X-Box, Playstation, and Wii Game News

Why would they gave you access to all their sports games for $30/year? I don't think this service has any apples to apples comparison to PS Now, it's closer to PS+.

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True. $30/yr for new EA games is totally unrealistic. I just dared to dream. :D
But it's only inevitable that PS Now will offer some kind of subscription service. Not to mention Sony is already dropping its minimum PS Now rental price...

You will immediately see a clear breakdown of what's included with game rentals, so it's easier to tell what content you're getting with your rental, especially since several games offered through PS Now include DLC that increase the value of the offering. Also, in a few weeks, you will start seeing reduced pricing on some 4-hour rentals which will appear at $1.99.

In addition, we've heard you loud and clear for an update on a PS Now subscription option and want to reassure you that we are working on it.


It isn't a huge leap to suggest Sony declining to carry EA's subscription service had something to do with their plans for PS Now.
Yeah it's pretty damn obvious that the only reason Sony turned down the EA program was because it makes PS Now look like a total rip off, as meStevo mentioned. If nothing else, this would hopefully make Sony realize how stupid the idea is of 4 hour rentals. Screw $1.99 for a 4 hour rental. For $1.99 I can get a one DAY rental at RedBox. I wouldn't be surprised if eventually they were to offer something like $20 a month for unlimited playtime of unlimited games. That sort of model is the ONLY thing that works nowadays. Trying to copy Blockbuster is stupid. Look at how good that worked for them in the long run.
Sony is getting a lot of flack for the pricing, and they are coming back by saying the developers are setting the prices, which I don't doubt entirely. But probably an even bigger problem is the selection. I just browsed the PS Now game list on the PS3 (which I imagine is similar to the PS4's based on complaints I'm hearing), and the most recent highish quality AAA game is Saints Row III, which was free for Plus members last year. The rest are what I would call rather old second or even third tier disc-based releases, HD collections (PS2 ports), and PSN titles, many of them QUITE old. I couldn't even see myself paying $10/month for unlimited playing of this selection of titles.
It's not that much of a joke. Sony said the game was 1080p but tests showed that it is not. Purely from that standpoint the man is in the right. Still, the fact that goddamn resolutions are a sticking point with this console generation is rather disheartening. I had hoped we got over which system delivered better graphics back in the 16-bit era..
It's not that much of a joke. Sony said the game was 1080p but tests showed that it is not. Purely from that standpoint the man is in the right. Still, the fact that goddamn resolutions are a sticking point with this console generation is rather disheartening. I had hoped we got over which system delivered better graphics back in the 16-bit era..

I thought it was 1080p for single player and slightly lower for multiplayer. I'm thought they said that a long time ago. Anyways, if a game isn't 1080p they should just keep their mouth shut about resolution. There is no point in trying to get away with a lie because these days someone will find out about it.

Still, I think this guy has no chance of making a court believe that this caused him $5 million in damages.
I thought it was 1080p for single player and slightly lower for multiplayer. I'm thought they said that a long time ago. Anyways, if a game isn't 1080p they should just keep their mouth shut about resolution. There is no point in trying to get away with a lie because these days someone will find out about it.

Still, I think this guy has no chance of making a court believe that this caused him $5 million in damages.
It's a class action lawsuit, so any reward would be spread amongst all the people that purchased the game.
It's a class action lawsuit, so any reward would be spread amongst all the people that purchased the game.

After reading the article again I see that you are right. The headline just says "a man sues" so I assumed that it was an individual lawsuit instead of a class action lawsuit.
True. $30/yr for new EA games is totally unrealistic. I just dared to dream. :D
But it's only inevitable that PS Now will offer some kind of subscription service. Not to mention Sony is already dropping its minimum PS Now rental price...


It isn't a huge leap to suggest Sony declining to carry EA's subscription service had something to do with their plans for PS Now.

Never really noticed this reply because the collapsed threads for news are kinda awful, but I'm expecting a PS Now sub to probably be north of $100-150/year unless it's broken up into tiers. I think they need to get that out as quickly as they can so people can get over the sticker shock. I also expect exclusions, or perhaps some games excluded from PS Now entirely because they couldn't get an agreement from the publisher on a buffet-style subscription.

I'd rather see this tech used for instant game demos (throw an ad in front of it to recoup some costs or something), but then the 720p stream would be a detriment to impressions of nicer looking modern games.
Never really noticed this reply because the collapsed threads for news are kinda awful, but I'm expecting a PS Now sub to probably be north of $100-150/year unless it's broken up into tiers. I think they need to get that out as quickly as they can so people can get over the sticker shock. I also expect exclusions, or perhaps some games excluded from PS Now entirely because they couldn't get an agreement from the publisher on a buffet-style subscription.

I'd rather see this tech used for instant game demos (throw an ad in front of it to recoup some costs or something), but then the 720p stream would be a detriment to impressions of nicer looking modern games.

I would possibly be interested in that if it included PS4 games, assuming the streaming quality is pretty good. I haven't checked out any of the betas for myself yet.

I can't see much of a subscription market for old PS1-PS3 games though. It's cool to play those now and then and that's why the PS1-PS2 classics on the PSN Store for PS3 are cool but I can't see myself paying monthly for old games. I would rather see the PS Classics made compatible with PS4 so you can just buy the games you actually want once for a reasonable price instead of paying monthly.

Another option would be to allow us to use PS Now to play any of our digital PSN purchases on the PS4 without paying to rent them. This would let you play the PS Classics you bought for PS3 on your new PS4.
Never really noticed this reply because the collapsed threads for news are kinda awful, but I'm expecting a PS Now sub to probably be north of $100-150/year unless it's broken up into tiers. I think they need to get that out as quickly as they can so people can get over the sticker shock. I also expect exclusions, or perhaps some games excluded from PS Now entirely because they couldn't get an agreement from the publisher on a buffet-style subscription.

I'd rather see this tech used for instant game demos (throw an ad in front of it to recoup some costs or something), but then the 720p stream would be a detriment to impressions of nicer looking modern games.

It could work like Amazon Prime, where only select video content is available for unlimited sub streaming. The rest is rental.

In other news, one of my favorite games of the past couple of years, Sleeping Dogs, is getting a next-gen release. I don't know that anyone actually asked for this, but if you missed this gem of a game, you now get the definitive version, complete with all DLC and improved graphics (one would assume). Unfortunately the announcement trailer is not done in engine.

It could work like Amazon Prime, where only select video content is available for unlimited sub streaming. The rest is rental.

In other news, one of my favorite games of the past couple of years, Sleeping Dogs, is getting a next-gen release. I don't know that anyone actually asked for this, but if you missed this gem of a game, you now get the definitive version, complete with all DLC and improved graphics (one would assume). Unfortunately the announcement trailer is not done in engine.

I got Sleeping Dogs on Steam for around $5 but I've never actually played it. I've heard that it was a very unappreciated game and I plan to get to it someday. Everyone who played it talks about how good it was but it doesn't seem like that many people did play it.

I wonder how Square Enix will handle the PC version of the "Definitive Edition". When Tomb Raider got the definitive edition treatment they left the PC out of it because it was essentially just them porting the PC version of the game to the new consoles. With Sleeping Dogs, the Definitive Edition is coming to PC too.

Will this basically be a GOTY Edition for PC gamers that includes all the DLC? They tout improved 1080p graphics for the Definitive Edition but I'm sure they PC version could already do that just like almost every other modern PC game. It just seems like the improvements will either be non-existent or very minimal for the PC version. If there are slightly improved textures it seems like those should just be patched into the original instead of trying to sell PC gamers the same game twice.

Then again, I never played the game. Maybe I'm wrong and the graphics will be vastly improved on PC too.
I'm really starting to think that the removal of backwards compatibility wasn't done because it was too difficult, but because all the publishers realized they could just resell their old games and make more money in lieu of making new games with new actual content. Also, these "Definitive/Remastered" editions may as well be called the "F*ck You" editions. Oh, you mean for the same price (if not cheaper) as my day 1 purchase I could have gotten the same game with better graphics and all the DLC included? Gee, thanks. Of course, us PC users will likely be able to get a "Definitive" edition for the PC for about $20 when a sale comes around, but that's small consolation for all the console gamers.
Another option would be to allow us to use PS Now to play any of our digital PSN purchases on the PS4 without paying to rent them. This would let you play the PS Classics you bought for PS3 on your new PS4.
The only way I could see a subscription to PS Now being worth it, would be to allow us to play digital games we've already purchased and/or disc games that we have loaded into the drive.
I'll believe that SharePlay when I see it. Also interested to see what limits there are to that. Must be some bandwidth and time constraints.

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