so yea...*bumping* this thread...nobody knows anything if the bhn people will upper their speeds a lil more???....i know bhn can do more, and i know they will not go out of business if they did 

Is BHN still tying their higher speeds to bundles of services?
I have the 10/1 Mb plan (tied to digital cable), and would gladly upgrade to a 15 Mb plan, but it is tied to having BHN phone services.
I realize I'm not a marketing/management person, but it seems silly when a customer wants to give you more money monthly for a service, and you say "No, you have to order this other unrelated service too."
Anyway, FiOS will keep BHN honest, but Verizon has to prove that they are as reliable as BHN in addition to just outperforming them on Mb or Mb/$.
I'm expecting a huge upgrade in 2009 because there wont anymore analog, which will free alot of bandwidth
I totally agree! I tried to get the higher speeds and was turned down every time. They insisted that I had to have their digital cable to get the 10/1 package. Why? I'm very happy with Directv and I get channels that BH does not offer. BH agreed to give me a free month of digital cable service to try it out and be able to get the 10/1 package. While I enjoyed the 10/1 speeds, I did not like the picture quality. It was horrible even after going thru several boxes and visits to check signal levels. So I stopped the cable service and lost my 10/1. I was told that at some point those speeds would be available without the need to get cable or phone. I'm sure FIOS has something to do with it. All I have to say to BH is don't bother to call me or offer me the higher speeds when I call them to cancel when FIOS is available in my area later this year.