Just horizontal (odd channels, right?).
I turned the receiver around and found a broken terminal connector, the kind you have to push down with your finger while inserting the wire. The red wire was just hanging there, so I doubled it up and jammed it into the hole.
Here's my observation of my skew problem:
When I get near a channel on any of the three satellites, C3, G1, or C4, I can select AutoPeak Dish and watch the index numbers go up and down until the dish is getting the strongest signal. Once in a while, the dish will have already been straight on the bird, and the counter returns to the same index number it started on. But at least I know the dish is moving, as the picture fades out and back in again.
Not so with the AutoPeak Skew... at least not with the vertical. When I find a channel with a light downfall of snow, and I have already peaked the dish, I try the AutoPeak Skew. If it is an odd number channel, the snow will momentarily increase to a blizzard and then come to a stop at which time the picture has a little less snow, or at worst, the same amount as when it started. The angle displayed on the horizontal will usually be different than when autopeak started. But when I try an even numbered channel (which are all pretty bad to start with), the angle display changes momentarily, but the picture does not. It doesn't improve or get worse, it just stays the same. And although I see the angle numbers go up and down the full range, it always ends on the same vertical angle that it started with.
So on satellite G1, I only get channels 5, 11, and 17. There's nothing on 3. When I first started seeing channels on this thing, I had a strong picture on G1 12, but it's gone now. That was before fixing the disconnected red wire. I also get a knockout clear set of colorbars and a nice tone on G5 17. The accompanying message says that the channel belongs to Disney.
It seems to me that the problem is most likely in one of three places;
1. at the connectors on the outside rear of the receiver
2. at the connectors on the inside rear of the receiver
3. up at the BUD, including the wire leading up there
Since I've already had problems on the rear of the receiver, that's probably the most likely candidate.
I suppose I can't order my son's ala carte programming until this is fixed, right?