But, it seems that with most technology products are getting cheaper why does technology services get cheaper?
It's not the tech that is the problem, it's the content industry jacking up the prices (and usually delivering less) every year.
The price of games has gone up, the price of movies has gone up, the price of music has gone up too (outside of download services).
Basically we're just making some rich jackass' pockets bigger, guys, nothing to see here.
Dish pays more, DirecTV costs more, Comcast, AT&T, and TW cost more along with everyone else because the content providers are charging them more as well, and in able to deliver the better content they have to upgrade their crappy old infastructure (cable companies were getting away with rotting old ass systems for years).
The prices of HD are skyrocketing because of more content, and well, you guys have just proven that you're WILLING TO PAY THEM MORE. Whoopeee.
The prices of SD haven't really changed much (at least for us cheapies) - I think they've noticed if they keep jacking it up, some of us only give a damn about the bottom line, and that will drive potential customers away.
Really though, the prices are more innocent than it seems. After fees, lease fees, extra receiver fees, taxes, and other ridiculous surcharges the $29.99 goes to $36 or whatever. Nice.
What about the constant 50-120 or so watts each of those receivers suck down? That's got to be a buck or two on your power bill lol.
To me, digital cable isn't an option. In our locality, Comcast CSRs are lazy and their service is horribly structured with sloppily organized channels. When we decided to try it out, we got a dirty old box with a worn out remote and no setup whatsoever. The menus, IMHO were crap and slow. *shrug*
So dish does have one thing going for us I guess
I like their service and am willing to pay a few bucks more for it than cable, but I'd prefer it to stay the same! Especially because for the price I could get a few more channels.