Some news from Ubisoft. First, there's no Assassins Creed game for 2016, but the movie is still slated to come out in December. Also, Watch Dogs 2 is coming out in the next fiscal year (4/1/16-3/31/17) along with the new South Park game, Tom Clancy Ghost Recon, and For Honor.
Random question: Why is Ubisoft still using "Tom Clancy" for so many of their titles? From what I can tell Tom has no say in the development of the games, and I've found that most people when referring to the games don't even mention the "Tom Clancy" part. I understand they bought his video game company back in the day and decided to keep his name on the Red Storm Entertainment properties they developed, but now it feels like they're just doing it for sh*ts and giggle. I mean hell, Tom DIED in 2013!