I figure instead of finding some bogus online article to support my opinion I'll just spew it and we all can argue back and forth like it really mattered what we thought....
A few reasons why Blu Ray will win....
I find myself in Best Buy, Circuit City and Magnolia at least twice a week during my lunch breaks talking to various Home Theater sales guys. Not ONE thinks HD DVD will be the format that survives. Most back Blu Ray and very few still stay impartial.
2)Sticking to your local electronic store. Next time you walk into an above mentioned electronic store go to the Home Theater dept and look around. You'll find a pretty Blu Ray display box with tons of movies, probably a Bravia or SXRD playing a Blu Ray demo. NO HD DVD in sight. They stash those back next to regular DVD's. Or maybe that is just the places I've been in the past 4 months in Atlanta, South Florida and Dallas.
Over a million PS3's/Blu Ray players sold. HD DVD wil be lucky to hit half of that number by 2008! Nuff said.
Bond, Spider Man, Pirates, Harry Potter HUGE!!
(Let me know if I'm wrong on any of these)
A few reasons why Blu Ray will win....
I find myself in Best Buy, Circuit City and Magnolia at least twice a week during my lunch breaks talking to various Home Theater sales guys. Not ONE thinks HD DVD will be the format that survives. Most back Blu Ray and very few still stay impartial.
2)Sticking to your local electronic store. Next time you walk into an above mentioned electronic store go to the Home Theater dept and look around. You'll find a pretty Blu Ray display box with tons of movies, probably a Bravia or SXRD playing a Blu Ray demo. NO HD DVD in sight. They stash those back next to regular DVD's. Or maybe that is just the places I've been in the past 4 months in Atlanta, South Florida and Dallas.
Over a million PS3's/Blu Ray players sold. HD DVD wil be lucky to hit half of that number by 2008! Nuff said.
Bond, Spider Man, Pirates, Harry Potter HUGE!!
(Let me know if I'm wrong on any of these)