After being told by MaryB that it would cost me $700 to upgrade to a 2/3 config and then being told by a Account Secilist that it would be $800 this 14.5 year subscriber to Dish will not upgrade even though I would love to
dwarren2 said:No. I've had a 722/211 set up for years. Most probably back to 2004 when I got my first hdtv.. Before that I think I had x000 system because they had ota tuners. I had to instll that system myself.
After being told by MaryB that it would cost me $700 to upgrade to a 2/3 config and then being told by a Account Secilist that it would be $800 this 14.5 year subscriber to Dish will not upgrade even though I would love to
There seems to be quite a few people taken by surprise at not being in the top tiers. People who seemingly have had no credit history problems, or even recent upgrades.
I agree. And in some posts (this one included) they are long time posters and I would have nothing to make me doubt what they are saying. That's why he needs to find out exactly why. There may be a problem he is unaware of.