Did that say that, unless there is competition, BHN will sc*** us? BTW in Brevard, there is no competition....They definitely have a better price package. I feel that in time, (most likely when fios has wired everywhere with their cable, that will probably be the time BHN will become competitive.
they will try with the download. they don't even come close with the upload currently.
The yhave plans "close" and at better prices.. and at upload they can raise as well.. With the new split node setups they have double the upstream of before. They can even split it one more time if they need to, but implanting a new Node+1 system would cut down modems per node and also increase the upstream power..
So yes they can compete if they choose to. and trust me they want let someone run in their backyard without a leash....
Is BHN still tying their higher speeds to bundles of services?
I have the 10/1 Mb plan (tied to digital cable), and would gladly upgrade to a 15 Mb plan, but it is tied to having BHN phone services.
I realize I'm not a marketing/management person, but it seems silly when a customer wants to give you more money monthly for a service, and you say "No, you have to order this other unrelated service too."
Anyway, FiOS will keep BHN honest, but Verizon has to prove that they are as reliable as BHN in addition to just outperforming them on Mb or Mb/$.
what do you mean by reliable? i have had both and have had more reliability problems with brighthouse.
they only time i have been down with verizon interenet is when a fiber line was cut.
I can make that same claim as well.
In fact, in the last 3 years, I was only down once, and that was cause the modem I have had for the past 6 years let the genie out!
Pretty reliable if you ask me!
I agree, i been with bhn for 2years and 2 months..I have never been down with the internet and only once (recently, fixed right away) my phone was off for a short time due to modem error or needed reactivation...and my internet always ran great at any time of the day/week, non of that (slowdown) due to, to many people using it etc...
now to Khandurian, how is it that a fiber got cut?...isn't verizon new wires all underground?...either way thats odd for a wire to just get cut...unless u meant it, in a different way? pls excuse me if so.
so yea also, now with the new standard speeds of fios (20 down,5 up)..will bhn upper their speeds again? i know they usually do..but i wonder if they will withing the next few months ??, from my understanding i know bhn can handle alot more bandwidth with no problems....especially when i know bhn is always expanding, so i know (like i said) they always upper their capacity all the times....so bhn shouldn't have any issues not being able to upgrade the speeds...but yea,any info would b great...![]()
The reason it got cut is because its underground... Happens to us all the time. Probley one of our biggest contributers to our outages.. Between that and mother nature if neither of those were involed we'd have a 100% uptime.
hmmm, but I don't understand...if its underground how does it get damaged? shouldn't it be alot more secure from anything,then the wires up in the poles?...
yea, u guys are right. dint think about it that way lol...isn't the wire underground,usually by the street than in the yard of a persons house? either way i can understand how ignorant people are not following rules...must b annoying to dig and repair the messed up wire lol...
casper where do you work I assume CFL because of your knowledge of our local news![]()