would america have been SAFER with kerry?

with who would you be safer at this point? post 911

  • kerry as president

    Votes: 49 37.4%
  • bush as president

    Votes: 82 62.6%

  • Total voters
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Just throwing this into the pot from World Net Daily. Read it and then let's get this debate to where it really needs to be.


Man faces death penalty
for becoming Christian
[SIZE=+1]Despite ouster of Taliban by U.S., court still prosecutes ex-Muslim[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Posted: March 19, 2006
1:59 p.m. Eastern
[/SIZE][FONT=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times][FONT=Palatino, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times, serif]
[SIZE=-1]© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com [/SIZE][/FONT]

Despite the fact the hardline Taliban regime is no longer in power, an Afghan man faces possible execution for allegedly abandoning his Islamic roots and becoming a Christian.

Me again:
It has little to do with who's running this country - other than maybe timing of events.

We are at war with ALL but the extreamly watered down muslems. Some are activley fighting us but many are just waiting. Haven't you ever wondered about the general lack of public condemnation of terrorism from most of the muslim community.

They know this is a holy war and they really think they've got God on their side. They really do believe their god wants them to kill all non-muslims, starting with Jews and westerners.

Anybody that doesn't believe this should thank their bleeding heart, liberal stars that enough of us do believe it because that's the only thing keeping your posey-picking ass safe.
waltinvt said:
We are at war with ALL but the extreamly watered down muslems. Some are activley fighting us but many are just waiting. Haven't you ever wondered about the general lack of public condemnation of terrorism from most of the muslim community.

They know this is a holy war and they really think they've got God on their side. They really do believe their god wants them to kill all non-muslims, starting with Jews and westerners.

Anybody that doesn't believe this should thank their bleeding heart, liberal stars that enough of us do believe it because that's the only thing keeping your posey-picking ass safe.

BRAVO WALT! Great post, and above all else I would rather be fighting them on their own soil, than on ours. But I also want to point out that there are a lot of muslims that do not believe in radical Islam. I feel it is important for us to remember that not all muslims want us dead.

Thank you again for posting this. :up
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BrianMis said:
BRAVO WALT! Great post, and above all else I would rather be fighting them on their own soil, than on ours. But I also want to point out that there are a lot of muslims that do not believe in radical Islam. I feel it is important for us to remember that not all muslims want us dead.

Thank you again for posting this. :up

Thanks Brian. I expect this will piss at least a few here off.

Religion is a funny and often unpredictable phenomenon. I believe it's inherent in the human soul to initially believe in a higher power / creator and that it takes an effort (either by one's own "perceived" intellect or certain events and influences) to discount it.

Because most humans are drawn to "faith" in something, they can be influenced and under the right circumstances, get pretty fired up. Revival meetings and charismatics come to mind. Without "grace", that passion can be manipulated and channeled in the wrong direction.

My point is that while there may be many muslims that appear to be docile and have no interest in "jihad" with the infidels, their passions could just be "sleeping". If these "good" muslims were rising up against their fanatic brothers in condemnation, I might agree but they're not. Don't forget, Inaction is an action. When you "look the other way" to killing, you're enabling the crime and therefore become associated with it.
Twiddle Dee or Twidle dum-Bush or Kerry, all the same. Kerry just had different excuses for the same bad policy. In his campaign he literally said nothing contrary to Bush's proposals but that he had a different rationale.

Both Dems and Reps have given us 40 plus years of failing economic and foriegn policy.
At this point neither represents anything better. Both sides only propose more of the same bad stuff.

The lesser of two evil is still......?
socalpanman said:
Both Dems and Reps have given us 40 plus years of failing economic and foriegn policy.
At this point neither represents anything better. Both sides only propose more of the same bad stuff.

The lesser of two evil is still......?

Are you living in a cardboard box or something? Failing economics? I am a conservative, but to say that both Democrats and the GOP have failed us over the last 40 years is crazy. People today, have more, make more, and achieve more than their parents before them, and generations before that. And they don't have to work as hard for it!
NightHawk said:
I'm gettiing fairly tired of this sound-bite end-game. Can anyone tell me of one conflict where there was an end-game other than victory presented for public consumption?

Exactly right. Can you imagine reporters standing around in World War II asking FDR, "Just exactly what is our exit strategy for the European theatre?" My stepson was in the Army and stationed in Japan about 4 years ago. My own feeling is after the sacrifices made by our troops we should have a presence in Iraq for many years.
joedekock said:
Are you living in a cardboard box or something? Failing economics? I am a conservative, but to say that both Democrats and the GOP have failed us over the last 40 years is crazy. People today, have more, make more, and achieve more than their parents before them, and generations before that. And they don't have to work as hard for it!

Absolutely right! What people lack today is perspective. Many living Americans can't remember the Great Depression, WW II, Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, and so on. They don't realize how good they have it.
Good job Shugo! :up

shugo77 said:
Yes, that's exactly what I mean.

I still feel this way exactly

Do you think we should cut and run and leave the job incomplete? Do you realize that the United States occupied Japan from 1945 to 1952 and Germany from 1944 to 1946 after WWII? Do you think that was a mistake also? :confused:

I can agree with this, there are probably a million people in this country that would make great presidents. Unfortunately, they will never run, mostly because they can't afford it. The fact is Bush is and was a better choice than Al Gore or John Kerry.

Bush was elected because of the strength of the Bible belt. Religion is why Bush is in office not because the guy is a military genius./QUOTE]

What's wrong with that, this country was founded on christian values and the large majority of Americans are christian, but that's just part of the reason., and who ever said Bush was a military genius? He is letting the generals run the war.

I voted for him because;
A.) He has strong morals (I don't think we will catch him getting a BJ in the oval office from an intern).
B.) He is a man of his word, not just a man full of words.
C.) He doesn't care what anyone thinks of him.
D.) He's got the guts to fight the war on terror.
E.) He's honest (he went with the pre-war intelligence given him, he never intentionally lied, despite popular belief among libs)
F.) He actually has ideas, he doesn't just criticize others. The democrats have never offered a plan for anything, they just criticize his plans
G.) He is positive and hopeful for the future, Democrats appear overwhelmingly negative these days.
H.) He is genuinely doing what he believes is best for the country, he is not swayed daily by polls, he sticks to his guns.
I.) He has a Bachelor's from Yale, and a has a Master's degree from Harvard. The man is very smart, maybe he isn't a great speaker, like Clinton, but he is smarter.
J.) Laura Bush is one of the classiest ladies I have ever seen, unlike her predecessor.
K.) He surrounds himself with brilliant people, like Condoleeza Rice.
L.) I do feel safer with him
M.) I liked his education plans
N.) I liked his social security plan
O.) Tax cuts for everyone, not just the poor, not just the rich, everyone. This put more money in my wallet, it put more money in my boss's wallet, which gave me a pay raise. It put more money in the wallets of my customers, which makes me more money at work as well.

this list can go on forever:D

I'll take Colin Powell for president, too bad he'll never run.:(
Last night I heard a knock on my door (True Story!!) I opened the door and saw a woman in her early 20's standing outside. She proceeded to say: "I'm a peace activist. Would you like to see an end to the war in Iraq" Knowing where this was heading and seeing the signature clipboard under her arm, I decided to test her and said: "No" Upon hearing this, a puzzled look came over her face, she said nothing, and quietly turned and walked away. Typical isn't it? Some style ...little substance.
sidekick said:
Last night I heard a knock on my door (True Story!!) I opened the door and saw a woman in her early 20's standing outside. She proceeded to say: "I'm a peace activist. Would you like to see an end to the war in Iraq" Knowing where this was heading and seeing the signature clipboard under her arm, I decided to test her and said: "No" Upon hearing this, a puzzled look came over her face, she said nothing, and quietly turned and walked away. Typical isn't it? Some style ...little substance.

That is classic. Once you get them into a debate they have NOTHING to stand on and resort to namecalling and flipping subjects each time you shoot down their talking points.
You're right. How could anybody respond to his "debate" of "no". Her quietly turning and walking away is the worst sort of name-calling and subject-flipping I have ever heard of!!! The nerve of that hippie! She oughta go back to Russia. No wait. China! No wait North Korea! Yeah. That's it. North Korea with Alec Baldwin and Jane Fonda.
The point of my short story is that she seemed to typify many who are leading a charge against the President. They're willing to take signatures for a cause, yet they really have no idea what they're doing or why they're doing it. They get caught up in a "peace frenzy" without knowing the fulll story and the complications involved. Hence, their inability to speak on the subject. Sure, Rodney King's plea of "Can't we all just get along" is a wonderful thought and one that I sincerely wish would occur. However, it takes more than wishful thinking and a song circle with Kum Bay Ya in the background for peace to occur on this complicated planet.

If the same scenario happened to me in reverse, I would have "at the very least" asked a follow-up question to invoke a thoughtful discussion. This "signature taker" clearly reached her level of incompetence immediately after she rang the doorbell.
GaryPen said:
You're right. How could anybody respond to his "debate" of "no". Her quietly turning and walking away is the worst sort of name-calling and subject-flipping I have ever heard of!!! The nerve of that hippie! She oughta go back to Russia. No wait. China! No wait North Korea! Yeah. That's it. North Korea with Alec Baldwin and Jane Fonda.

the siberian salt mines would suffice.
sidekick said:
The point of my short story is that she seemed to typify many who are leading a charge against the President. They're willing to take signatures for a cause, yet they really have no idea what they're doing or why they're doing it. They get caught up in a "peace frenzy" without knowing the fulll story and the complications involved. Hence, their inability to speak on the subject. Sure, Rodney King's plea of "Can't we all just get along" is a wonderful thought and one that I sincerely wish would occur. However, it takes more than wishful thinking and a song circle with Kum Bay Ya in the background for peace to occur on this complicated planet.

Perhaps she didn't feel like getting into an argument or debate with someone that she felt was caught up in a "war frenzy", who would rather be sitting in a song circle singing the Battle Hymn of The Republic. Political extremist stereotypes go both ways.

Or... you said "no", and she respected your wishes. Imagine that? Good manners. Respect. What will these peaceniks resort to next?!!!
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Gary the point was at liberals in general, not some crack whore that was promised a rock for 25 signatures. laugh all you want, but the Dem's have been proven to use this strategy during the last election here in Ohio!!!
dragon002 said:
uhhh, no gary,

i do believe they are compliments of a mr josef stalin.
He was the Klingon, right? (BTW, you might want to have that shift key looked at.)

Eric Goempel said:
Gary the point was at liberals in general, not some crack whore that was promised a rock for 25 signatures. laugh all you want, but the Dem's have been proven to use this strategy during the last election here in Ohio!!!
I think a rock of crack is worth more than 25 signatures. Those Dems were gypped! (I hope I didn't just insult some lying thieving Gypsies with that term. Or, lying thieving Dems for that matter.)
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GaryPen said:
He was the Klingon, right? (BTW, you might want to have that shift key looked at.)

No , actually the Klingons and a Mr Kerry share many facial qualities.

Mr Kerry and the Mr Stalin do share the same political views.

the Klingons and Mr Stalin were both bloodthirsty killers.

hell i dont know maybe they are all the same:rolleyes:
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