who would be willing to pay more money to keep viacom?

OK, now that they are gone I change my answer. I would be willing to pay an extra $1.00 per month (make that $2.00/mo to include KCBS) on top of my now reduced Dish Network bill.
redline65 said:
And according to this article, it's just a hike of 6 cents per month per subscriber:


The hike is just 6 cents..... all of the channels gone add up to more than a dollar right now when figuring in teh current costs...... Plus I don't know how much NickToons will cost. I'm pretty sure the 6 cents is just the CBS portion. Both sides are playing fast and loose with the truth so it is tough to get a read right now. E* says Viacom is the villain while Viacom says E* is doing the Gordon Gekko impression.

The CBS channel doesn't cost as much from a retransmission standpoint, but they have to devote 100 channels of capacity to all of the CBS affiliates so there are much higher satellite capacity costs to carry them instead of all the other Viacom channels which take up less than 10 slots (other than the UPNs).

The only way I seeing E* win big is if they can get a judge to rule on the antitrust issue within the next week. If the NCAAs start getting blacked out, then E* will start hemorraging viewers (Bloomberg is putting the estimate at 2% a month for the affected areas).
dswallow said:
I must say it's kind of amusing to see all the Dish subscribers think it's Viacom on the losing end of a blackout... quite the opposite. How attractive is Dish Network without CBS to some 25% of their subscribers? How attractive is it without CBS-HD to 25% of their HD-equipped subscribers? Especially when 100% of those affected in CBS O&O markets have another satellite provider choice.

The negative effect goes both ways. Viacom's advertisers don't want to lose 10 million viewers.
As for CBS, many of us can get it OTA for free. I think 6 bucks for the convenience is enough (I'm watching the sat feed even less since getting the 921).

It's absurd to me that E* may pay for something everyone else can get for free over the air (it's not like they're removing the commercials).

As for the other channels - I'll barely miss em'.
This is from the Residential Agreement posted on the Dish Network site:

G. Changes in Services offered. DISH Network reserves the right to change the Services that we offer,
and our prices or fees related to such Services at any time. If the change affects you,
we will provide you notice of the change and its effective date.
The notice may be provided on your billing statement or by other communication permitted under Section 9B.
In the event of a change in the contents of any programming, programming packages or other Services,
you understand and agree that we have no obligation to replace or supplement the programming,
programming packages or other Services previously offered that have been deleted,
rearranged or otherwise changed. You further understand and agree you will not be entitled to
any refund because of a change in the contents of any programming, programming packages,
or other Services previously offered.

B. Notice. If we send you notice, it will be considered given when deposited in the U.S. Mail,
addressed to you at your billing address or hand-delivered to you.
Our notice to you will also be effective if provided on your billing statement or by telephone.
If you give notice to us, it will be deemed given when received by us at the address listed on
the first page of this Agreement.
nes said:
This is from the Residential Agreement posted on the Dish Network site:

G. Changes in Services offered. DISH Network reserves the right to change the Services that we offer,
and our prices or fees related to such Services at any time. If the change affects you,
we will provide you notice of the change and its effective date.
The notice may be provided on your billing statement or by other communication permitted under Section 9B.
In the event of a change in the contents of any programming, programming packages or other Services,
you understand and agree that we have no obligation to replace or supplement the programming,
programming packages or other Services previously offered that have been deleted,
rearranged or otherwise changed. You further understand and agree you will not be entitled to
any refund because of a change in the contents of any programming, programming packages,
or other Services previously offered.

B. Notice. If we send you notice, it will be considered given when deposited in the U.S. Mail,
addressed to you at your billing address or hand-delivered to you.
Our notice to you will also be effective if provided on your billing statement or by telephone.
If you give notice to us, it will be deemed given when received by us at the address listed on
the first page of this Agreement.
Sounds like CE left himself open to some legal problems, but Viacom has also. I can't see any way the FCC can stay out of this. I wonder what the real truth is - sounds like some delicate spin from both sides.
korsjs said:
i don't know how to set up a poll. just wondering if the people here would be willing to pay an extra couple of dollars a month to keep cbs and the other viacom channels.

i for one would not and continues to hope dish will not give into viacoms blackmail.

Are you kidding? With additional charges of getting local, and additional tuner, the cost of getting satellite is more than Cable. You are wondering, we want to pay more to watch junk like MTV and Survivor? I rather switch than to pay more. That is why the merger between Dish and Direct is not approved. Very wise decision from regulators. On the other hand very stupid things they let cable guys getting big.

Just want to added to your poll. Are you going to pay more next time Fox dispute, then NBC dispute, then ABC dispute? Guess what you are now paying for $100M retirement benefit for Charlie and CEO of every Network.
I wouldn't pay more for the channels. I would rather have other channels and all the show I watch on nick were re runs that come on other channels also so I just watch them on the other channel. That is really the only viacom I watched and maybe MTV2 once every 2 months. I mainly watched Full House on Nick but it also comes on ABC Family so I have no problem loosing nick. Infact if Id just assume to for a while if it keeps rates down. I have changed my mind a few times about if I would want them but this is currently where I stand. I never would pay for them though.
Heck no I wouldn't pay more just to see Dan Rather cry, hear TRL teenie boppers scream, or Spongebob's hideous laugh. Comedy Central has 8 hours of program they repeat every 8 hours... and the extra Nick channels are wasteed bandwidth...

Tell your kids to go outside and be a kid again...TV's turning them into mindless zombies anyway.
Rate Hikes????

A topic that has really been left out of this by Dish Network is their past rate hikes. I have been a faithful DISH customer for a few years now. When I decided to get dish, there were no "free" satellite systems. I dished out over $500 for my equipment. Since then, I've seen quite a few $1-$3 rate hikes with not much programming additions. These "operating costs" that they keep adding onto our bills is more than likely being used to recoup the losses that they are incurring by giving away their receivers. I never received any type of compensation for this, and my rates went up with the new subscribers also. DISH has no problems hiking their customers bills for their own business practices, so I'm very wary about their claim that they are doing this for the sake of their customers.... Charlie wouldn't do this unless it was taking some coin from his pocket.....
There is no possible way that Dish can make it without Viacom. If they decide to leave Viacom behind, then there would be two DBS companies to choose from, both with about the same rates, but one is missing some of the channels the other offers. So, DirectTV would look like the better value to a prospective new customer: for about the same amount, I would get more channels. Why would I choose Dish?

I don't know what the truth is in all this, but I do know I've lost some channels. We use our CBS-W channel as a time shift for stuff we missed at our local time and my kids miss Spongebob and Rugrats. You're right, they do need to spend more time outside, so this could be a good thing, but I want the freaking channels back, but I don't want to pay anything more for them.

You go girl!

Stacy A said:
There is no possible way that Dish can make it without Viacom. If they decide to leave Viacom behind, then there would be two DBS companies to choose from, both with about the same rates, but one is missing some of the channels the other offers. So, DirectTV would look like the better value to a prospective new customer: for about the same amount, I would get more channels. Why would I choose Dish?

I don't know what the truth is in all this, but I do know I've lost some channels. We use our CBS-W channel as a time shift for stuff we missed at our local time and my kids miss Spongebob and Rugrats. You're right, they do need to spend more time outside, so this could be a good thing, but I want the freaking channels back, but I don't want to pay anything more for them.

I'm going to go start a new thread related to this very topic, if it doesn't already exist, which will read "how many weeks until you leave dish for this?"
My timeline is 2 weeks from today. After that, if they don't have an agreement, I'm gone. I have local cable (now with HD) available, DirecTV available, local OTA HD (ABC,CBS,NBC,WB,PBS,FOX) available. Why would I stick with a carrier that penalizes me - the customer - rather than coming to an arrangement with the content producer that I want? They can either provide the content I want, or I can move on.
Unfortunately, I see too many people who think this is in their best interest, and I'll go out on a limb and say that there's no way this will work out to their good. If all else fails, once all the irritated customers like me leave, Dish will have to raise its rates to offset its losses. Then, you pay more, and still don't have Viacom, AND no new customers are going to choose the 2nd-best satellite company for the same cost, while lacking these standard channels. Unless Viacom is *really* hard up for money, Dish needs Viacom more than Viacom needs Dish, and hence, Dish cannot win.

If this isn't resolved within 2 weeks, this is bad for all.

921 will hold its price

Don Landis said:
I am now locked into Dish because I just spent $1000 for a 921 which I use to record those two CBS programs each week. I can't afford knee jerk reaction to this.
These are in such short supply, that if you put it on Ebay, you'll get your money back - at least for now while the prognosis is still good for the Viacom deal working out quickly.
I, too, have a 921, and I believe wholeheartedly that I could walk away at any time, and probably make money, given the short-supply of 921's.

Nick, you are right but by my personal choice, I will not do business on ebay. I just don't care to deal with all the issues. Maybe some day when I have more time to concentrate on it. I do agree with you that selling the 921 for a profit now isn't a bad idea. I'm under no obligation to Dish and I also have an eye out for the DirecTIVO HD. I'm waiting for either more HD channels on Dish or Dishwire or both to remain a Dish 921 customer after the jury is in on the HDTIVO. I think this summer will make for some exciting decisions for me in a provider. Additionally, I'm not ruling out cable and VOOM. I suppose the reason I feel locked in on the 921 is because I just never consider selling it to recover costs. Thanks for the option thought.

Switched to Direct TV Tivo and Made $11 today

Viacom Channels Back Up

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