XBOX One Owners Thread

Did anyone else get a message from Xbox Live today about the new system update?

I just got one from Xbox Live saying "You're invited to preview Xbox One updates. Redeem this code to download the registration app on your Xbox One, Launch the app, and follow the instructions to join."

I was thinking about just giving my code away here to someone else who wants it because I'm not sure I want to be a guinea pig for their software updates. It sounds like this might be a program where you get future updates early as well though. I'm not in a hurry to get this update because there are no new features that I'm really excited about. I might be willing to take a slight risk on future updates for a feature I really want though.
I got the message as well.

My son has a PS4 and to me it just looks plain and there is not much to it. I just feel the Xbox one is a game changer.
I got the message as well.

My son has a PS4 and to me it just looks plain and there is not much to it. I just feel the Xbox one is a game changer.

Not me. My PS4 gets much more use than my Xbox One on a day to day basis. The PS4 UI is simpler (in a good way), time from inserting a new game to playing is much faster, and the gaming performance is better. Almost every third party game that comes out is either 720p or 900p on the Xbox One and 1080p on the PS4. Games are the most important part of these systems to me and the PS4 handles games better than the Xbox One. For people who have both, the Xbox One will be used for Xbox exclusives and almost everything else will be played on the PS4.

The kinect works ok but I still find myself needing a controller to navigate a lot of the system menues. It's certainly a huge step up from the 360 kinect and I'm excited to see what it can do over the next few years. The Xbox One menues do have a flashier look to them but I find most things to be easier on the PS4. The Xbox One also has more things to show off to guests but most of them aren't things I do every day.

I don't think the Xbox One is a bad console. If I didn't have a PS4 I would be happy playing my third party games on the Xbox. I just don't think it's better than the PS4. In all honesty most people probably couldn't tell the difference between these games in 720p and 1080p. Still, if you know one is 1080p and the other isn't you will probably purchase the 1080p option.
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Too early to tell how leaving it on will effect it. I do not turn mine off however. Its so quiet I cant tell its on most of the time.

Mine is left on 24/7 and is working great. Cool to the touch, and no issues, although the recent system update threw up a forced upgrade about a week back that caused some minor spousal irritation as she kept trying to press "A" on an XBox 360 controller to clear it. Yeah, that won't work honey. Sorry about that.
I have to imagine that given the costly price Microsoft paid with overheating issues with the 360 (God bless that 3 year Warranty) that they made sure to not make the same mistake with the One, especially given the One would be on more often than the 360.
Not me. My PS4 gets much more use than my Xbox One on a day to day basis. The PS4 UI is simpler (in a good way), time from inserting a new game to playing is much faster, and the gaming performance is better. Almost every third party game that comes out is either 720p or 900p on the Xbox One and 1080p on the PS4. Games are the most important part of these systems to me and the PS4 handles games better than the Xbox One. For people who have both, the Xbox One will be used for Xbox exclusives and almost everything else will be played on the PS4.

The kinect works ok but I still find myself needing a controller to navigate a lot of the system menues. It's certainly a huge step up from the 360 kinect and I'm excited to see what it can do over the next few years. The Xbox One menues do have a flashier look to them but I find most things to be easier on the PS4. The Xbox One also has more things to show off to guests but most of them aren't things I do every day.

I don't think the Xbox One is a bad console. If I didn't have a PS4 I would be happy playing my third party games on the Xbox. I just don't think it's better than the PS4. In all honesty most people probably couldn't tell the difference between these games in 720p and 1080p. Still, if you know one is 1080p and the other isn't you will probably purchase the 1080p option.

Yeah, you would think after 8 yrs. since the 360 release they could at least get 1080p! Personally i'm not too impressed with the Xbone like i was back in christmas of 06 after purchasing the PS3. Maybe both Sony and MS skimped on the hardware so they could still make a small profit? I believe Sony was losing money on the initial PS3 release!
Yeah, you would think after 8 yrs. since the 360 release they could at least get 1080p! Personally i'm not too impressed with the Xbone like i was back in christmas of 06 after purchasing the PS3. Maybe both Sony and MS skimped on the hardware so they could still make a small profit? I believe Sony was losing money on the initial PS3 release!
ALL hardware companies lose money on initial release. The hope is to earn it back with software sales. Nintendo was an exception to this rule except recently with the Wii U, which explains why their recent systems were rather underpowered, but also explained how they made such great profits. Good thing they built up a good bank with the Wii Sales, because the Wii U (and for a while the 3DS) were eating into them like leprosy eating through skin.
ALL hardware companies lose money on initial release. The hope is to earn it back with software sales. Nintendo was an exception to this rule except recently with the Wii U, which explains why their recent systems were rather underpowered, but also explained how they made such great profits. Good thing they built up a good bank with the Wii Sales, because the Wii U (and for a while the 3DS) were eating into them like leprosy eating through skin.

Maybe not this time? According to these articles!
Looks like it's not just Japan... CHINA is getting the One in September. If they can pull that off properly, THAT could be a real (no pun intended) game changer.

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This is the truest statement out there right now! Its dead quiet. As long as they add 3D bluray playback I am set. As I told you on Facebook, I think the overall experience of a xbox one is HEAD and SHOULDERS above what the PS4 offers. It truly is created to be the center of your entertainment and its kinda cool. I dont know if I will keep my tv run through the xbox one forever but right now it works and even my wife and kids can use it just by using their voice. THe one frustrating thing is no auto sign in without kinect. I have my kinect in the back corner just for voice as there are NO extenders out there right now, so either I move the xbox one somehow to the front of the room underneath the tv and projector screen, or to a corner by it and make it look as nice as I can. But to me this is easy to rectify. Again I am blown away by what I was missing and talking trash on, it truly is a great experience so far. Kinect to me is what I thought it should have been when it first came out, and if Titanfall is anything like what they say I will be set until Halo comes out, I just need to get a copy of Dead Rising to play as well!
Do you have a PS4? It's okay to say it's head and shoulders above the competitiion if you own the competition as well, but if you don't it's hard to say that.I have both units and I confess to using primarily the PS4, though not exclusively. I have owned every microsoft console since they got into the game and was overall really disappointed with the things they revealed at E3 when the XBONE was revealed. I know they backpedaled on a lot of it, but it did lead me to purchase my first sony system...and after experiencing both, I'll probably be sticking with Sony.
Do you have a PS4? It's okay to say it's head and shoulders above the competitiion if you own the competition as well, but if you don't it's hard to say that.I have both units and I confess to using primarily the PS4, though not exclusively. I have owned every microsoft console since they got into the game and was overall really disappointed with the things they revealed at E3 when the XBONE was revealed. I know they backpedaled on a lot of it, but it did lead me to purchase my first sony system...and after experiencing both, I'll probably be sticking with Sony.

I have owned all the systems both companies put out. I've liked Sony consoles ever since I asked for a N64 for Christmas in middle school but the guy at the store talked my mom into getting me a PS1 instead. I wasn't happy at first because all my friends were getting N64s. After I had it for a little while I was happy she made that decision.

After that I got both a PS2 and an Xbox. I had the PS2 first but when the original Xbox came out that was by far my preferred system. Xbox Live and it's 8GB hard drive seemed amazing at the time. I remember ripping CDs to the console and listening to my crappy alt-rock/emo music as a custom soundtrack while I played Counter Strike. I loved playing Splinter Cell both online and single player too. The lighting was much better on the Xbox version and to me the graphics looked better than any other game in the Xbox/PS2/Gamecube era.

When the 360 and PS3 came out I was in high school. Me and a few friends waited outside a Best Buy in Michigan winter weather for like 5 or 6 hours on the 360's launch day. The 360 was my preferred console for most of that generation. I didn't get a PS3 until the slim model came out and they dropped the price. I originally just bought it to play the exclusives I missed but when PS Plus came out it quickly became my console of choice.

This generation I still prefer Sony to Microsoft. The PS4 has a little more power than the Xbox One and the free PS Plus games just make it a much better value for me. I don't have cable/satellite so the TV functionality means nothing to me. Blu-ray and all my streaming services work just as well on a PS4 as they do on the Xbox One. I'll get the big exclusives for my Xbox but all the multiplatform stuff will be on my PC or PS4 unless their is extra content or some other benefit to the Xbox One version.

Even though I prefer the PS4 I don't think either console is head and shoulders above the other. They have similar hardware and and 90% of the games will be on both systems.
They need to start making things MUCH more consumer friendly, especially on the XBone side. They are in 2nd place know, and like Avis, need to try harder....

I want custom soundtracks back, and the ability to upload my mp3 collection for playback on any game or content I want. Also, get cracking on migrating more apps to the XBone (HBO Go, etc.).

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