What you probably do not realize is that EMM Providers and Authorization Status values are for satellite channels, not for OTA.
You're absolutely right!
Thanks for explanation. I tested it out thoroughly, and got exactly the results you described.
The third issue (0 SNR), is most likely a result of a glitch in the STB software. Rebooting the STB might be able to fix this, if you are willing to try.
Still pondering on that--I just hate the possibility of going back to what I had before Thursday, but in the interests of science, I will probably try it because I was already thinking about swapping the two boxes, but again, just can't bear the thought of going backward! The bedroom set has high numbers for SNR and the picture is pretty poor, but I figured that was just because it's an old 20" SD set. Although the picture I had on it on anlog cable was better than what I have now most of the time. I don't understand about the SNR, because someone else told me higher is better, and if that's true, how I can have a great picture when all my channels show 0.00?
The PQ improvement is the most interesting of your issues. It may or may not be related to other issues you described. Although we cannot exclude the possibility that some glitch in the STB somehow improved the PQ, we should consider other possibilities too. Without knowing all the details I can only speculate, but here are some possible explanations:
Is it possible, that what you are seeing now is real HD, and what you saw before was not?
I don't think so, unless someone forgot to throw the switch. My TV shows me when it's 1080i or 480i, and I've seen it correctly change when I go from a program I know is HD to one that is not. That is, unless NBC (my 3.1) RCA Championship finals and CBS (my 13.1) Golf is not in HD right now, because when I was checking out the EMM stuff it shows NBC and CBS as 1080i and it sure looked HD to me, both were pillar boxed. When I switched to my 13.2 NBC, it was the same golf game, it was 480i, full screen, and PQ was excellent, but not like on 13.1! I don't think I'm hallucinating, and I haven't hit the bottle yet today, so I'm pretty sure it was HD
1. HD OTA stations show upconverted SD material most of the time, and only show true HD during prime time (at least, this is how my local stations do it). In addition, every once in awhile they forget to flip the switch and show HD programs in upconverted SD. I watched Jay Leno in SD a couple of times because of that.
2. Is it possible that your TV set was in some different mode before and was not showing the best possible picture?
I haven't changed any of the settings on the TV.
3. Are you sure you were not using the wrong input (e.g. composite instead of DVI or component?
Now that may be a possibility...when my first El Jerko installer finally got a picture up, there was a message on my screen "Check connections or power. The connections for RGBHV or YPrPb may be invalid." When I asked him what that was all about, he said "You'll have to figure that out yourself, I can't keep track of all the TVs in the world." He said he hooked up the DVI and the component connections, and I'd just have to work that out myself. The message would eventually go away, but when I changed channels, it would come back. Before I had a chance to dig out my Owner's Manual for my Mitsubishi 48513, it stopped coming. But since Thursday it has started popping up again (the blue screen notes are when I get that message. However, the blue screen started coming up before the WOW factor set in, and they're still here.)
4. Which resolution mode is your STB set to?
Native And which resolution has it been set to before?
I think I had it on 1080i before I rebooted it 7/19--the day everyone was having problems with TNT HD, I think.
5. You didn't mention which TV set you have. Most of CRT-based displays are unable to display 720p.
Mine doen't. Some of them down-convert 720p to lower resolutions. In such case, switching to 1080i could give you a WOW factor.
6. Maybe there was something wrong with the STB before, but now it has improved.
I'm convinced that anything is possible!
By the way, since you have two STBs, if you want to try something, you can switch them to see if there is a difference in PQ between the two.