who would be willing to pay more money to keep viacom?

I don't need the Viacom channels, I say screw 'em. Drop em and get some MORE HD CONTENT!! I can live without freakin MTV garbage.

I couldn't agree more! More HD!!
The only "compelling" programming offered by Viacom is CBS. Since, thanks to my 811, I can get CBS DT & HDTV OTA, I won't miss Viacom if they leave. Yes, I'm in one of the O & O areas. Time was when I was a regular viewer of MTV and VH1, but they re-formatted and turned into trash. One can only handle so much rap music and Brittany Spears exposes.

I have the AT120 package. If Viacom leaves, I guess I'm stuck looking through over 100 channels to find something to watch. Yes, we have plenty of choices and we don't even have to dump E* to exercise them.

I'm guessing those most upset w/ the prospect of losing Viacom are also those who will scream the loudest when their E* bill goes up after a Viacom agreement. There is no such thing as a "free lunch".
korsjs said:
thanks for adding the pole. i could not figure out how to do it, or i asume only moderators can.

Anyone can add a pole to a thread they start. If you look above your first post there is a tab called 'Thread Tools'. On that drop down menu there is a option to add poll to thread.

Anyway, keeping the thread on topic, I wouldn't want to see the VIACOM stations gone for ever, I could live without them for a while. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm tired of my TV bill going up all the time. Since COX was able to hold Disney/ESPN rates at bay VIACOM knows the same thing will happen to them.
:smug I pay Dish enough now as it is, plus I just got my 811 Saturday so my plans already going up $10. I think D* needs th front the money if it comes down to having those channels and not making the consumer pay. To me it lke buying a car because of it's features and then the manu saying" well if you want to keep that air conditioner it's gonna be extra afterall".
scott5626 said:
.....I think D* needs th front the money if it comes down to having those channels and not making the consumer pay. ........
I believe this thread is about E*, not D*. Or is D* also at odds with Viacom???
The only Viacom stations I watch are CBS and Spike (for WWE Raw..and hell, I can watch that on TSN via ExpressVu).

Don't cave in to Viacom!
I really don't know what is going on with this. I just keep seeing some message on my TV that DISH is thinking about taking away some stuff, but 90% of what is on my TV is Spike, Comedy Central, and Nick for the kids. That would suck if it was gone. I would be gone for sure.
If there is an outage I'm sure it'll only be temporary. A week, two tops. I expect that the CSR's will take a beating, charlie will stand firm, and Viacom will give in a little. If it's not done in two weeks, another extension will be filed by then and we'll have our channels back.

At least that's what Miss Cleo told me.
Carl B said:
The only "compelling" programming offered by Viacom is CBS. Since, thanks to my 811, I can get CBS DT & HDTV OTA, I won't miss Viacom if they leave. Yes, I'm in one of the O & O areas.

Wait..... Is CBS-HD immune to the shutdown? That doesn't make sense.......

I'm loving life if that is the case, as I stopped watching SD CBS when the HD feed became available.....
BobMurdoch said:
Wait..... Is CBS-HD immune to the shutdown? That doesn't make sense.......

I'm loving life if that is the case, as I stopped watching SD CBS when the HD feed became available.....

OTA= Over-The-Air.

Viacom can't stop us from receiving our local OTA CBS stations, unless they shut down the broadcast for everybody in the area, which of course they're not going to do. The 811 receives OTA signals in both analog and digital format. Most local stations broadcast digitally. And, of those CBS stations that do, most broadcast in HD.
Charlie said that the CBS-HD channels will both go dark. They are part of the loss as declared by Viacom, both KCBS and WCBS. I worked hard to get a waiver for WCBS and now it is lost. I will lose two programs I watch every week on WCBS. I am now locked into Dish because I just spent $1000 for a 921 which I use to record those two CBS programs each week. I can't afford knee jerk reaction to this.
That said, I agree with CE and he should not give in to extortion by Viacom. He should not be required to carry that bundled channel, and Viacom should be required to make the CBS O&O's available independent of contract under the FCC must carry rules. As for the other Viacom, non-broadcast channels, I feel Viacom has a fair market right to use them as negotiating tools to extort more money from Dish subscribers if they wish as those channels are not connected with the public airwaves. The O&O broadcast stations are broadcasting using licenses granted by the people. I don't see how the FCC could allow then to shut down a must carry channel no more than if Dish refused to carry a must carry channel. There seems to be a double standard here as far as FCC regulations are concerned. IT is time the FCC step in and force the O&O stations to open their signals to Dish!

If we want CBS O&O to be back on, it is high time we request the FCC step in and enforce it's own must carry regulation! Time to write your congressmen folks and get some FCC action on this violation by Viacom. I say if Viacom shuts off Dish viewers from a must carry O&O then Viacom (CBS O&O's) should be fined heavily per day for the offense and at worse, have those respective licenses revoked! Viacom has no right to control our airwaves.

I suddenly realized that is Dish gives a $1.00 credit for the loss then that must be what it represents in the packages. Therefore is CE meets the demand from Viacom of 7% increase it would just be a rate hike of 7 cents.
bye bye viacom channels...so much for America's Top 120..er...i mean..80.

I could care less about dish network's operational costs. Welcome to the world of business, its always full of suprises. There better not be any rate increases for consumers.
I would boycott Viacom channels. Let charlie tell Viacom to take a nice happy long walk off of a really short pier.

Lets see how long before Viacom comes begging E* to pick up their stations again once that revenue stream is dry for a while.

I look at it this way. It just leaves room for a few more HD channels. I'll miss a few of the channels, but would much rather do that then have a money hungry Viacom dictate outrageous increases just because they think they are the big puppy on the block.

If I were Charlie I would tell Viacom.... Don't let the door hit ya' where the good Lord split ya!
No Way, Not Me!

I don't watch most of Viacoms channels. Only Comedy, when it was a good one. If anything, some sort of rebate should be provided, or other channels that might be available.
I must say it's kind of amusing to see all the Dish subscribers think it's Viacom on the losing end of a blackout... quite the opposite. How attractive is Dish Network without CBS to some 25% of their subscribers? How attractive is it without CBS-HD to 25% of their HD-equipped subscribers? Especially when 100% of those affected in CBS O&O markets have another satellite provider choice.

Switched to Direct TV Tivo and Made $11 today

Viacom Channels Back Up
