Who is having problems with HDMI with 211/411/622

gbjbany said:
sounds like the classic hdmi stops working issue. Sorry sounds like another receiver or live with composite. I actually cant tell the difference on my 42 inch plasma


I can't believe you can't see the difference between Composite and HDMI. Composite is only capable of doing SD. Component is different and is capable of transmitting HD.

There is a HUGE difference between Composite and Component. Composite is ONE RCA cable that carries all Video Information. Component is Three Cables each of which transmits ONE PRIMARY Color; Red, Blue, and Green.

I think kingbiged and gbjbany both made the same word mix-up I often do myself! I think everyone here is indeed talking about component as the viable alternative for HDMI to a large extent.

(JohnL - the component output from the 622 is not what you stated - 3 separate colors - but rather Y, Pb, Pr. That's one cable (G) for the "Y" luminance information and two (B and R) for the "color difference" information. Here's a link to an article that provides some of the detail: http://www.projectorcentral.com/component.htm)

kingbiged - You apparently have the classic "loss of HDMI output" from the 622. There are many posts in these threads about it (do a search). Do a couple of trials, reboots, etc. to make sure. Perhaps your HDMI connection is merely loose - you might be that lucky! Otherwise let E* tech service talk you through some things to try before pronoucing the output definitely dead.

You might indeed find the PQ from the component connections as good as or better than the HDMI connection - quite a few members believe that to be the case, and it's a very subjective opinion - and that might suffice for you. (Of course you will also need to provide separate audio connections.) But if I were you, I'd insist on another swap. You're paying for the HDMI capability and you are entitled to have it...!
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You have just joined the 40% of 211/622 owners whose HDMI outputs no longer work.

Some of us think that most of these outages are due to a hardware problem.

Others, including some interesting rumblings over on the "other" big Dish forum, feel it is due to a software bug wherein the new receivers are shutting off the HDMI output after receiving a certain error code from it. This would be great if true, as these babies could be fixed with a software zap.
I've chewed up two 622s due to failed HDMI in the past four months. I can't complain because the units work perfectly with that notable exception. However, I hear the wife yelling now because I haven't had to time to add here "favorites".
I got a 622 1 week ago. Of course, E* sent an installer out instead of letting me do it. I never touched the cable after installation. The HDMI worked fine that night. The next morning it was dead... Called E* and the CSR told me it was a software issue that would be fixed in October and there was no point in doing a swap.

So, I watch the tech report and they say it is a bad connector?

What should I do now? I'm a little frustrated.

I am new here, so sorry if this is the wrong location for the post. PLease kindly direct me elsewhere if appropriate.

Clint3200 said:
I got a 622 1 week ago. Of course, E* sent an installer out instead of letting me do it. I never touched the cable after installation. The HDMI worked fine that night. The next morning it was dead... Called E* and the CSR told me it was a software issue that would be fixed in October and there was no point in doing a swap.

So, I watch the tech report and they say it is a bad connector?

What should I do now? I'm a little frustrated.

I am new here, so sorry if this is the wrong location for the post. PLease kindly direct me elsewhere if appropriate.

Tech Forum said if you had a picture, and then it went away, it's a connector problem, not a software problem. Call Dish Tech Support, and tell them that.
Clint3200 said:
I got a 622 1 week ago. Of course, E* sent an installer out instead of letting me do it. I never touched the cable after installation. The HDMI worked fine that night. The next morning it was dead... Called E* and the CSR told me it was a software issue that would be fixed in October and there was no point in doing a swap.

So, I watch the tech report and they say it is a bad connector?

What should I do now? I'm a little frustrated.

I am new here, so sorry if this is the wrong location for the post. PLease kindly direct me elsewhere if appropriate.

Clint - Do a search in this forum for "622 HDMI" (no quotes) and you'll see a LOT of information on the "no HDMI output" problem. Yours could be due to a bad connector or it could be due to a completely different reason, like software. You are hearing the standard script for this problem which may or may not be a real answer. In the interim, try soft and hard reboots, try gently wiggling the plug, etc. to see if anything you can do will bring it back - you might just get lucky. My first 622 was DOA on the HDMI port and nothing I did resolved it. The replacement (same SW) has worked fine (KOW!) since I got it.

I'd also get a set of component cables - you can run that way with very similar HD picture quality until the HDMI problem is resolved.

Welcome, BTW...!
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bhelms said:
Clint - Do a search in this forum for "622 HDMI" (no quotes) and you'll see a LOT of information on the "no HDMI output" problem. Yours could be due to a bad connector or it could be due to a completely different reason, like software. You are hearing the standard script for this problem which may or may not be a real answer. In the interim, try soft and hard reboots, try gently wiggling the plug, etc. to see if anything you can do will bring it back - you might just get lucky. My first 622 was DOA on the HDMI port and nothing I did resolved it. The replacement (same SW) has worked fine (KOW!) since I got it.

I'd also get a set of component cables - you can run that way with very similar HD picture quality until the HDMI problem is resolved.

Welcome, BTW...!
Don't jiggle the wire. That will more than likely break the "underengineered" hdmi that Dish chose to use. Do try gently pulling out and fully inserting your cable. Make sure you do not have a heavy connector (e.g. the hdmi to dvi adapter that some people got from dish) hanging off he hdmi socket. If it ever worked than it almost certainly hardware not software.
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211 HDMI/RCA audio problem

With all this talk about HDMI video problems, my problem is a little different. I own a JVC HDMI TV and receive HDMI signals just fine. The problem is the audio. Because my TV speakers don't accept DD, I connect RCA through the HDMI input for audio play. But every two seconds there is a split-second sound break. Since digital optical through my audio receiver works fine, I do not use audio through the TV but only through the receiver. Anyone else with this problem?
esteps said:
With all this talk about HDMI video problems, my problem is a little different. I own a JVC HDMI TV and receive HDMI signals just fine. The problem is the audio. Because my TV speakers don't accept DD, I connect RCA through the HDMI input for audio play. But every two seconds there is a split-second sound break. Since digital optical through my audio receiver works fine, I do not use audio through the TV but only through the receiver. Anyone else with this problem?
Reportedly these receivers do not send DD through the HDMI. Only the Optical (toslink) cable. Stereo through the hdmi or through RCA jacks from the receiver should work for stereo.
Yes My Second 622 HDMI port is Dead

Just like many of you on this page, My 622 HDMI port has died. This is the second 622 that I have received from DishNetwork. The first was also replaced due to a HDMI port that was dead on arrival. I called them when it died and they are now refusing to replace it. Dish gave me the same story as all of you. They claim that they do not know the cause of the HDMI failure but they are working to resolve the issue.

I went one step further. I complained that they were selling the 622 or charging us a huge upgrade fee for it, but the device was not operating as described. I kept complaining that they unit was not providing what I was paying for and I wanted some sort of compensation for the defective device. The Dish rep offered me 50% off my next month's bill. So I took that. Maybe if all of us start demanding partial credits every month due to defective equipment or software, they will be more motivated to get a fix to us.

Since the device works for a period of time and then fails I can't believe it's just a software issue. Wouldn't that be present from the first time it is turned on or the first time it connects to the Dish network? Frankly I don't care if it is software or hardware I just want a fix.
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What's the Magic word?

OK Pistol how'd you manage to get a replacement 622? Is there some sort of magic word we need to know? :)
HDMI failure using hdmi to dvi connector

I have had the 622 since May and about a month ago the hdmi became intermittent. If you push on the hdmi connector it works but if you then turn the receiver off and then turn it on later sometimes the picture is gone. I finally switched to component output because I got tired of the problems. One of these days I am going to get a return but figured I should wait until Dish finally fixes the problem.
my 622 hdmi went out today after being ok since feb. csr said it was a software issue, she told me to use component cables, just tell csr tv only has hdmi port and no component inputs, i have a new unit coming 2nd day air. i also have a second 622 since march with no hdmi problems.
HDMI problems

Well I just got off the phone with Dish. My HDMI output quit working. I have had an off and on problem since I got the 211, a month. I have been able to wiggle the HDMI cable and it would come back...but not tonight. I have even tried a different cable right away thinking it was the cable. It made no difference. The Dish people told me it was a software problem and they are working on it but could not give a time table. I asked for a replacement and they said they could not do that becuase a replacement would probably do the same thing. I said if it's software then why did wiggleing the cable cuase it to clear up. They said the connector had nothing to do with it......it was a software problem. I even talked with a supposedly manager and it did not make any difference. I guess all I can do is wait. I think the component picture is softer.....I'm not happy.

Smart card mailing schedule

Any reason to buy a Dish receiver?

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