S Sean Mota SatelliteGuys Master Original poster Supporting Founder Sep 8, 2003 19,039 1,739 New York City Oct 22, 2004 #1 You knew that was coming...
M Mr Tony SatelliteGuys Pro Supporting Founder Nov 17, 2003 3,255 14,506 Mankato, MN Oct 22, 2004 #2 honestly, since the Yankees are out (woo hoo!) I would have said either but I hope Boston erases many many years of frustration and wins it in 6
honestly, since the Yankees are out (woo hoo!) I would have said either but I hope Boston erases many many years of frustration and wins it in 6
BFG SatelliteGuys Master Supporting Founder Mar 2, 2004 8,208 0 Orlando Oct 22, 2004 #3 Did you have to get so technical I just want the Red Sox to win!
tdillon Loster then I Founder Supporting Founder Jun 9, 2004 317 0 Oct 22, 2004 #4 You forgot to include my choice: The team that wins four games first.
Scott Greczkowski Welcome HOME! Staff member HERE TO HELP YOU! Cutting Edge Sep 7, 2003 103,657 29,287 Newington, CT Oct 22, 2004 #5 I forgot who I want to win.
voomvoom SatelliteGuys Master Lifetime Supporter May 18, 2004 6,662 30 Lizella, Georgia Republic Oct 22, 2004 #6 I want the Montreal Expo's to win, before they run for office and become Senators. Once they become Senators, they'll never get my vote again.
I want the Montreal Expo's to win, before they run for office and become Senators. Once they become Senators, they'll never get my vote again.