X-Box, Playstation, and Wii Game News

Wow! That was incredibly long and incredibly dumb. They didn't even show the game until it was almost over and I had just about turned it off by that point. That being said, a lot of the guys from my long time fantasy football league are picking this up on Xbox One to play against each other so I will be downloading it day one. I can confidently say that my decision to buy the game has nothing to do with that ad though.

In related news, I have been playing a bit of Madden 25 thanks to the EA Access program. I sure hope this year takes a big step forward from last year. The gameplay itself is fine but this is the ugliest game I have played on either of the new consoles. I don't notice it so much in action but players, and especially coaches, look terrible when the game cuts to them between plays.

NBA 2K14 is one of the prettiest games I have played. The players are spot on and every detail down to tattoos and arm/leg bands is there. You can immediately tell who players are just by seeing them. Madden 25 doesn't show anywhere near this level of detail. Most of the players look generic.
Yeah, Madden looked especially bad on Xbox One last year. Here's Madden 15 on Xbox One:

The silly ad was pretty funny, and is all over twitter and the media. Mission accomplished there.
Yeah, Madden looked especially bad on Xbox One last year. Here's Madden 15 on Xbox One:

The silly ad was pretty funny, and is all over twitter and the media. Mission accomplished there.

That looks quite a bit better than last years game. I hope they tweaked the game DVR functionality too. In Madden 25 it records every single touchdown. It's even recording TDs on 1 yard handoffs to the RB when I am playing superstar mode as a QB in practice. I do absolutely nothing but press A to snap the ball and the game still records it.

I like the auto-recording of big plays but recording every single touchdown in every game mode is a bit much. Maybe the system isn't quite smart enough to understand which plays are special and which ones aren't.
NBA 2K14 is one of the prettiest games I have played. The players are spot on and every detail down to tattoos and arm/leg bands is there. You can immediately tell who players are just by seeing them. Madden 25 doesn't show anywhere near this level of detail. Most of the players look generic.
Too be fair, lot less players on an NBA team than an NFL team.
Wow! That was incredibly long and incredibly dumb. They didn't even show the game until it was almost over and I had just about turned it off by that point. That being said, a lot of the guys from my long time fantasy football league are picking this up on Xbox One to play against each other so I will be downloading it day one. I can confidently say that my decision to buy the game has nothing to do with that ad though.

In related news, I have been playing a bit of Madden 25 thanks to the EA Access program. I sure hope this year takes a big step forward from last year. The gameplay itself is fine but this is the ugliest game I have played on either of the new consoles. I don't notice it so much in action but players, and especially coaches, look terrible when the game cuts to them between plays.

NBA 2K14 is one of the prettiest games I have played. The players are spot on and every detail down to tattoos and arm/leg bands is there. You can immediately tell who players are just by seeing them. Madden 25 doesn't show anywhere near this level of detail. Most of the players look generic.

I almost turned the ad off after the first 10 seconds, but glad I stuck with it. I may now in fact be buying this because of that ad. It was so stupid, it was hilarious (to me, but I'm a bit punchy ATM). I was buying Madden every couple of years, but didn't get it last year, so my last Madden is Madden 11. Really tempted to pick it up even if I'm still on the PS3.
I dunno.. I thought the commercial was awful. Incredibly cringe worthy too. Just a bloated mess. It was like it was trying to be a parody of itself, but it just came across as too over the top for me. I think they'd be better off using a long form ad to talk about what differentiates this year's Madden from last year, and remove that stigma of "Just a Roster Update" that follows this series.
I dunno.. I thought the commercial was awful. Incredibly cringe worthy too. Just a bloated mess. It was like it was trying to be a parody of itself, but it just came across as too over the top for me. I think they'd be better off using a long form ad to talk about what differentiates this year's Madden from last year, and remove that stigma of "Just a Roster Update" that follows this series.

I think that's the problem. There probably isn't enough to differentiate this year's from the last, so the Madison Avenue suits went the "eventizing" route in their marketing campaign, reminding fans "Don't get left out. It's time to get back into the game." It worked for me because I was reminded of how much fun I had playing Madden the last time I bought it in 2010, even if the commercial was like a bad, albeit well-produced, Saturday Night Live skit.
Well I have a number of issues the NFL product in general as of late, so I'm not looking forward to this game regardless of what they threw out there. If it leads to an increase in sales then mission accomplished I suppose. It's not like I'll be strapped for games this fall. Looking at my GF Queue I have at least 7 games between now and the end of the year. Hell I'll probably have to upgrade to 2 games a month to handle it.
In my PS-centric forums, I know a lot of Xbox gamers jumped shipped to the PS4 -- that's where a lot of them came from.

As for me, in the past few days I've used my PS3 to play CDs, play MP3 audio from a connected USB drive, and stream music over my home network. I'm still not ready for a PS4 -- or is the PS4 not ready for me? ;)
Sony: We don't know how we sold 9 million PS4s...


Me neither to be quite honest.. I only have one because I got an awesome deal, and I know not a ton of people took advantage of the same deal I did..

In my PS-centric forums, I know a lot of Xbox gamers jumped shipped to the PS4 -- that's where a lot of them came from.

As for me, in the past few days I've used my PS3 to play CDs, play MP3 audio from a connected USB drive, and stream music over my home network. I'm still not ready for a PS4 -- or is the PS4 not ready for me? ;)

I don't regret my decision to get a PS4 day one in any way. Many people recommended waiting a year after PS4 launched so there would be more games to play. That doesn't make any sense to me. Yes, the Xbox One dropped the Kinect and cut $100 off so people who waited might have saved some money. I feel like that is pretty rare though. How many new consoles drop in price during the first year? Sony certainly isn't showing any signs that they are planning on a price drop any time soon. Why would they when they are selling so well?

So we're getting close to the 1 year mark. How are the people who decided to wait a year for more games to be released any better off than I am? They are going to pay the exact same price I did and I got an extra year of use out of the system.

Say Sony does decide to drop the price $50 or so sometime in the next year or two. I would argue that the extra 2-3 years I got with the system by getting one on launch day is easily worth $50.

Now there is the argument that many of the games that have came out on PS4/Xbox One also came out on PS3/360. I know that just out of the AAA games I have personally played on my new consoles COD Ghosts, Battlefield 4, NBA 2K14, Assassin's Creed IV, Titanfall, Watch Dogs, Madden 25, and Wolfenstein all came to previous generation consoles. I could have played all of those on PS3/360 but why would I want to play an inferior version of the game ported down to weaker consoles? I have also played several games that didn't come out on last gen systems.

I have no problem with the people who decided to hold off on their upgrade. I just wasn't willing to wait and I don't regret that decision. My PS3 is still hooked up and occasionally used( mainly for Walking Dead Season 2). I look at it this way, I knew it was 100% fact that I would get a PS4 at some point. Why would I not get it day one and get the most possible use out of it?

You aren't going to get significant price drops, more than $50 or so, until the middle to end of the console generation. In my mind the money I could have saved by waiting for any future price drops is worth it for the extra years of service I will get out of my PS4. In fact, if you prorate the cost by months of use I will get a better bang for my buck than people who wait for the best discounted price the system ever sells at.
I don't regret my decision to get a PS4 day one in any way. Many people recommended waiting a year after PS4 launched so there would be more games to play. That doesn't make any sense to me. Yes, the Xbox One dropped the Kinect and cut $100 off so people who waited might have saved some money. I feel like that is pretty rare though. How many new consoles drop in price during the first year? Sony certainly isn't showing any signs that they are planning on a price drop any time soon. Why would they when they are selling so well?

So we're getting close to the 1 year mark. How are the people who decided to wait a year for more games to be released any better off than I am? They are going to pay the exact same price I did and I got an extra year of use out of the system.

Say Sony does decide to drop the price $50 or so sometime in the next year or two. I would argue that the extra 2-3 years I got with the system by getting one on launch day is easily worth $50.

Now there is the argument that many of the games that have came out on PS4/Xbox One also came out on PS3/360. I know that just out of the AAA games I have personally played on my new consoles COD Ghosts, Battlefield 4, NBA 2K14, Assassin's Creed IV, Titanfall, Watch Dogs, Madden 25, and Wolfenstein all came to previous generation consoles. I could have played all of those on PS3/360 but why would I want to play an inferior version of the game ported down to weaker consoles? I have also played several games that didn't come out on last gen systems.

I have no problem with the people who decided to hold off on their upgrade. I just wasn't willing to wait and I don't regret that decision. My PS3 is still hooked up and occasionally used( mainly for Walking Dead Season 2). I look at it this way, I knew it was 100% fact that I would get a PS4 at some point. Why would I not get it day one and get the most possible use out of it?

You aren't going to get significant price drops, more than $50 or so, until the middle to end of the console generation. In my mind the money I could have saved by waiting for any future price drops is worth it for the extra years of service I will get out of my PS4. In fact, if you prorate the cost by months of use I will get a better bang for my buck than people who wait for the best discounted price the system ever sells at.

But didn't you get your PS4 for free? :p

Everyone has their priorities and obviously playing games at the greatest level of graphical quality as soon as possible is important to you. I used to be the same way back when I got my first HDTV and thought I needed to buy $100 Monster component cables for the peace of mind that I couldn't do any better (or so I thought at the time). lol

A big part of me still feels like I'm missing out by not having a PS4. But as long as I'm still enjoying playing my extensive backlog on the PS3, and blissfully ignorant of how much better the graphics quality really is on the PS4, I'll be good until exclusives like AC Unity come out. I would point out in terms of saving money that when I do finally get a PS4, I will be paying lower prices for games than when they were first released. I can already get Second Son for $40 and AC Black Flag for $35 on Amazon right now, for example. I know you rent, so it's not an apples to apples point. But that's how waiting affects me in the pocketbook.

I will say, however, that the thought of paying $60 for a new Madden game on a last gen console is giving me pause, but I likely won't get a PS4 until Black Friday at the soonest, at which point, I probably won't care about Madden as much anymore.
But didn't you get your PS4 for free? :P

Everyone has their priorities and obviously playing games at the greatest level of graphical quality as soon as possible is important to you. I used to be the same way back when I got my first HDTV and thought I needed to buy $100 Monster component cables for the peace of mind that I couldn't do any better (or so I thought at the time). lol

A big part of me still feels like I'm missing out by not having a PS4. But as long as I'm still enjoying playing my extensive backlog on the PS3, and blissfully ignorant of how much better the graphics quality really is on the PS4, I'll be good until exclusives like AC Unity come out. I would point out in terms of saving money that when I do finally get a PS4, I will be paying lower prices for games than when they were first released. I can already get Second Son for $40 and AC Black Flag for $35 on Amazon right now, for example. I know you rent, so it's not an apples to apples point. But that's how waiting affects me in the pocketbook.

Ha! Yeah getting the PS4 for free did make that decision to get a launch console easier on the wallet. I was going to have one from the start either way though. I had my pre-order in on Amazon within a minute or two of the date and price announcement and mine was guaranteed for day one delivery. As yourbeliefs likes to point out, I should have kept the pre-order and put my free one on eBay before launch. I probably could have cleaned up there.

Your point about launch games being cheaper by the time you get it makes a lot of sense. I was a 360 guy who didn't get a PS3 until a few years ago. By the time I got my PS3 exclusives like the entire Uncharted series, Killzone 2-3, inFamous 1-2, LBP 1-2, God of War 3, etc were all available at bargain bin prices or free on PS Plus. Hell, I got the Uncharted 1 and 2 double pack for $12 new on Amazon. In that way waiting can make a lot more sense.

Like you said, I have been renting most of my console games for the last year or so. The cost of games didn't change for me switching from PS3 to PS4 so I didn't think of that being a factor.

That being said, getting a PS4 doesn't mean you have to say goodbye to your PS3. Mine still got quite a bit of attention, especially in those early days when the new consoles' libraries were so small. Even to this day I'm still going back to it for TWD Season 2 and free PS Plus games. I used it to finally play inFamous 2 before Second Son came out and I'll do the same for Uncharted 2 and 3 before 4 comes out. It's just nice to be able to use that shiny PS4 for games that are on both instead of playing the last gen version.

Anyways, I can appreciate the willpower you are showing by sticking to that PS3 backlog. I just didn't have it even though I could easily have played only my backlog without buying anything new for the last year and not run out of games. Who knows, maybe some of those AAA launch games will make their way to PS Plus before you get your PS4. I'm sure you've been stocking up on those free games so you will have a decent library on day one when you do finally upgrade.

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I had no issue with waiting for a PS4. Like I said, for me it was just that a super deal came out where I could get a PS4 for close to 50% off. A price drop like that was likely not coming for a good 18-24 months, so I figured I may as well jump on the deal especially considering my PS3 was getting little to no usage. It will be getting a LOT more use in the coming months as basically all my fall Gamefly games will be for that platform, with the exception of Hyrule Warriors (for obvious reasons.)

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