So far, only one real reason exist - TiVo lawsuit.
DISH - TiVO Case: Stay granted pending appeal
Press release issued by DISH / ECHO today:
DISH Network and EchoStar Statement Regarding Tivo
ENGLEWOOD, Colo., July 1, 2009 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ -- DISH Network Corporation (Nasdaq: DISH) and EchoStar Corporation (Nasdaq: SATS) issued the following statement regarding today's ruling in EchoStar Communications Corporation vs. Tivo:
We are pleased that the Federal Circuit has blocked the district court's injunction pending our appeal. The Federal Circuit found that EchoStar "met its burden of demonstrating the requisites for a stay," including, at a minimum, that we have a substantial case on the merits. As a result of the stay, our customers can continue using their DISH DVRs.
Any thoughts on what this means? Chance that the contempt ruling gets overturned?
#2 (permalink) Yesterday, 07:57 PM
Smith, P.
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Hope not. dish made wise decision when they start charging "PVR [DVR] fee" for first PVR510 and other new receivers - they knew about TiVo patent violation and did want create a fund to payoff of future lawsuit.