Would like a refund on my 921...

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Original poster
Nov 5, 2004
I havn't even opened my box yet or set up for installation with the 921. Scott how do I arrange for a refund?

I know its not your fault but anyone who purchased for $839 is entitled to a refund. Thats what credit card purchases are for.

I purchased this only last Week.
Dratifk said:
I havn't even opened my box yet or set up for installation with the 921. Scott how do I arrange for a refund?

I know its not your fault but anyone who purchased for $839 is entitled to a refund. Thats what credit card purchases are for.

I purchased this only last Week.

Claude is working hard to do something, its all in dish's hands he can't refund $300 to each person because in reality after shipping costs he only made about $30 per unit sold.

The MSRP of the unit now is below what he paid for the unit sold to you. I am sure if he could e would give everyone the diffrence out of his pocket, that's just the way Claude is, however his name is not Trump. If you multiplied $300 times each unit sold we are taliking tens of thousands of dollars.

I am sure you could probably return it however I don't believe this is the wisest move as when all is said and done you will be out up to $90 in shipping fees (depending where you live) and that's not good.

In watching the retailer chat again I noticed that Jim Defranco said something to the effect of... "If you purchased units from us over the past weeks give us a call and we will take care of you." I have been in contact with a few dealers who purchased 921's last week and called and got credits from Dish on their account.

I think the best thing to do is to write the person who was the one who decided to change the prices and that woould be Dish Network executive Vice President Jim Defranco, CALMLY AND NICELY explain to him that you purchased a 921 just a few days ago and are upset seeing it at almost half price. Tell him you are a Satelliteguys member and that you purchased your unit from Claude at DishStore.NET. If there is anyone who can fix this problem it's Jim. Jim's direct email address is jim.defranco@echostar.com if you don't hear from him email again until you do. The more of you who email him who were effected the better chance we have of getting you a refund.

Thanks for your understanding and help. :)

Actually its not only a matter of $300 its a matter of $600. As if you are a new customer to Dish as I am you can now have this system for $249 plus you get a credit of $49 in the first months bill.

So I paid $839 and can now get the unit as a new customer for $249 - $49 = $200.

I understand its not your fault and Claud is in a bind too. But I don't think we should be charged $90. The offer I took was $839 with free shipping. You can't go back and charge $90 in shipping after the fact. I do have a print out of the page. Also when shipping is offered free and an Item is returned the retailer can't go back and charge for this. I just spoke with my American Express card and they assure me if this happens I can file a chargeback and as long as I had a tracking number back to you guys and a print out of the original offer They will do a chargeback.
Well the receiver did come double boxed and the invoice with the return policy was sitting right on top of the 2nd box when your unit arrived. If you didn't agree with my return policy then you had the option to call the office and send your unit back right then and there.

Besides that, shipping on a 921 is not $90. Its usually anywhere from $16-$34 depending on where you live if you had it shipped Via UPS Ground.

I understand that people want the best possible deal and are pist off over the $250 price reduction, but im the one who is getting screwed on this deal because I still had 15 systems in inventory and am out $3750.

The thing that people are failing to realize here is that they agreed to the price of $839 when we where selling them 2 weeks ago. The MSRP was set at $999 and not one person complained that I was selling these units at a Discount. The deal is said and done and now that Dish drops their price everyone is expecting to get money back.

DISH is not giving us any price protection on the units purchased last week, if they did I would go back and credit everyone the difference to end the problem. However they have not offered to credit me back on anything.

If you bought a unit from me last week at the $839 price, you can call the office and we'll give you a $50 credit on your order. I can't offer any more, because then I would be loosing money.

I understand we can't please everyone and im truely sorry for all of those where where effected. My suggestion is that you email ceo@echostar.com and let them know how you feel and see if they can do anything for you.


Actually its not only a matter of $300 its a matter of $600. As if you are a new customer to Dish as I am you can now have this system for $249 plus you get a credit of $49 in the first months bill.

So I paid $839 and can now get the unit as a new customer for $249 - $49 = $200.

The price we where selling these at where for existing customers to activate them as additional receivers.

Now if your going to activate it as a Primary receiver and be a new customer and I can verify you NEVER EVER had DISH Network in the past, you can call the office on Monday and we'll run the paperwork and properly activate it under FREE DISH. There is a 1 year contract your going to need to sign, along with a promotional price reduction agreement from the Dishstore. I can't credit you the full $600, but it does give me something to work with and im sure we can come to an accecptable solution.

Unfortunatly if its already been activated as an additional receiver, we are back to the $50 offer as stated above.
Claude why can't you just return these to Dish Network and get back what you paid. I havn't even opened the first box yet to see your invoice and your return Policy considering I only received it 2-3 days.

Every retailer has a return policy and I'm sure most have it 7 days or more. My credit card has a 30 day return policy. By agreeing to accept certain credit cards all retailer must accept a reasonable return policy.

I'm not really interested in gettin a primary customer discount because its clear I can get a much better deal.

at $249 for a 921 for 1st time customer. I'm sorry you got screwed claude but there are many consumer laws out there to protect the customer. If I bought something from buy.com, amazon, Bestbuy, or circuit city they would certainly take someting back in 1 week if the box had never been opened or activated.
Dratifk: Why do you think you can get a better deal at VSSLL than through Claude, or that matter, me or any of the other retailers around here?

We're all playing by the same business rules (well, almost anyway ;) ).
Claude why can't you just return these to Dish Network and get back what you paid. I havn't even opened the first box yet to see your invoice and your return Policy considering I only received it 2-3 days.

Man THAT would be nice, but Dish Network does not play that way.

Email jim.defranco@echostar.com if you have a problem with it, and let us know what he says.
DISH Network also charges a 20% restocking fee, so im screwed either way.

One thing I should mention about VSSL is that they don't even accecpt credit cards for 921's, so if you had bought your system through them there would be absolutly no protection from your credit card at all because you would have paid with a money order or personal check. Try getting a refund or an adjustment for something you purchased with a money order and see how far you get!

Heres a thread on dbstalk your welcome to check out..

But read your return policy, if you didn't activate it your just paying the origional shipping charges. If its been downloaded or activated, its subject to a 20% restocking fee plus the origional shipping charges.
Listen I don't know what rules Satellite Dealers Play by. All I know is I have a Box sitting here which I havn't opened. I havn't activated. I just received it a few days ago. And I paid $839 for it.

I've never been a Dish Network Customer. I'm signing up and want the best deal I can have. I need 4 receivers a 911, 2 basic recievers, and a 811 for a total of four. I want TC60, With ARY ONE Channel (International), HD package and local Channels. I need it all installed with a Superdish which is required for the ARY ONE channel.

Whats the best deal for me? Who can give it to me. VSSLL wants $249 for a 921 can Dishstore give me this deal. If the can I will pay Cash.

Claude I can't read the return policy because its in the sealed box I never opened. Claude if you guys all play by the same rules you should be able to give me the same deal as VSSLL. What can you do for me knowing what I need. I'd gladdly go with you guys. You do seem to have a great rep.
Since your 921 is double boxed, the return policy and receipt are sitting inside the first box, right on top of the 921 box. As long as you do not open the actual 921 box, your not going to get hit with the 20% restocking fee. I suggest you read it.

I really don't see what the big deal is here. if you haven't opened it or activated it, The only thing your paying is the shipping to send it back and the shipping I paid to send it to you. Im the one who is getting screwed.

If I may add, there is no way your going to get 2 basic receivers, an 811 and $200 921.

Your only option here is to sign up for DHA for $49.99, have DISH Network come out and install a SuperDish, an 811 and a 322. After they do their installation, you'll need to purchase another DP34 Switch for $75 since the 921 will be considered the "5th" satellite feed, a $549 921 receiver, $25 to ship the 921 discounted receiver and then pay another $59 to install the 921 since it would not be considered part of the promotion. Your still gonna be into it for around $759 when its all said and done!

The only way your going to get a $250 921 receiver is if you go under FREE DISH and get (2) 311's and sign a 2 year contract. If you wanted to add the 811 to that, your going to spend another $399 for the receiver, $75 for the Switch and another $59 to pay someone to install it which brings the price to $783.

I can offer the same deal as VSSL for new customers because of the reduction in wholesale cost on the 921 from DISH Network. The reason why I do not normally offer promotions on the 921 for new customers is because the only people who call me are existing customers looking to cancel their existing DISH Network account and start another one to take advantage of a promotional discount
Can I get this done through you guys instead of returning the 921. I don't even want the difference back. Just a 921 2 311's and an 811 installed with a superdish and switch.

I'll sign a 2 year contract and qualify.

Let me know.
Call me Monday at the office, we can do a DHA Virtual certificate and have DNSC install an 811 and (2) 311's with a SuperDish for FREE.

I'll throw in another DP34 Switch and pay for the labor to install it.

I make enough giving away the certificate for signing you up as a new customer is enough to cover the cost of the labor, and the $50 I was offering back earlier will cover part of the cost of the switch. You'll still get a $50 credit on the first bill, and there will be no additional charges.

FYI, the 921 would be activated as an additional unit as if your an existing customer.

Office number is 313-365-6004
Just out of curiosity how does the U.S. consumer system work? Here in Canada no store is obligated to provide returns/refund on any product although most stores have one (unless it is under the direct sellers act, where they have what is called a cooling off period for the consumer to change their mind). If you have a problem they could in essence tell you to see the manufacturer. In this case I see the onus being completely on Dish Network and not on the retailer...I find it extremely difficult to beleive that Dish Network would not have some type of policy that would protect prior purchasers for a certain period back (7 days, 30 days, etc).

Just curious.

I remember when I bought my system from a retailer back in 1997 that there was a 30 day guarantee for a full refund. I heard there were such laws stating that you had an x number of days to get a refund but when it comes to price drops it would depend on what the return options there were for you at the time of purchase.
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