I've got 2 upgraded 120GB 7100's. For the last couple of years they've been EXTREMELY stable. No comparison to the early days of frequent firmware upgrades (and each one seemed to make the Dishplayers flakier!). They finally found software that works, and kept it.
I received the discontinued/free upgrade letter but I haven't had a chance to call DISH yet. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm going to be sorry to see em' go.
Agree wholeheartedly. I've been using 2 7200's since '99 (plus the 721). Upgraded hard drives of course, very stable. Except for the annoying 3am guide download, I'll miss those things. No receiver out there has the "unlimited" pause buffer which has forever changed the way I watch TV. Any other receiver out there I consider a downgrade with less features (that are useful to me).
I've been toying with adding DirectTV for HD stuff because I don't like the direction Dish is heading and refuse to invest more $$$ in their equipment. This shutoff may just spur me to ditch Dish totally, which frankly is sad. I know several friends in the same boat - long time subs who are VERY frustrated with their treatment of late.
UPDATE: Just called and ordered the 522 to replace the 721. CSR said replacing the 7200's would cost $$$ (didn't ask how much). She said they may start losing signal on those by end of Nov

Thanks to BobMurdoch for the office address suggestion. I offered that to the CSR but she actually agreed to have it shipped to my billing address!! We'll see if it shows up. Also from what she said, I can activate the new receiver whenever I'm ready (until they start shutting them down obviously) so i have time to dump the recordings.
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