I'd say I average about 1 reboot for every 4 hours of use, if I use OTA's at all. Sometimes FAR more than that. If I don't ever touch OTA's, it's really pretty reliable with no reboots required.
What is more significant is that the OTA problems prevent me from using it for OTA DVR functions whatsoever.
As a comparison, I now also have Adelphia Cable - both my Scientific Atlanta 8300HD DVR and my 921 (temporarily) connected by RGB to my Toshiba DLP, and by Toslink Optical to my HK AVR. Some comparisons:
HD PQ: They are absolutely identical. No advantage to either unit.
5.1 Sound: Also just the same.
Non HD PQ: Actually, I seem to get better non-HD PQ on my Toshiba HD DLP through cable. However, I seem to get better non-HD PQ on my standard CRT TVs through Dishnet (on my 508/510's, not my 921).
Remote Functionality: 921 is clearly better with UHF
User Interface, and "advertised" features: 921 clearly better, but they don't always work. Certainly not reliable. So far, everything on Adelphia is working as advertised.
HD Content: Adelphia destroys Dish. I get ALL locals in HD, except Fox. I get ALL premiums in HD (of course, 1 per premium). Plus, Adelphia adds HD content at a MUCH faster rate than Dish (pretty easy in this case).
Price: Adelphia is cheaper. To be specific, my monthly bills are lower, and I get more programming. Plus, I don't need to "buy" anything from Adelphia. The price includes rental of my 3 DVRs.
It's really too bad. I really LOVE the 921 - when it works. However, I absolutely demand that it be reliable. I don't want to hear about comparisons to PCs as an excuse for a lack of reliability. That's pure nonsense. PCs allow users to ADD programs, applets, change configurations, do not have proprietary hardware for which that software is specifically and solely designed for, etc. Anyone making that comparison is completely misrepresenting the situation, or has no experience with technical engineering. The fact of the matter is that the majority of problems with PC's (OK, even specify Microsoft Windows) only start after USERS make CHANGES or add applications (meaning CODE!). Your car has a computer that is far more similar to the 921 than a PC. Would you accept your car not starting at random, or simply shutting off when you're on the highway?
The fact that the 921 has been out a year, has been discontinued, and has this well deserved reputation for being unreliable is absolutely without any defense. Additionally, the reason that Charlie can get away with it rather than fixing engineering problems is because people make excuses and accept poor quality. Don't mean to rant here, but this is completely ridiculous.
If you have one and it's working for you, I'm jealous (but would be very wary about it's long term viability). If you have one and it's not working, I'd hammer Charlie until they returned it for a refund like I did. If you're thinking about buying one, well, that's just plain nuts.
ocaddict said:
Hearing a lot of reboot action going on here. On average, how often do you guys need to give the 921 a good reboot to clear any issues? Daily, weekly, monthly?