Wii strapped recalled

Man every time I read these stories I crack up. As much as this is a recall, its not all that bad. I really think Wii is the big console winner with this controller. I cant wait to get one and break my TV. LOL :)
wow. you people dont surprise me. if this was a sony controller recall, there would be endless bashing

Huh? Well, if Sony controllers were crashing through plasma tvs, maybe :) Not sure what brought on that happy comment, but whatever. (I have a PS3 on order btw)
wow. you people dont surprise me. if this was a sony controller recall, there would be endless bashing

HMM... $250 vs $600, Material failure vs. serious burns because of Sony's battery quality. One poses a safety issue to your TV while the other may pose a safety issue to yourself. If you can't see it, then let me break it down for you... One is a minor issue and the other IF arises is a major issue. Understand?
HMM... $250 vs $600, Material failure vs. serious burns because of Sony's battery quality. One poses a safety issue to your TV while the other may pose a safety issue to yourself. If you can't see it, then let me break it down for you... One is a minor issue and the other IF arises is a major issue. Understand?

whos had battery problems in their remote? I have not read a thing about this. Also if you go the wiihaveaproblem.com there is a lot of people in there who look pretty beat up to me! :)
people really took that battery issue seriously. my battery didnt explode. Nor did my friends who have the same laptop. I wish it had happened so i vould have sued Sony. it's not like it would have killed me, and if you find some info where one did kill someone, then all i can say is that i'd take my chances
people really took that battery issue seriously. my battery didnt explode. Nor did my friends who have the same laptop. I wish it had happened so i vould have sued Sony. it's not like it would have killed me, and if you find some info where one did kill someone, then all i can say is that i'd take my chances

You must have some demented death wish... WHY on Earth would someone WISH that an accident like that would happen just so they can sue someone else. If it DID explode in your hands, depending on the burns, may not be able to use your hands again and strung out on opiates to releive the pain. Only thing that small to cause a large enough explosion to kill someone is C4 and even that remains more stable then the recalled Sony batteries. By the way, please quote where I said it would kill, if you can.

Good job though in trying to take it to an extreme. Let me know if Sony starts making their controllers out of C4.
whos had battery problems in their remote? I have not read a thing about this. Also if you go the wiihaveaproblem.com there is a lot of people in there who look pretty beat up to me! :)

Where did anyone say that there was a battery problem in the Wii remote? The problem is in the straps.

Of all the injury pictures, only one may gave been caused by the controller itself. The rest were self inflicted,

Shall we go over the list?
1. guy in arm sling -- of the hundreds of Pro baseball players, no one 'fractured their clavicle' dislocated shoulder maybe, fractured clavicle doubtful. Doubtful that the Wii controller caused a fractured clavicle. Dislocated shoulder maybe and then, is the bat at fault if a pro ball player dislocates his shoulder or is the player?

2. Girl with dislocated knee -- lets see here... cluttered area + high heel shoes + physical activity. Does she go jogging in high heels too? Apparently she plays tennis in high heels. Look out Serena Williams here comes the next new tennis diva. Wii Controller not at fault.

3. IGN employee with fingers taped -- she got so angry that she slammed the controller on a table and it shattered in her hands. Is that normal use? Normally if you slam plastic objects and they shatter they to produce glass like shards able to cut. Most people tend to thow their controllers. Wii controller not at fault here.

4. Bruise on the head -- I can see this happening because she was playing wii bowling and the controller flying straight up and hitting the ceiling and falling back down onto her head. This one, because the strap broke would be caused by the defect in the Wii controller.

5. Woman with the swollen eye. Boyfriend accidentally smacked her because she came too close while he was in the middle of playing. Wii Controller not at fault. Her fault.

6. Kid with the cuts on his knuckles -- Close quarters or not making sure there is enough space. Wii, does not dictate where you place your furniture. As a matter of fact, the furniture was probably there before they got the Wii. They knew what Wii games entail before buying it. Maybe they need to make sure they have a fairly clear area before getting carried away with a physical game.

So as I have said. Only 1 injury was probably caused by a faulty strap. The rest are self inflicted.
HMM... $250 vs $600, Material failure vs. serious burns because of Sony's battery quality. One poses a safety issue to your TV while the other may pose a safety issue to yourself. If you can't see it, then let me break it down for you... One is a minor issue and the other IF arises is a major issue. Understand?

you are talking about batterys here, I am trying to figure out who had a battery issue in their remote??? we are in the video game forum, and everyone including HPman has been talking about remotes, where does this come into play? also no need to break anything down on my part, and I hope you werent trying to treat me like a 3rd grader because I am a little smarter then that.....why is everyone in a bad mood in the video game forums all the time!?
you are talking about batterys here, I am trying to figure out who had a battery issue in their remote??? we are in the video game forum, and everyone including HPman has been talking about remotes, where does this come into play? also no need to break anything down on my part, and I hope you werent trying to treat me like a 3rd grader because I am a little smarter then that.....why is everyone in a bad mood in the video game forums all the time!?

Talking about a recall, are we not? Your friend got HPman got upset at "you people" meaning us who flame Sony because we are not up in arms about Nintendo's recall. I made a comparison between the current Nintendo strap recall and a POSSIBLE Sony recall if their batteries are still the sheets. NO ONE EVER said there is a problem in the Wii remote's battery. I still don't see how you are seeing that what I posted meant that there is a battery problem in the Wii controller.

And no, I wasnt trying to treat you like a 3rd grader. I was commenting on the pictures you were talking about on wiihaveaproblem.com and how they are mostly self inflicted injuries not caused by the strap breaking. The only one I treat that way is your other friend Joe mainly because he brings it upon himself by spreading misinformation.

Everyone is pissed off here because we are tired of hearing the Sony/Bluray marketing campaign on this forum. If they want to do Sony marketing HDDVD/BluRay comparisons take it to the HDDVD/BluRay forums. Leave this forum for the games like the title of the forum says.
okay mikley couple things....where is there ever talk about a sony recall for the batteries in the remote control? I do remember them having trouble with laptop batterys, but that I believe, is two seperate issues.

Also to the pictures, majority of them are self inflicted, but I still wouldnt want a strap to break out of my hand costing me my 1000-2500 dollar tv, and last check there were 8 of those "documented" on there.

Number 3, when did Hpman, and Joe and I all become friends? Last time I checked I have never talked to them in real life, while I do have Hpman added to my friends list for the Ps3, I have never seen him on (okay once, but I was watching a movie). Is it because I stand up for Sony in some instances that you automatically class me and the other two a fanboy? because I also like the 360, and in fact would recommend it over the Ps3 right now...and I believe when I have talked to joe through PM he has said some good things about the 360 as well. Last fact, I would love to see this remain the video game forum, but I am also willing to accept that with the new generation of consoles, they are also bluray/ hd dvd players and media centers so there will be talk of that going on also! Have a great day, hope to see you around :)
okay mikley couple things....where is there ever talk about a sony recall for the batteries in the remote control? I do remember them having trouble with laptop batterys, but that I believe, is two seperate issues.

Also to the pictures, majority of them are self inflicted, but I still wouldnt want a strap to break out of my hand costing me my 1000-2500 dollar tv, and last check there were 8 of those "documented" on there.

Number 3, when did Hpman, and Joe and I all become friends? Last time I checked I have never talked to them in real life, while I do have Hpman added to my friends list for the Ps3, I have never seen him on (okay once, but I was watching a movie). Is it because I stand up for Sony in some instances that you automatically class me and the other two a fanboy? because I also like the 360, and in fact would recommend it over the Ps3 right now...and I believe when I have talked to joe through PM he has said some good things about the 360 as well. Last fact, I would love to see this remain the video game forum, but I am also willing to accept that with the new generation of consoles, they are also bluray/ hd dvd players and media centers so there will be talk of that going on also! Have a great day, hope to see you around :)

Dude!!!! get off the batteries in the remote. NO ONE said that. You took two things I mentioned and mashed them together. A Sony battery is a Sony battery. It's the same LI Ion technology so they are not separate issues. The strap breaking caused bodily harm to a small % of people. A damaged TV can be repaired. Loss of sight because of a glass shard because of breaking a lamp cannot. Two different types of damage minor (something that can be repaired) and Major (something that cannot be repaired). Now if you want me to find the other 2 pictures and comment on them, let me know.

Are you calling yourself a fanboy? Because I never said that you were. As for you guys being friends... You just proved my point for me. You dont have to talk to them in real life to be friends. I don't go around PMing people who are not friends, you added one to your friends list and keep having PM conversations to the other. Again if not a friend then why add them or keep PMing? Sounds like friends to me.

Thats fine about the HDDVD/BluRay players being media centers... if you want to argue about what is better then take it to the HDDVD/BR forum this forum should concentrate on the gaming aspect of the consoles not movie playing ability.
Mikley you contradicted yourself in that post, and I would like to point those out to you. I would also like to point out that you assumed somethings without findnig out fact.

#1. you yourself kept talking about sony batterys in remote control- when Hpman said if the was a sony controller recall, you then replied with the thing about a strap vs. batteries, then you talk about burns on your hand when Hpman says he wish he did die so he could sue
contradiction #1-you said no one has brought up the problems of batteries, but yet you bring it up....now you could have meant that Sony had a recall on laptop batteries which they did so that brings us to this
contradiction #2. If this is the video game forum how do laptop batterys fit in here, if you want to make this the video game forum, then keep it clean of other talk, or dont criticize others.

#2 The wii remote strap breaking (glass on a tv, a glass lamp, hitting other people) Leads to a dangerous experience, we both agree on that. Especially when this console is designed with kids in mind, thats very dangerous no contradiction here.

and no point proven on the friends thing either, as I have pmed Joe a total of one time, with 3-4 total Pms...as I had a question about something he would know about....your problem there is you state what you said as if Joe and I wake up and PM one another, and send daily pms, it was a one time thing....also I have added two people to my friends list for the ps3, as no one I know has a ps3 and I saw the names on here, I dont consider us friends, so try again....I will see you around.
It definietely takes more than adding someone to my "friends list" on a console to make said person a friend. I am not saying that I could not be friends with Joe or Stu, but we are not friends as of this moment. I have never met either of then and couldnot consider some who I have never met a friend.

And I never said it would kill. I was simply covering my tracks if you came up with some story to discredit anything I would say or to make some kind of point. And had it exploded on me, it would have been on the pillow or blanket that i always place the laptop on or on my desk. Like I said i would have taken my chances. Honestly. "you people" always try to discredit Sony with the battery issue. Yes it was a big issue, but it could have happened to any company. I can't understand why Sony would continue to produce a battery that they knew would have problems and eventually lead to millions in losses, but from many posts that the impression that I get for the Sony bashers.

Wii Lawsuit Over Strap Issue

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