why won't Dish fix their idiotic guide issues?

Can we get any information on . . . the schedule for deployment?
Never. Like most companies Dish will never ever tell the customers when fixes to their products (software or otherwise) will be rolled out. Because then they would have to stick with a "schedule" known by the customers -- and they're not going to do that.
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I echo everything said in this topic. I am however impressed how consistent Dish has been with the guide. It's consistently crap!
That's what WE (the customers) get when Dish goes with the lowest subcontractor bidder. It's all about money, really. Customer satisfaction takes a back seat to making/saving money -- always.
Anyone notice this latest bit of guide nonsense? It seems all listings no longer display the genre. No longer do any listings show whether it's a comedy. adventure, horror, drama, etc.
Sure have. Trying to do a search like 'Movies, Fantasy' (for example) is returning nothing or only PPV titles. Worked just fine a little while back. Another well thought out upgrade :( . It needs to be fixed. I'd be out of my IT job if I released software on a live system that I didn't test/debug/fix on a test system first .
Besides Dish's guide being messed up, the guide on the Fire TV recast is not completely accurate either. Our KPWT 3 has all the wrong channel info. All 6 channels! Two have no info at all and they are supposed to be completely accurate. Right now on the channels the guide is not working, I just use Titan. I have been on the phone to both Dish and Amazon. Both have promised to fix the issues, but apparently they can't figure it out or just doesn't care as they are giving us a line.
Again has nothing to do with the programming.. and has all to do with DVB specs. DISH didnt write he DVB specs. :)
Well, that's an interesting comment and the first I've heard of this. :( How does the DVB spec have anything to do with the accuracy of the guide? If there is a size problem, then I don't see why Dish can't just add more data channels until it's all there.
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I've also noticed that with their new provider the titles have become wonky. Yesterday, Pirates of the Caribbean was just "Pirates' even though their was the entire width of the screen to display. And for those that say it was near the end, it wasn't but also the Info screen just said Pirates. If they can't get the names right, then how will the Hopper know which show is a duplicate and which is not.

Another example is Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, It just displayed as "Harry". What? Which of the 8 Harry Potter movies is it? Is it Harry and the Henderson's???

It pure laziness or someone not doing their job. The title issues were never there with the old provider so you can blame DVB. It's pure lazy!
Dish bundles all these components and delivers the final product to us. So, just like a general contractor on a construction job, if a subcontractor screws up it is the obligation of the general contractor to see that it's fixed. Dish is no different. The apologists on this site like to wave their arms and claim that it isn't Dish's fault. Well, I can't complain to the subcontractor can I? Dish should fix this stupid stuff -- or ensure that it is fixed. WTH is wrong with them? Oh, I forgot. Getting new customers is what's important and the existing customers can go pound sand.

BTW, I've been a loyal customer for 23 years now. I would move to Direct TV but from what I've read I would just be jumping from one frying pan to another.
Well, that's an interesting comment and the first I've heard of this. :( How does the DVB spec have anything to do with the accuracy of the guide? If there is a size problem, then I don't see why Dish can't just add more data channels until it's all there.

There are only so many EPG pids they can put up on the satellite.

This is why some areas OTA locals do not have guide data.

They looked at offering the missing guide data via the internet but there are so few people with OTA tuners that it would be costly to do so.

Now as far as mistakes in the guide that is a totally different story.
I love have timer that worked fine every week for 10+ week recording the show just for the last 3 week of show not to record cause it dont think it new episode, when it working for the prior 10+ weeks, dish guide is anything but consistent. back to babysitting timers again.

I've also noticed that with their new provider the titles have become wonky. Yesterday, Pirates of the Caribbean was just "Pirates' even though their was the entire width of the screen to display. And for those that say it was near the end, it wasn't but also the Info screen just said Pirates. If they can't get the names right, then how will the Hopper know which show is a duplicate and which is not.

Another example is Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, It just displayed as "Harry". What? Which of the 8 Harry Potter movies is it? Is it Harry and the Henderson's???

It pure laziness or someone not doing their job. The title issues were never there with the old provider so you can blame DVB. It's pure lazy!
and this, this just pure laziness but at same time actor bio's have book written up for them.
There are only so many EPG pids they can put up on the satellite.

This is why some areas OTA locals do not have guide data.

They looked at offering the missing guide data via the internet but there are so few people with OTA tuners that it would be costly to do so.

Now as far as mistakes in the guide that is a totally different story.
Dish can record all the primetime channels at once with limited tuners, I don't get why they can't manage to guide up the available OTA guide data. I don't understand why they need to transmit data, when it is being transmitted already by the channels themselves.

I get it wouldn't be perfect, but why shouldn't it be possible to metadata up the available OTA Guide info locally on the DVR, perhaps two days at a time or whatever is available. If Dish is uploading guide info to each receiver for the general channels, this process should be doable, with OTA channels. After all, my TV itself can see a guide.
Years ago I owned a DISH receiver made for you to dvr just ota channels. It worked fine for guide information . You could even use the TV guide feature that gave you more detailed information and some logos. The Air tv ota 2 tuner and 4 tuner dvrs (Sling tv) also does fine for guide for all channels and sub channels. So I know that DISH is capable of providing correct information. But PSIP data or data from the internet would work better than what they are doing now. I have even suggested to DISH that they should use the Air tv 2 and 4 tuner device for both Sling tv and DISH. It would only take some software changes and maybe make the air tv device work by usb connection. An adapter could do that.

There has to be a will for DISH to actually do this though and it doesn't look like they will ever do it. I have ota channels on my old Hopper 3 that I don't have activated ,and it still has the same mistakes with Fox channel guide on the old channel designation instead of the new location. I reported this over a year and a half ago and no changes have been made. You would think that DISH would want to be able to say to the public that the Hopper 3 is the most comprehensive dvr for both ota and satellite recordings on the market today.
I've also noticed that with their new provider the titles have become wonky. Yesterday, Pirates of the Caribbean was just "Pirates' even though their was the entire width of the screen to display. And for those that say it was near the end, it wasn't but also the Info screen just said Pirates. If they can't get the names right, then how will the Hopper know which show is a duplicate and which is not.

Another example is Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, It just displayed as "Harry". What? Which of the 8 Harry Potter movies is it? Is it Harry and the Henderson's???

It pure laziness or someone not doing their job. The title issues were never there with the old provider so you can blame DVB. It's pure lazy!
I've noticed this with a dozen other movies. Reporting Dish EPG problems is like the child's game of Wac-A-Mole. You report one problem to Dish, they ignore you for months, then they finally fix that problem, and create another problem in its place.

(OK, I know -- it isn't Dish's fault -- it's a subcontractor problem. Meh.)
Again has nothing to do with the programming.. and has all to do with DVB specs. DISH didnt write he DVB specs. :)

I don't know why the DVB EPG specs have to be part of the conversation at all. We're not talking about receiving Dish with generic off-the-shelf DVB receivers. Their software is presumably custom-written for them, so why couldn't they put the EPG data into its own data stream? I had assumed they already did it that way anyway, seeing as how the guide only updates periodically instead of in real time. Kind of sounds like incompetence, or at least lack of vision, in the software engineering department, to me.

(Cue the sort of sycophants who also think it isn't ludicrous to need to reboot once a day in 3, 2, 1...)

Software for sketching Cable TV diagrams

Dish contract ends 28Apr2024 - any reason to renew?
