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re: Universal Soldier: The Return

I actually bought it a few years back on DVD as a blind buy (I really like the original). I've tried to sell it a couple of times and no takers. :D
I've never seen the original -- but I'm willing to bet it's a LOT better than The Return.

When I saw your name and the "Universal Soldier" headline, I was thinkin' Oh, no -- I've offended deann! (While at the same time thinking, wow, I can't believe she liked this) :D I was relieved as I read your post. Which brings me to ...

If anyone does actually like it, pay no attention to me. It's just my opinion. I didn't realize my review was quite so harsh until I just re-read it. Ouch. If I was a line-deleting kind of guy, I'd probably lose the "I can't believe anyone actually enjoys this garbage.". Maybe the last sentence, too. While I indeed think it manages to simultaneously suck and blow, I also understand that other people can have different taste than mine.
Well- I've watched the whole thing all the way through (twice!)- and I'm not offended. :D

But I think the first one is waaaaayyy better. It's still cheesy, but more fun.
The Monster Squad - 4 stars: Good movie! This is the perfect movie for MonstersHD in my opinion. Smart, funny, monsters galore! Good pq and sound too. It kinda reminds me of the Scream movies in the way that it's almost mocking monster movies while at the same time being a very good one. Dracula, Frankenstein, a werewolf, a sea creature, a mummy, a scary German guy called Scary German Guy, and a fat kid mostly called Fat Kid. What's not to like?
Murphy's Romance - 3.5 stars: A very good romance with solid performances by James Garner and Sally Fields. The characters develope a relationship and fall in love...even though he is twice her age. This movie deals more with friendship and the practical aspects of their forming relationship than it does with passionate love - a little slow at times, but Garner and Fields do a good job making you identify with their characters. I am really going to miss the VOOM Cimema channels...probably watch them more than HBO, SHO, STARZ and MAX combined. :river
Long Life, Happiness, and Prosperity - 3 stars: An unusual movie with some very interesting characters. A really cool little girl (well, they try to make her out as something of a nerd, but she comes across as ultra cool in my book), tries to get her mom remarrried through magic spells and Chinese charms, but they go all wrong with some funny and entertaining results. A decent story, but it's really all about getting to know the characters and how they choose to live their lives.
Hardihood - 2 stars: A documentary on female mountain bikers. Nothing special, but interesting enough. I think it would have been better had they concentrated on fewer bikers -- say two or three -- and really told their stories in more depth.
Startup.com - 1 star: Couldn't really get into this documentary about a couple guys who, well...start up a dotcom company. Very predictable, and I didn't particularly like the guys involved -- if I would've cared at all, I probably would have been rooting against them.
Power and Terror: Noam Chomsky in Our Time - 2 stars: Didn't impress me much. Some of his views were interesting, and he mentioned a lot of things I wasn't aware of, but this guy isn't exactly a dynamic speaker -- a definite drawback in a documentary that is mainly comprised of his speeches. I thought the PQ was pretty good for a documentary like this.
Molly - 3.0 stars: This movie only received 1 1/2 stars according to whomever VOOM uses to rate their movies. However, my wife and I found Molly to be very enjoyable. It's about the relationship between an autistic woman and her largely uninvolved brother. The sister receives an experimental surgery in which she is rendered a genius, but with the emotional development of a child. It's an interesting and fun movie if you don't take is too seriously.
Robocop 2 - 3.0 stars: This sequel is not as good as the original and it certainly has it's problem, but what's not to love about Peter Weller as his character, Robocop, takes on Kane, the Nuke Lord of Detroit. Good shot 'em up movies with excellent PQ and DD5.1.
Switching Channels - 2 stars : Ahhh....Burt Reynolds -- in a class by himself. Well, maybe in the same class as William Shatner, and perhaps David Hasselhoff -- ridiculous, but undeniably fun to watch (in large part due to being ridiculous). This isn't a great movie but it does induce a smile or two.
Un Crabe Dans la Tete - 2 stars: I kind of enjoyed this one, despite thinking that they didn't make it about the most compelling character in the film. In my opinion that honor goes to Audrey the wacked out whiny drug dealer with some major issues. I'd love to watch her story. In fact, I think most if not all of the supporting characters would have made for a better subject than the rather unlikeable dolt they chose as the main character. They're what made this movie interesting to me.
Slumber Party Massacre - 1 star: A truly stupid slasher flick, helped only by generous helpings of nudity and blood (neither of which were particularly well done). Nonsensical story. Crappy pq and sound. A waste of time unless you are really in the mood for a stupid slasher flick.
Dead Man - 3.0 stars: Not your typical Western/Gunslingers fare, but good and somewhat interesting nonetheless. Johnny Depp stars as a passive back east (Cleveland) accountant who accepts a job out west where the law is often found at the end of a barrel. When it turns out his position was already filled by the owner John Dickinson (Robert Mitchum), unfortunate circumstances force Depp's transformation into a Old West Gunslinger: A strange relationship develops with an Indian (Gary Farmer) named Nobody - he is hunted by three less than savory characters - unusual experiences lead to an epiphany. I really wanted to love this movies, but the plot and Depp's character were never allowed to fully develop. The heavy steel guitar riffs through a number of passages were excellent, but were overdone and thus lessened their impact. A cameo appearance by Crispin "George McFly" Glover in the beginning make for a good chuckle. It's a shame that Mitchum's character has such a minor role since his inclusion as a major character would have greatly enhanced this picture. The film was shot in Black & White which, in this case, enhanced the overall experience.

Memorable line delivered by Nobody after Depp was shot a second time in the movie: "I see you are collecting more white man's lead."
St. Elmo's Fire - 4 stars: Perhaps the quintessential 80's brat pack flick. All-star 80's cast includes Judd Nelson, Andrew McCarthy, Rob Lowe, Emilio Esteves, Demi Moore, Ally Sheedy and follows their lives after graduation as they fall in and out of love and lust. It's as fun as you remember, with better pq and sound to showcase some classic 80's-movie moments.
Rhyme & Reason - 4 stars: Very good documentary about rap music and hip-hop culture. Features interviews with rap heavyweights such as Ice-T, Chuck D, Dr Dre. Tons of good music and lots of concert footage. Well done all around.