wireless within 2 yrs!

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I wonder if it is possible to make a dish reflector out of a solar panel which would absorb sunlight and reflect the microwaves? Or it could be mounted right off the dish or on the backside of it if the solar array has to be a seperate piece from the dish.
We really need to get into the raw, untapped power of gerbil wheels...

C'mon squeakers, signal strength is only 85...
Backup batteries where you have a bunch of batteries there and when one set goes out another set takes over which would only require replacement once every 5-10 years? Solar power? Maybe they think that by the time the batteries go dead that a new dish would be needed anyways.
I would think it makes the most sense to have a hardwired centrally located receiver. I'm assuming this is like the home media center deal I've read a little about on this forum. The one or two (or more) coax cables pulled from the dish/multiswitch to the central box location and wireless from there to the rest of the home. At least the installs would be much easier only pulling cable to one location. I know I would've loved that when I installed my system. Then they could put antennas on each receiver similar to the ones that I had on my uhf remote controlled 508/510 Dish DVRs. Then everytime someone calls me on my cordless phone my tv goes out. ;)

Edit: I would assume the hardwired central box would take care of the power requirements for the lnb/multiswitches. No 9v batteries or solar panels. :)
or maybe the need to not have installers.

if the dish wireless-ly talks to a router in the house, and all recievers are fed by the router, then they still need to pole or house mount the dish and point it for signal quality. I think most people will do this themselves, but then again, people pay geek squad 100$+ an hour to add a stick of ram or remove spyware.
80% of those folks would rather pay a qualified Tech to install "ANYTHING", rather than do it themselves... LOL

I straightened out a mess on a Client's Computer last week, that the "Geek Squad" guy couldn't fix... Boy did he get his a$$ kicked by Best Buy's Mgmt... LOL
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HD upgrade

International 95 Satellite, which Multi-switch
