Well, if our monetary system were sound we in fact would be seeing a universal drop in prices every year as businesses became more efficient and supply and demand and competition worked it's magic. Unfortunately, we have something called 'inflation' that is created by our government giving the power to create money to a private corporation known as the Federal Reserve. So until we can abolish the Federal Reserve and eliminate inflation, you can all expect price hikes from Dishnetwork, Time Warner, and DirectTV. Sometimes though, technology, business ingenuity, and industrial efficency overcomes inflation for a short time span and you still see goods and services dropping in price. But there is only so much a business can do to be efficient. When I started it took me 3-4 hours to hook up a two tuner install. Now it takes me 1.5 - 2 hours to hook up a four tuner install. I will never get a four tuner install done in 5 minutes. The Federal Reserve however, has no cap on it's inflationary powers and history has proved that this form of monitary system must inevitably crash.
Hehehe, pardon me, I just watched "From Freedom to Fascism."
What was the rate of inflation for 2006 ??