Will Voom go out with a bang?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jun 23, 2004
I wonder if Voom will do something like air the "best of" on all of the 21 channels leading up to shut down? It would be a great way to generate at least some good will.

Maybe a final "message from Charles Dolan" to air at the last hour on HDNews that will let us know how they plan to keep Voom (programming) alive?
I think Voom's last day they should have some of the hottest news and sideshow chicks duke it out in a wet T-shirt HD contest.
If a tree falls in the woods ....

Sadly, by the last day I suspect that most subs will have already cut over to whoever their new provider will be. My own Comcast install is next week. :(
I've got comcast coming this weekend, but I am going to keep Voom till the end. They still have Roger Dodger to premier that I want to see. Today they premiered Perfect that I also wanted to watch (very good PQ, btw).

This is what I think will happen. VOOM will quietly go away. There might be some test patterns sent or Cablevision will let E* use some space on the satellite so that the FCC doesn't revoke Cablevision's licenses for non use.

The exclusives may still transmit as a demo for potential cables systems, can't very well sell channels to cable companies if they can't see what the channles are like.

Those of us that hung on till the end are lucky and get to continue to view the VOOM 21 in their new state as channels instead of exclusives until the 21 channels migrate to another satellite.
I am just going to hold and see what's offered by all the providers. I am in no hurry to jump. I am also investigating the Canadian option. Adelphia here is weak in terms of HD offerings.

The PQ which I have been a critic of until last week is really stunning now. The new encoders are finally doing the job they were intended to do....for 3 weeks.
Got my comcast dvr

Picture IS good.

Watching Local Comcast NESN-HD Boston vs Yankees right now

Still A Boston Voomer - I still have my voom also connected until the day it goes black.
I mean this is in a good way of course.

Since they won't do it on Spice Hotel, either Erica or Patricia saying "farewell gang", on HDNews. Though most likely Logan Crawford saying, "th, th, th, that's all folks!"........ :no

(Then the new name and logo going up.) :yes
I'm hoping a new carrier will just pick up at 12:01 MAy 1st and say ,you are now watching
bla bla bla network, with all your old voom 21 channels...Then no black out..Happy ending :)

Ha voom already stopped?

The definition of "Voom"

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