Assume all you like about the situation and my thoughts. The fact of the matter is even if I were, I have a strong dislike for going out of my way to help someone that would rather gripe and criticize than resolve a problem, or even provide constructive feedback which could be considered helpful. More likely, I'm just wondering what the gripe is about paying a fee for a feature a service provides that is no different from text messaging on my cell phone. Can my phone do it without the fee? Sure... but it's money, and it serves a purpose for their business at some point.
In addition to that, focusing on a customer perspective in a business situation RARELY nets you a desired result. Do you really think DISH will do what you want just because 1/10th of the customer base screams about it? Do you really? If you want DISH to change an existing policy, you need to give them a better alternative to charging the fee, and threatening them (or more specifically threatening Charlie) with cancellation won't get that. It will get you a "Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!" Charlie and DISH in general doesn't like threats. But that's ok, because I don't either.
You want good service, act like a person and be pleasant to someone trying their best to help you. If not, take that attitude up there, and give me a call or e-mail me. You'll find yourself at the bottom of my e-mail so fast it'll make your head spin.