Xbox One launching on November 22nd for $499

I figured they would release it before the PS4 to get the jump on them.
They are, but only in Europe.

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I don't think a week makes much difference especially when both consoles aren't likely to be sitting on the shelves anywhere. People aren't just going randomly see a PS4 in the store and walk out with one because they will be sold out. That being said the US is by far Microsoft's biggest and most important market. Playstation outsells Xbox just about everywhere except for the US. The only reason the PS3/360 console race was close was because the US supported the 360.

The fact that the Xbox One is coming out before the PS4 in Europe doesn't mean much at all. The US is where their money is and they aren't coming out first here. Again, I don't think coming out a week after PS4 will hurt them in any way. If it was a month or two it might matter more.
I draw the line well below $500 for a console; especially one where you seem to buy it over and over with the popular titles costing $60 and up.
I draw the line well below $500 for a console; especially one where you seem to buy it over and over with the popular titles costing $60 and up.

I don't blame you for not wanting to spend $500 on a video games console. It's one of my bigger hobbies so I don't mind putting down money on consoles and gaming PCs, but I can see how it would seem ridiculous to most people. If you are spending over $60 on your games you're doing it wrong though.

I end up playing just about every major game that comes out and there are very few that I am willing to spend $60 on. Most I simply don't have to have on day one. I play so many games that I can't keep up with all the current releases anyways so I don't even mind being a few months to a year behind. I get many of my games from Amazon on console or Steam for PC for under $20 less than a year after they release. I also have a gamefly subscription for $15. That $15 gets me 1 to 2 newish(released in the last month or 2) games for 1/4 the cost of buying one day one game. There are alternatives ways to get your games at much more reasonable prices. PC gaming is obviously the best way to get great prices on games but even if you are a console gamer you don't need to spend $60 per game.
That's why I'll give it 6-8 months before I consider getting my PS4. There are no launch titles worth $60 to me, and there are dozens of games I still want to play on my PS3/Vita at <$30/each. It's been 2 years since I spent $60 on a game, and even then I was applying a gift card.

By the way, why do we need a separate thread for each Xbox One related announcement?
That's why I'll give it 6-8 months before I consider getting my PS4. There are no launch titles worth $60 to me, and there are dozens of games I still want to play on my PS3/Vita at <$30/each. It's been 2 years since I spent $60 on a game, and even then I was applying a gift card.

By the way, why do we need a separate thread for each Xbox One related announcement?

That's Poke for you. Every time he finds a headline he makes a new thread all over this site.

I'm sure I will buy a few PS4 games around launch but gamefly will be keeping my PS4 busy. I will continue to buy most of my games on PC.
It's one of my bigger hobbies so I don't mind putting down money on consoles and gaming PCs, but I can see how it would seem ridiculous to most people.
Most aren't buying the console as a holiday present for themselves. Do you expect that a parent or significant other would buy one for you?
If you are spending over $60 on your games you're doing it wrong though.
Again, we're talking about a holiday gift a (probably non-bundled) game or two and accessories; I read where the CoD:Prestige bundle is upwards of $700. I'm assuming that most aren't going to buy it to replace their Roku or wait to get games for the next birthday. Ooh, they throw in FIFA 14?
I end up playing just about every major game that comes out and there are very few that I am willing to spend $60 on. Most I simply don't have to have on day one. I play so many games that I can't keep up with all the current releases anyways so I don't even mind being a few months to a year behind. I get many of my games from Amazon on console or Steam for PC for under $20 less than a year after they release. I also have a gamefly subscription for $15. That $15 gets me 1 to 2 newish(released in the last month or 2) games for 1/4 the cost of buying one day one game. There are alternatives ways to get your games at much more reasonable prices. PC gaming is obviously the best way to get great prices on games but even if you are a console gamer you don't need to spend $60 per game.
Much of this strategy comes down to how they ultimately handle the rental and trade-in marketplace. Remember their original announcement that they would essentially cut off those markets? While they reversed their statement, I'm betting they are still actively searching for ways to defeat your theory.

I'm betting that the software producers may see the second market in a much different way than Microsoft has capitulated to.
Most aren't buying the console as a holiday present for themselves. Do you expect that a parent or significant other would buy one for you?Again, we're talking about a holiday gift a (probably non-bundled) game or two and accessories; I read where the CoD:Prestige bundle is upwards of $700. I'm assuming that most aren't going to buy it to replace their Roku or wait to get games for the next birthday.

Hey I'm with you here. That's why I said I can see how it would seem ridiculous to most people. I also agree that most of the people who bought consoles to watch movies in the past won't be doing that this time around. If you want a streaming device you can get a Roku for $50 or you can get a blu-ray player that supports Netflix and Amazon streaming for $100 or less. That's why I was so skeptical about Xbox One's TV emphasis. Many here disagree with me but I think for the most part you need to sell these systems to gamers because average people aren't going to buy them to watch TV and movies at that price.

I also understand parents deciding that the price is too high right now. I wouldn't expect anyone to buy a $400 or $500 system for me either. I'm pretty sure that 20 somethings like myself or even older males spend more money on gaming than parents do for their kids these days. People like me are also going to be the early adopters who get these systems at launch. Look at gaming themes. Just about every popular game comes out with a mature rating now. I would argue that video games are designed for adult males who can buy their own systems and games more than kids now.

Ooh, they throw in FIFA 14?Much of this strategy comes down to how they ultimately handle the rental and trade-in marketplace. Remember their original announcement that they would essentially cut off those markets? While they reversed their statement, I'm betting they are still actively searching for ways to defeat your theory.

I'm betting that the software producers may see the second market in a much different way than Microsoft has capitulated to.

I prefer the Sony first party games to the Microsoft first party games but the used/rental game strategy was one of the reasons I preordered a PS4 instead of an Xbox One. I also felt that Sony was catering to the gamer crowd (ME) more than Microsoft was. The PS4 announcement press conference was all about showing games while the Xbox One conference was all about showing off TV and Kinect features that I don't care about. I will likely buy an Xbox One once Halo 5 or some other big first party games start coming out but Sony's strategy was just better for me.

I never said anything about buying used games so they can't defeat my theory. Yes they could go back on their word and block game rentals and used games even though they said they wouldn't but I still get great prices on new games from Amazon and other retailers. All you have to do to avoid paying $60 is not buy games the day they come out. Just wait a couple months and check your favorite retailers for sales now and then. Now if you are a parent who wants to buy an Xbox One and a few games for your kids on Christmas you are going to pay top dollar. That is a different scenario.
So for one week the kids will get to play with the PS4 then just as they are getting bored with it the XBOX One will arrive. :D

Perfect timing Microsoft!

I still have no idea what they are getting for Christmas.
So for one week the kids will get to play with the PS4 then just as they are getting bored with it the XBOX One will arrive. :D

Perfect timing Microsoft!

I still have no idea what they are getting for Christmas.

You are definitely going to be getting lots of cool dad points no matter what you get them for Christmas after that. I don't think the typical American family will be having that experience this holiday season though.
You are definitely going to be getting lots of cool dad points no matter what you get them for Christmas after that. I don't think the typical American family will be having that experience this holiday season though.

In my family, if I did that it would be called "Exhibits A and B in the Yourbeliefs' Divorce Case"
Only reason I pre-ordered was for my oldest son. His fav game is FIFA. FIFA 14 will be a launch title. Now the dilemma, on when to give it to him. I'm going to try and hold out until Xmas. I would hope any of the setup, transfer from 360, etc. issues are all worked out by then.
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Only reason I pre-ordered was for my oldest son. His fav game is FIFA. FIFA 14 will be a launch title. Now the dilemma, on when to give it to him. I'm going to try and hold out until Xmas. I would hope any of the setup, transfer from 360, etc. issue are all worked out by then.

You should have moved to Europe. FIFA 14 is included free with all the Day One edition Xbox Ones in Europe.
I've already heard it from my son. They should do the same here in the US!
I've already heard it from my son. They should do the same here in the US!

I think there are a couple reasons why it's Europe only. First is the exchange rate. Europeans were paying more for Xbox One than we were due to the exchange rate so they have a little more wiggle room to throw in a free game.

Another big reason is that Xbox already does well here but struggles throughout the rest of the world. They know that Europeans like soccer and support Playstation much more than Xbox. They probably figure that if they throw in a game that Europeans like for free they might be able to convince people who are on the fence to pick their system. If they wanted to do the same deal here it would likely be Madden instead of FIFA.
I have to agree with you there. FIFA for free here in the US wouldn't be much of a draw.
Info in improvements to SmartGlass:
Relevent to this board is the last question on how SmartGlass and Xbox One will interact with the TV.


[FONT=wf_SegoeUI]RP: You can do a lot with SmartGlass when you're watching TV on your Xbox One. You can change channels on your cable or satellite set-top box and even control the volume of your television. When you hit volume up on your SmartGlass device, for example, it tells your Xbox One console to send the volume up command through IR blasting from Kinect directly to your TV. Xbox One integrates all your entertainment into an easy to navigate OneGuide—a single destination for seeing what's on TV, your favorite channels and even programs that you watch in your favorite streaming apps. You can either navigate the OneGuide on the TV, or you can access it on your smartphone, tablet or laptop with SmartGlass. So when you're fighting over the remote or what to watch next, use SmartGlass to see what's on and what to watch without interrupting what's happening on the TV or to go ahead and change the channel if the remote is nowhere to be found.[/FONT]
What's the deal with the game resolutions? Most will run in 1080p? Trying to decide which TV to use, when it arrives. 1080p or one of my 720p sets.

XBox ONE and PS4

PS4 Give Away through Taco Bell

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