I provide plenty of leadership and guidance by telling them the truth....and not sugarcoat things and treat them with respect, not baby them with cute little slogans and wishful thinking. We have 60 kids a year tryout every year for VERY few spots, tand those that make it...I tell them the truth. NOT the Bullsh!t their parents feed them or their buddies feed them. Out of every 100 ALL-State or ALL County ballplayer that goes through a VERY talented state like Florida, 5-10 make it to the major leagues...THAT'S it. When they leave our program, there are 2 ways of making it...the hard way of working hard and IF a lucky break happens, you make it. The other way is the easier more costly route and that is using performance enhancers. You will not use it in my program, but once you leave....if your considered "man enough to shoot a gun for your country" then you are man enough to make a decision which path to take....plain and simple....black or white....