Hey, interesting as I had noticed just TODAY how some of the INFO writing seemed very different from TiVo, and I wondered if Dish was moving to a new service because a lot of programs that had LOUSY, very useless INFO descriptions now have longer and USEFUL info descriptions.
Do you know who the NEW EPG data provider is? Is it Gracenote? I think TiVo and Gracenote are about the only options, but I thought I ran across a 3rd, but they seemed NOT to be in the business of providing to MVPD's
I can hardly wait to see a real difference with the new data. Too bad TiVo didn't take the time (and money) in these last years since they got almost all the MVPD's from Gracenote to make their EPG data better. Now, they lost Dish's business. I wonder who else TiVo lost because TiVo's EPG data was that BAD.