My Thoughts On The Blu Ray Win

Look at the specs for a profile 2.0 player, the PS3 should have no problem being made 2.0 compliant. It's already 1.1 compliant and 2.0 only requires a network connection (check) and 1gig of local storage (I'm pretty sure the PS3 has some room to spare for storage :) )
Blu-ray Disc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Will it happen? No one has said, but Sony would be stupid not to do it.
It wont happen because that would be bad! right Vurb?:rolleyes:

Yes, it will probably happen.
No, I dont have a post to back it up.
Talk said possibly in Feb. but only Sony can confirm. I'd actually be more concerned with getting DTS Master support.


Heck yes, I don't care if they never do profile 2.0, but DTS MA support is really the biggest feature missing from the PS3 to make it the complete BD player.
Heck yes, I don't care if they never do profile 2.0, but DTS MA support is really the biggest feature missing from the PS3 to make it the complete BD player.

I agree. I dont have the ability for MA, but it would make the PS3 an even better deal.

Its very funny how people dont even think about the PS3 in the realm of gaming. Say what you want, but I like what sony's done with the clam.
Unlike the HD/BD, the DVD business was never of the razor-n-blade type - where you give away one component and make up the loss by selling the other (same applies to gaming consoles, inkjet printers, etc.) DVD was profitable for all players - CE and studios - from day one.

Sony & Co. finally arrived at a place they were planning to start at: having a new market all to themselves. The problem is, they had to endure this 20 months long PITA called HD DVD that left a $2bil hole on Sony financial sheet and some non-disclosed obligations (replication, encoding, etc.) that won't allow to fill this hole quickly. And what's even worse, the consumers have "tasted" players (albeit from the losing side) for under $100.

If Toshiba, Microsoft, Universal, etc. would join the BD club, not much would be lost and at least would be repearable. But I don't think this will happen and BD has probably more problem waiting for them in the future than they have behind them. If they don't want to remain a niche market, that is.

A good lacmus test would be Stringer's fate, IMHO. If he still has his job running Sony one year from now, Sony and BD are out of the woods. If he will be "promoted" like Kutaragi - I wouldn't bet a penny BD will have any better fate than SACD.

Unlike the HD/BD, the DVD business was never of the razor-n-blade type - where you give away one component and make up the loss by selling the other (same applies to gaming consoles, inkjet printers, etc.) DVD was profitable for all players - CE and studios - from day one.

Sony & Co. finally arrived at a place they were planning to start at: having a new market all to themselves. The problem is, they had to endure this 20 months long PITA called HD DVD that left a $2bil hole on Sony financial sheet and some non-disclosed obligations (replication, encoding, etc.) that won't allow to fill this hole quickly. And what's even worse, the consumers have "tasted" players (albeit from the losing side) for under $100.

If Toshiba, Microsoft, Universal, etc. would join the BD club, not much would be lost and at least would be repearable. But I don't think this will happen and BD has probably more problem waiting for them in the future than they have behind them. If they don't want to remain a niche market, that is.

A good lacmus test would be Stringer's fate, IMHO. If he still has his job running Sony one year from now, Sony and BD are out of the woods. If he will be "promoted" like Kutaragi - I wouldn't bet a penny BD will have any better fate than SACD.


NM Way to bashy even for my tastes.

Live coverage from Sony's CES press conference - Engadget
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Is there anywhere to get the 399 PS3 with the ten movies?

Spring for the extra $100 and get the $499 PS3. I bought mine as Bluray player, as I play my games on the Xbox360 but I have found that the PS3 is a good gaming machine too. If a game is available on both PS3 and Xbox360 I usually buy it for the 360 but I have bought games for the PS3 to see how it plays and it is surprisingly better than I expected. I still like Xbox360 better but I now consider PS3 more than just the Bluray player I intended it to be.

Around the same time I bought a stand alone Toshiba HD-DVD player (my second HD-DVD player, the first being the 360 HD-DVD attachment) on Amazon. Both the PS3 and Toshiba HD-DVD player had free discs to sweeten the deal. I got my five free Blurays the other day but have yet to get my HD-DVD freebies. I purchased both in November.

I really enjoy both HD-DVD and Bluray. I was hoping both would stick around, as I buy a lot of movies and enjoy both formats. I am currently watching Spartacus on HD-DVD and the filming and transfer is pretty darn good for a movie that is nearly 50 years old.

Now that Bluray takes the lead ( I wouldn't say win like most of you ) I will need to eventually equip my bedroom TV with a standalone Bluray player when they come down to $200 or so. It is nice being able to watch HD-DVD in my office or bedroom (I have no living room anymore in my small, somewhat urban house), so I'll need to be able to do the same with my Bluray discs.

Yep, get the PS3.... if you like gaming at all, you'll buy it with then intention of it being your Bluray player and game play is a pleasant gravy.
There is NO guarrantee The PS3 will ever see profile 2.0

Blu-ray news

CES 2008: Sony Showcases 2 BD-Live Players
Posted January 6, 2008 by Josh

At the Sony booth, they are showcasing two new prototype BD-Live players. The Sapphire 3 and 4 will both be Profile 2.0. Sony also has indicated that the PS3 will get a BD-Live upgrade sometime in the future.
Blu-ray news

CES 2008: Sony Showcases 2 BD-Live Players
Posted January 6, 2008 by Josh

At the Sony booth, they are showcasing two new prototype BD-Live players. The Sapphire 3 and 4 will both be Profile 2.0. Sony also has indicated that the PS3 will get a BD-Live upgrade sometime in the future.
Hmm is Beatboy at CES? He would take The mere possibility of the Matrix on BD as an indication of BD-Live. :haha How have they indicated that? Please post the statement from Sony. This is CES and this is the time to announce it. Thats like me saying I will be rich sometime in the future.
People also forget the PS3 is not a BD player (well yes I know it can do so and I have one) but a game box first and foremost. Sony will keep the PS3 very price competative since they need to get more units out to sell more games. Wii and Xbox 360 are still leading by a large margin. The PS3 will have to do more to be competative.
People also forget the PS3 is not a BD player (well yes I know it can do so and I have one) but a game box first and foremost. Sony will keep the PS3 very price competative since they need to get more units out to sell more games. Wii and Xbox 360 are still leading by a large margin. The PS3 will have to do more to be competative.
Sony recently announced they sold 3.9 million games consoles over the holiday season, 23 November through 31 January: 1.4 million PSPs, 1.3 million PS2s and 1.2 million PS3s in North America alone. 2008 appears to be shaping up to be the year of the PS3 and Blu-Ray. : Sony Computer Entertainment America Announces PlayStation(R) Hardware Sales Exceeding 3.9 Million During Holiday Sales Window
Sony recently announced they sold 3.9 million games consoles over the holiday season, 23 November through 31 January: 1.4 million PSPs, 1.3 million PS2s and 1.2 million PS3s in North America alone. 2008 appears to be shaping up to be the year of the PS3 and Blu-Ray. : Sony Computer Entertainment America Announces PlayStation(R) Hardware Sales Exceeding 3.9 Million During Holiday Sales Window
Impressive numbers. I wonder what the sales figures were for the competition this year
Impressive numbers. I wonder what the sales figures were for the competition this year

Some Xbox 360 numbers

The PR team has just released some interesting numbers on where we are with the Xbox 360 that I thought you would enjoy discussing:
  • We have sold more than 17.7 million Xbox 360 consoles worldwide
  • More than 8.1 million copies of "Halo 3" have been sold since its launch (September 25, 2007)
  • Mass Effect" reached 1.6 million units sold, in just six weeks (on sale November 20, 2007)
Pretty good actually .
Some Xbox 360 numbers

The PR team has just released some interesting numbers on where we are with the Xbox 360 that I thought you would enjoy discussing:
  • We have sold more than 17.7 million Xbox 360 consoles worldwide
  • More than 8.1 million copies of "Halo 3" have been sold since its launch (September 25, 2007)
  • Mass Effect" reached 1.6 million units sold, in just six weeks (on sale November 20, 2007)
Pretty good actually .
Yeah those are pretty good numbers. Perhaps I should rephrase.
I wonder what the numbers were in the same time frame mentioned above.
It would be interesting to compare
Yeah those are pretty good numbers. Perhaps I should rephrase.
I wonder what the numbers were in the same time frame mentioned above.
It would be interesting to compare

Well considering that it was at 10.2 last year. I would say 7.5 mill sold. I Know in December that they outsold the Wii and the PS3 combined. (retracted statement until I find that article I read yesterday) Posted wrong article will post this years when I get back from doing some work. Sorry about that.
And the Software Sales are Just insane for it. Mass effect 1.6 million in 6 weeks to Drakes 250k in the same time period.

Remember that article said for the year not just December. MS is making a mint. (and they have the worst failure rate for consoles).
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People also forget the PS3 is not a BD player (well yes I know it can do so and I have one) but a game box first and foremost. Sony will keep the PS3 very price competative since they need to get more units out to sell more games. Wii and Xbox 360 are still leading by a large margin. The PS3 will have to do more to be competative.

Many people view PS3 as the cheapest available Bluray player. I didn't rule out games, but I seriously purchased my PS3 specifically to enjoy Bluray. Yes, I have a few games on it now, but having already had a Xbox360 for myself and son and a Wii for the wife, we were already happy with our gaming in this house. I use it a lot for Bluray playback and have been playing The Darkness on PS3 (until I hit the yet to be fixed Lower East Side Harmonica bug). If there is a game I want that is a PS3 exclusive, I will buy it, but for the most part I would buy Xbox360 versions of a game first if given the choice. (Yes I know Darkness is available on both but I purchased it specifically to try the PS3 out as a gaming machine and Motocross or whatever it is that is included is not my style of game).

I really think a lot of people buy PS3 for Bluray and Sony knows that. But once they have you, they figure you will start buying games too, and for many of us they are probably right.

Just don't rule out those that buy PS3 for Bluray.

Things will change as Bluray stand alones get cheaper, but at the time PS3 was my cheapest option for a Bluray player.

I feel like a dork with a PS3, Xbox360, and wii by the way, haha.
Well considering that it was at 10.2 last year. I would say 7.5 mill sold. I Know in December that they outsold the Wii and the PS3 combined. Posted wrong article will post this years when I get back from doing some work. Sorry about that.
And the Software Sales are Just insane for it. Mass effect 1.6 million in 6 weeks to Drakes 250k in the same time period.

Remember that article said for the year not just December. MS is making a mint. (and they have the worst failure rate for consoles).
that would make 7.5 for the whole year though (assuming those are accurate). If I read it right it was 3.9 playstation brand consoles (PS2, PS3, and PSP) for novemeber through the end of Dec.

I dont doubt that the 360 is outselling the PS3, i just wonder if the gap is closing. With Halo 3 being released I doubt they are right now though

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