Many people view PS3 as the cheapest available Bluray player. I didn't rule out games, but I seriously purchased my PS3 specifically to enjoy Bluray. Yes, I have a few games on it now, but having already had a Xbox360 for myself and son and a Wii for the wife, we were already happy with our gaming in this house. I use it a lot for Bluray playback and have been playing The Darkness on PS3 (until I hit the yet to be fixed Lower East Side Harmonica bug). If there is a game I want that is a PS3 exclusive, I will buy it, but for the most part I would buy Xbox360 versions of a game first if given the choice. (Yes I know Darkness is available on both but I purchased it specifically to try the PS3 out as a gaming machine and Motocross or whatever it is that is included is not my style of game).
I really think a lot of people buy PS3 for Bluray and Sony knows that. But once they have you, they figure you will start buying games too, and for many of us they are probably right.
Just don't rule out those that buy PS3 for Bluray.
Things will change as Bluray stand alones get cheaper, but at the time PS3 was my cheapest option for a Bluray player.
I feel like a dork with a PS3, Xbox360, and wii by the way, haha.
Owner of 360/Wii... Will purchase a PS3 when FFXIII comes out.