But didn't you get your PS4 for free?
Everyone has their priorities and obviously playing games at the greatest level of graphical quality as soon as possible is important to you. I used to be the same way back when I got my first HDTV and thought I needed to buy $100 Monster component cables for the peace of mind that I couldn't do any better (or so I thought at the time). lol
A big part of me still feels like I'm missing out by not having a PS4. But as long as I'm still enjoying playing my extensive backlog on the PS3, and blissfully ignorant of how much better the graphics quality really is on the PS4, I'll be good until exclusives like AC Unity come out. I would point out in terms of saving money that when I do finally get a PS4, I will be paying lower prices for games than when they were first released. I can already get Second Son for $40 and AC Black Flag for $35 on Amazon right now, for example. I know you rent, so it's not an apples to apples point. But that's how waiting affects me in the pocketbook.