ok. i know my true south satellite is 121 west..my long is 120.61154. ok. here is my question! i know that the center of the motor and center back of dish shoul face true south. understand that. now without using any usal or disecq on the coolsat pro receiver....can i manually turn my whole assembly to find my 121...i know my motor elevation = 53 deg and dish elevation 24 deg...my lat. is 37.398019..once i find the dish logo. can i tighten everything up. and then go to the receiver setting and store 121 with long and lat...and then start searching for the complete arc...lately it is someone what confusing, many people with different ways to find the true south...from my location i should be just about dead center to my true south...what do you think Pete and Iceberg and other mods and members?