Windows XP on PS3

Great... almost 2 mins from cold boot to Fedora desktop then 5 and a half minutes to emulated Windows desktop.

Total of ~8 minutes to get an emulated, slow-ass XP. Truly unimpressive.
So, someone show me the XBOX360 running XP or Linux? What is impressive is that the PS3 does this at all! Anybody remember when the Amiga ran an emulation that allowed it to play Atari games? Was slow and clunky but cool. Geeks love this kinda of stuff.
So, someone show me the XBOX360 running XP or Linux?
What is impressive is that the PS3 does this at all!

Once again you obviously have no clue about the story yet you are stating something... it's rather unimpressive how hackable the PS3 is.
It's either Sony did it deliberately saying it's slow anyway to use it as a dedicated linux machine (unlikely) or they were arrogant/stupid/overwhelmed enough not to lock down the machine properly.

Anybody remember when the Amiga ran an emulation that allowed it to play Atari games? Was slow and clunky but cool. Geeks love this kinda of stuff.

You meant sub-20 ys old basement 'geeks', huh?
IMO i is anything else (interesting/crappy/boring/etc) but impressive...
Actually this is very good news for Sony. Reguardless of how slow or even if functional, if the PS3 can do this (run various OSs) then in Europe the PS3 will be classified as a computer. This will make the PS3 cheaper to sell in the Eurpean Market. Not all news is bad news.

On another note, who cares if you can hack the PS3. News Flash T2k -- anything can and eventually will be hacked - period!
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Windows Xp, will be much faster if it wasn't booting behind linux. Maybe I will try to install the windows vista demo I have, when the 120gig hard drive I brought for my ps3 arrive.
Windows Xp, will be much faster if it wasn't booting behind linux.

Khm, there's a good reason for that...

Maybe I will try to install the windows vista demo I have, when the 120gig hard drive I brought for my ps3 arrive.

Ummm sorry to burst your bubble but your PS3 will be a Cell-based unit, not x86/64-based that all Windows supports...

So do you understand now why the linux is there? ;)
WRT to the slowness, besides XP being emulated, afaik, the linux kernel was NOT optimized for the cores of the PS3, much like it (Linux) can be optimized for the Pentium or Athlon, also the PS3 compared to a modern PCs, sorely lacks RAM needed for virtualizing, I think the ps3 has 256 megs compared to a average PC (used for virtual machines) that would have 1 gig minimum, so lots of swapping is going on on that machine.

Code in some optimization, and use a better emulator (vmware for linux, perhaps), and it (XP) may perform better, although probably never as well as XP in a non-emulated enviroment. If you could throw in some RAM, that would help immensely. ;)
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More RAM would obviously help but wouldn't solve the problem of Cell: it's not a general purpose CPU, it's inferior to those in many ways. For streaming stuff it's excellent but pretty much that's it. Heck Cell doesn't even have any prefecth...

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