WS International WS-KU2C Conical Scalar Ring & WS1247 120cm offset dish


Well, someone is going to want to do it.
Let's motorize the beast! - :up

Perhaps those with an actual dish could come up with some ideas on how to strap this monster to the DG-380 motor?
I don't know of anything else I'd want to try it with, including the STAB 120.

For one thing, we need to know the weight of the dish and LNB support struts.
Maybe that main bracket that bolts to the back side of the dish.
But -not- that thing that goes on top of the pole!

If the fellows here could put big Primestars on little 2100 motors, several years ago, I'm sure we can come up with a light weight adapter to mount this dish to a 380!

The Fortec Star 120 and GeoSatPro 120 can be put onto either motor mentioned.
Let's work out a way to swing this nice fixed dish, too! - :up
You crazy mini-BUDders take note! - :cool:

I'm thinking 1x1" extruded aluminum for the bracket...
I've been thinking of trying a setup like that to see if I could lock the Denver Mux on AMC1 , which is currently blocked by trees. I have been maintaining my subscription to them even though I haven't been able to get them since they got moved off of AMC7 a couple of years ago, so I still have the subscription maintained and grandfathered.

If you get a chance , could you try to see how strong they come in on this 1.2 meter with the conical scalar? I finally found a spot for a fixed dish where I can get them and currently have a 90 cm up and can lock the NBC mux on ku fine with that. But the Denver Mux is c band at 3940V.

I know that perhaps it might be a problem to move the dish, but if you are moving it around again could you try it? It would really help to know if the signal is strong enough.

Currently I have a tt3200 PCI card in my home theater , and I just got a DMX741 LNBF that I was going to mess with. I haven't been able to try it yet and the conical scalar is going to be a must.

I am a Bronco fan and have been missing seeing their games.

Unfortunately, trees block most birds in the eastern arc for me and the neighbors won't coperate and remove those 100 foot plus firs so I'm stuck with everything west of 105, with a hole in the trees that gives me 91,93,95 W. I can get a weak lock on W5 at 105W.

If it works I might just put up one or two of these to get AMC1 and G16, 17 at least in Ku with maybe some c-band too.:confused:
It may take me a few days (right now the dish is actually down...thinking of moving it somewhere else) but checking Lyngsat the FEC is 7/8 so you need a major amount of signal to get those

I know on ThisTV (87W) the FEC is 5/6 and I couldn't keep it I highly doubt a 7/8 FEC will work on it
Hmm, good to know. I'm new to FTA, except the Hi power stuff, and still learning a lot. I have a chance to get a 1.2m commercial dish off of a closed video stores roof, and was hoping that might be big enough to lock the digicipher signal. Do you think a 6' Prime could lock them...? Actually the
window of sky I've got to AMC 1 is so narrow that adjacent satellites would probably be attenuated a lot. :confused:

I also have a winegard perfect 10' I picked up used ,set up on the hill above my house, but at most I might be able to get one satellite (maybe g16)
through a hole between two trees. I've tried to find a spot that might get AMC1 from up there, with no luck. A smaller dish might get a look at two.

I can get T7 and West from the best spot up there. Its more restricted there than the 8,5 on my roof, because it is closer to the darn trees and further East , so they interfere even sooner. :(

I would swap the Orbitron on my roof for the 10' but the 8.5 has less wind load, and I have it on a Baird NPRM, bolted to some unistrut rails I mounted through the roof. It was a pain to put in place, and I engineered the roof support myself, but has been rock solid. My wife still complains about it being up there and being UGLY, although you really can't see it unless you are looking for it, or are at least 3 houses away. The 10" would make her crazy, and I wouldn't gain anything but some signal and a a lot of work.

Well, if you get around to it, it might be fun to try. Thanks for replying.:up
I found a minor issue (for me at least)

I decided to move the dish over and try 121 since that wasnt done in the original batch of testing. So I decided to bolt it to the other table (yes the table that got taken out 3 times with the 6 footer). I made sure the mast was bolted to the dish and used some 2x4's underneath the dish aimed at 121 but I noticed the elevation thread bolt is dang near at the end. My elevation for 121 is 31.6. I know I can get down to AMC21 which is about a 30 elevation (I forgot about the C2 skew being of by 90 degrees)

So I cant go lower than 30 degrees elevation. Most folks that shouldnt matter but being at 45N I have satellites on the far west arc that are below 30 degree elevation (127 through 139)

some pics of the 121 dish and the bolt. More will be written up tomorrow (and screen signal grabs)


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I found out the limit of the elevation threaded screw is 30 degrees

took off the C-Band LNB and bracket and put on a KU LNB. Thought about 123W and locked that really well
11720 at 70 quality
11800 at 90-92

then I thought about AMC21...slightly moved the dish over and BAM locked 12180 TP at 99
checked all other TP's and most read around 75-77. Montana PBS is very touchy...was at 30 but turned the elevation bolt 1/2 turn and up to 45, another 1/2 turn and up to 60. The only drawback is the thread screw is countersunk from the bottom elevation bolt (maybe 1/32" or so)

so 30 elevation is the lowest you can go....on the positive I got LPB now at night (which is DVB-S2)......had issues with LPB later in the in it would go out completelly
Tony, do you think it could be motorized reliably? I have a 1m winegard that has issues, even with a DG380 motor (going from 123w to 72w needs my arm to give the motor help). I have a stab 100 hanging around and would really like to change my 90cm GSP to a larger dish, but only if it was reliable to move it. Comments?
You'd have to fabricate something due to a few things
-the bracket requires the mast come in from below
-its a 3" bracket
-the elevation screw bolt only goes down to 30 degrees and most motorized are 23-25 degrees

I know someone did motorize it here recently....lemme try and find it

edit:dang it I cant find it. Someone took off the bracket on the back and bolted a "regular" elevation bracket on there so they could motorize it...and I cant find the pic :(
I'd love to hear how this dish performs on AMC-9 @ 83W. My 90cm is borderline on the RTN channels. I'd like to get something more reliable.
Let's motorize the beast!

I tried getting a quote from Robby on one of these. They are sold out. The good news is that around the first of August there will be a new 1.2m dish introduced. One that has a motor friendly bracket. :)
Does a C/KU dual LNB work with Conical Scaler?

Just curious to find out if you can use a C/KU dual LNB to work with this Conical Scaler. I am thinking about getting the WS 1427 Satellite Dish and a Conical Scaler.

I wonder, if you are interested to collect various C/Ku LNB & Feedhorn combo models from the site sponsors, and do a comprehensive comparison testing and review in your style, how they perform with this dish, in particular the C/Ku combo LNBs & Feedhorns designed for an offset dish. And also compare their performance with and without Conical Scalar Rings (possibly of different size & make). It would be a wonderful contribution to the mini BUD project. I'm sure, suppliers and fans will be delighted to have it done - if objective, of course. Do you think, its possible? :)
Thanks for your quick response. I never thought of trying to get several C/Ku dual combo LNBs for testing performance tests. Its definitely possible. Being retired Air Force and only working part time, now I feel I have some time on my hands to pursue this project. I live in North Texas and our temps are over the 100 degree mark. Probably will launch this project in late September or early October. If I can be of help to this Forum, I will do my best to contribute.
Just curious to find out if you can use a C/KU dual LNB to work with this Conical Scaler. I am thinking about getting the WS 1427 Satellite Dish and a Conical Scaler.

one of the combo units? You can try but they dont work the best. Since the dish is offset and the LNB is designed for Prime focus dishes it already hinders the reception. Throw in the fact that the combo units the KU isnt the best = a bad setup in my mind. I tried it a while back and got blech results
I remember to have seen recently a few C/Ku combo units for sale designed specifically for an offset dish. Some from this site sponsors, and some European. I'll try to find particulars.
none of the combo units from the sponsers are designed for an offset dish.
The 3 I have worked with are the 621-2, C/K1 from satelliteav & the DMX741 from WSI and all are for Prime Focus dishes
Just a few pics: C/Ku Combo units for offset and prime focus dishes. Still working on it. :)


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