Wives and BUDs

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My wife is embarrassed that someone might see my three kU and one C band dish in my back yard. She really enjoys watching the programming that these dishes pull in. In fact she is the one that watches it every chance she gets. I spend my leisure time reading or doing office work while she is watching the TV.

Around here many if not most houses have at least one dish on them and most of them have three dishes. Those would be DirecTV and then Dish when they dropped DirecTV. Their third dish would be for internet service. Most of these farmers also have a dish up for farm related things. So I really do not understand her embarrassment.

We live in the country so no one can see any of this equipment unless they come to my home and look into the back yard. Even then the dishes are about 100' from the house behind some trees. The nearest neighbor that might see them would have to have a telescope to see that it is a dish since they are over a mile away.

We have lived here over twelve years now with satellite dishes up. Within that time we have not had a single comment or complaint about this satellite equipment from even one mosquito or raccoon.
My wife is embarrassed that someone might see my three kU and one C band dish in my back yard. She really enjoys watching the programming that these dishes pull in. In fact she is the one that watches it every chance she gets. I spend my leisure time reading or doing office work while she is watching the TV.

Around here many if not most houses have at least one dish on them and most of them have three dishes. Those would be DirecTV and then Dish when they dropped DirecTV. Their third dish would be for internet service. Most of these farmers also have a dish up for farm related things. So I really do not understand her embarrassment.

We live in the country so no one can see any of this equipment unless they come to my home and look into the back yard. Even then the dishes are about 100' from the house behind some trees. The nearest neighbor that might see them would have to have a telescope to see that it is a dish since they are over a mile away.

We have lived here over twelve years now with satellite dishes up. Within that time we have not had a single comment or complaint about this satellite equipment from even one mosquito or raccoon.
................since she's embarrassed by the presence of the dishes, but enjoys watching what the "embarrassment" brings to the TV screen, I would mildly say to her.............I see your point, the dishes will be coming down the first chance I get." Let see what she says then! ;):D
my wife gets all huffy when i say i an going to put up more dishes, but in the long run she gives in as i have 2 ten footers up for cband 1 for the 4DTV and 1 for fta, 1 -30 inch with motor,1- 30 inch stationary,and my bell sub dish
My wife loves what our 9' H-H C/Ku BUD can do while hooked up to the DSR-922 & HTPC. Actually, she says... "I like what you can make it do", LOL.

I already have permission for a stationary farm including large C-band dishes (if I ever get around to it). I have a nice place down over the hill which is mostly out of site from the house & yard. It has an excellent view of the southern sky.

The exsisting 9 footer is in the back yard, but seeing just one dish doesn't bother her. We live in the sticks, so no neighbors can see any of this.

As far as the money goes, I don't spend a lot on other hobbies, so I get a lot of lee-way on this one. Besides, compared to what a pizza sub can add up to over a few years time, we're probably ahead by quite a bit. There's no tellin' how much you'd spend on a sports package to get all the NCAA football & basketball games that I watch.

If I ever do put up a stationary farm, the C-band dishes will be free anyway. I'll just have to buy Ku dishes & LNBFs, some C-band dual LNBFs, and the appropriate switches & cables.

My wife is very cool about the whole thing... as long as I'm the one that operates it. :)

Well, guys.....I am a wife. I love these dishes and electronics. You can see what we have by my signature. The more the merrier. We live in a rural area, so who cares how many we might end up having one day.

I am the one who programs in the 920 and 922 and the FTA. I locate the schedules for the FTA. I try to figure out programming issues. He is the one who figures out what he wants to watch and how to hook up the home theater systems and hook up the receivers to the other televisions. He also figures out the equipment set-ups and other things. I

BUT, try to tear him away from a good movie or sports to get outside and mow the yard, etc. has to be done during commercials or halftime!:D:D:D

I may ask some dumb questions (there is never a dumb question when trying to figure something out :D), but the answers I get certainly do help ( most of the time :)). Some of the questions I ask are his (never a dumb question from him, of course.)

Having these dishes and receivers and its programming sure beats the heck out of paying for channels we would never, ever watch.

If you can consider a 7.5' dish a BUD...

Being able to watch Craig Ferguson in HD at 10:40pm made all the difference.

Besides, I tucked the dish in the corner of the lot.
My wife is kool with the whole setup once i do my part in or alround the home and she can watch TV when she's ready. . .thats why i got rid of my 4' CM and got 'HER' her very own 6' CM ;) happy wife = happy home. . . and i keep my 10' and 12' mesh BUDs to scan the skies.
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