Will this Forum close if....

There's been Sony bashing, Microsoft bashing, Toshiba bashing, Samsung bashing, Universal bashing, Fox (well deserved) bashing, Weinstein bashing, Warner bashing, etc.

The rules of the forum clearly state: Attack the formats but not each other.

Seriously, Dfergie. I can understand you not buying a BD player due to pricing, incomplete specs, features lacking, lack of interest etc. However, not buying one because of the people on sat guys? Now, I could almost understand avoiding it because of the 'tards on blu-ray.com.

Sorry, but I have to agree.
How and who will you choose from among DTV, DBS and DISH? Surely you must have seen all three of these bashed at one time or another.
How about just dropping the "HD" and call it "The DVD / Blu-ray WAR ZONE!".

This is the format war to follow now.
....but, I will NOT buy a BD player because of the BD supporters attacks here and at other forums...
With that attitude or mind-set, it could be awfully hard to buy/support anything unless you put blinders on and pick and choose what you want to "hear".
...I guess to you it was okay to call BD supporters idiots, stupid, dumb, childish, and other names...
Poor Joe...:)
I find claims that 2+2=5 much more insulting than all the terms above...
And most of your posts I took an issue with were of that type.
And you still haven't retracted some of them... :)

Just my upbringing... sorry...I can get the progamming from the backdoor(DBS, DirectHD and DishHD), might not be 1080p but, I can breath easier with the thought that I did not go with folks like that ;) we pull over for funeral processions here still an remove hat's or cap's.. just the way I live and think. Respect...
Umm, have you visited the Directv/dish network war zone? No different between those two groups than here....

Im sorry, you explanation does not make it any more rational, in my mind. Of course you are free to buy or not buy whatever you choose:)
I think that this forum could become like the History Channel. You know, "Great Battles of the 21st Century". We can all come in and talk about the good old days when a war was really a war.
If the man wants to protest and watch Beta max on a Black and white TV ! Who the HELL cares let him! Dfergie enjoy your beta max on your rca tv!