put on the permanent back burner until they get their junk together (and I finish Shadows of Mordor because I don't see myself playing AC:U and being restricted by their rules when I can just pop in SoM and go nuts.) All I can say is thank God I didn't get the PC version. I mean this is what the game looks like now for dual card users.. and this game came out back in NOVEMBER.

I've heard more than one podcast mention that they think the Alpha did more harm than good for Evolve. They said it was a mess and didn't really represent the fun they had when they got to test the game out behind scenes. They did say that the beta gives a much better representation of what the game actually is. They said people will probably know whether they will like the finished product or not after they play the beta when that may not have been the case with the Alpha.
The whole 'preorder now on Xbox One and you unlock everything' is a bit strange to me.

I initiated the download from that website. It is a little weird because it tells you to pre-order the beta. When you try to get it they tell you to purchase it for $0. It threw me off a bit because my credit card popped up but it definitely said $0.

I think the thing you were seeing was for the closed beta. I believe people got access to that earlier if they preordered the full game.
No, that's an actual preorder bonus for the Xbox One, if you preorder you unlock everything or something and skip the grind... other platforms don't have this bonus.

Thanks for that link though, going to have it ready when I get home then :)
No, that's an actual preorder bonus for the Xbox One, if you preorder you unlock everything or something and skip the grind... other platforms don't have this bonus.

Thanks for that link though, going to have it ready when I get home then :)

Ah... that is a weird pre-order bonus. If they are making skipping playing the game to unlock things a bonus it tells me it's not that much fun to unlock things. That essentially removes all progression from the game. It would be like buying Call of Duty and having every gun, perk, and scorestreak unlocked from day one.

Progression in multiplayer games is one of the things that keep me coming back. Even though you're essentially just doing the exact same thing over and over again it gives you the feeling that you are working towards something.
I jumped into the Evolve beta. I only played about a half hour. The gameplay felt alright to me but I just kept thinking I'd rather be playing Dragon Age so that's what I did. I will probably give the beta another try after the co-op campaign stuff gets added in tomorrow. I always liked that better than the versus mode in L4D so I'm looking forward to seeing what the do with it here.
Does anyone know of a way to stream music to your console while a game is playing in full screen? Last night the best I could do was snap the media player and then stream music via Plex onto that. But if I ever put my game on full screen then the music stopped. All I know is that I had more fun playing Titanfall with Rush playing through my headset at the same time than I have in a while and I'd prefer to keep doing that without having the game screen get smaller.

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