love my 921
I've had virtually no problems with my 921 (love that way I said I had no problems, but really have?) Seriously, the 'only' problems I've experienced with this unit is related to switching between channels rapidly, which (no surprise) caused the computer to hang for a few seconds. The worst thing I had to do once is hard reboot to get the system to recover. Aside from these very very minor glitches, I'm happy. I have two 5xx recorders, a 6000 unit and have sold/traded in other units. I've been with d* now since roughly '95 and have not been inclined to leave since. For those that are thinking of jumping ship to cable, let me offer one reminder: when a big storm hits, one of the first things to drop out (sometimes for many days) is your cable, while your dish hums along so long as you have electricity. I'm a fan of dish, a fan of 921 and a huge fan of time shifting the shows I like to watch.
Keep it up Charlie, try to remember that word of mouth (buzz as they like to say today) goes a long way. Keep your customers happy, we'll do our parts bragging on our systems which obviously helps you.