Where is USB External Storage for the 942/ViP622?

The key to what you are saying is they did not actually show this working, they just talked about it. I'd be interested to see it actually working before I get to excited about it.
They had the usb HD working, they had it hooked up to a VIP211 also and showed it working. I did not actually see them do the HP media center, but since it was in their booth, hooked up to a receiver I assume they could have demoed it if we asked. They said it was working and they had 2TB connected. I did see a demo of the IP software too on the 622, but did not actually see them download a show, this probably would have taken hours, they had some downloaded already, one assumes they told the truth and it was working (at least at a beta level), and it was not faked.
At Team Summit '06 it was announced to be released later that year.

At Team Summit '07 it was announced to be released later this year.

It boggles my mind why someone doesn't call BS on this at these events. Scott? Why wouldn't someone mention that "At Team Summit '06 it was announced to be released later that year"?
Man, there are so many guys on this forum that reply to what could be positive threads about Dish with mostly negative comments about the fact they never come through.

Maybe you guys should grow one and cancel your service if youre unhappy like I did with D*. And dont use the whole contract thing either, because if you had one it would not matter. :eek:
I'm hoping for more than just a external hard drive feature. I would like both external storage and network storage capabilities. I'm looking at getting a 42" LCD for the bed room and since TV2 on the 622 is not Hi-Def I have to get either a second DVR or a 211. I would rather get the 211 and have the 211 and 622 networked to a centralized system that makes an archive of all my shows. Recording ALL CSI's, NCIS, The Unit, Heroes, 24, Criminal Minds, Close to Home, The Office, My Name Is Earl, American Chopper, Biker Build-Off, V-Twin TV, American Thunder, Super Bikes, Deal or No Deal, The Sopranos, The Simpsons, Family Guy, and my current favorite show in glorious HD Planet Earth on Discovery HD Theater. Those are just some of the shows I record. Now, obviously I don't have time to watch all of those shows in a week, which means either I have a marathon on the weekend or I delete old shows that I haven't watched yet because my hard drive is full. When I say old shows I mean 2 weeks old. Can't wait till season 2 of Dexter comes on!

Anyways, media center support would be SWEET!
Like I said, grow one and cancel your service is the sky is falling.

I have no issues, I was clearly stating a fact, that obviously you have not been with Dish Network long enough to know about past issues and unkept promises, or else you would maybe realize that some of us have lived through these and still await many things promised to us.

As far as growing anything, I suggest you wipe them off your chin. Whatever that means..........:eek:
I have no issues, I was clearly stating a fact, that obviously you have not been with Dish Network long enough to know about past issues and unkept promises, or else you would maybe realize that some of us have lived through these and still await many things promised to us.

As far as growing anything, I suggest you wipe them off your chin. Whatever that means..........:eek:

Awwww, that was a sweet offer but I'm married :rainbow .

I also know plenty about unkept promises and hardware problems as I was a D* sub and I own a first gen blu ray player. Its how the technology works now because we as consumers demand they get stuff out asap, then they met that demand usually with problems and missing features.

My issue is, all you boo-birds make it a point to cry in every post about something thats just part of it, get over it.
My issue is, all you boo-birds make it a point to cry in every post about something thats just part of it, get over it.

No. How's that for an answer? If they didn't want us to be disappointed, then don't announce something 2 years before it gets released or announce something and then NEVER release it. That's just poor business practice. And before you say, "grow some balls and leave", maybe Dish Network is our BEST option. That doesn't mean it can't be better and that we, as consumers, can't be upset when they don't come through with their promises.

If you don't like our bitching, you're welcome to take a hike. :eek:
You guys are like old ladies, im sure you stay with E* so you CAN complain.

As far as dish being the best option, if you have dish could you not have D*? Go try them and see how you like it. Antenna is always an option.

I left D* because I paid them $90 a month and I felt they really fracked me over.

I guess I coulda stayed with them for 2 more years and ranted like a lunatic on the forums. :rolleyes:

If you dont like/trust dish then maybe you should take a hike :river

Anyways, i feel this thread has been hijacked enough, I will go back to being happy and allow you guys to continue pouting.
For the record, my occasional comments about the unending delays for USB support are sarcastic and tongue-in-cheek. Over all I'm very happy with E*, my 622 and 522.
My attempts to poke fun at the delays are just my way of coping with this minor annoyance.
Will I cancel my service over it? No.
Will I continue to make sarcastic comments until this feature is actually released? I probably won't live that long.
Man, there are so many guys on this forum that reply to what could be positive threads about Dish with mostly negative comments about the fact they never come through.

Maybe you guys should grow one and cancel your service if youre unhappy like I did with D*. And dont use the whole contract thing either, because if you had one it would not matter. :eek:
Personally, I'm happy with my E* service. The HD channel offerings are good (NESN HD please), and the 622 has been rock solid for me. Failure to meet announced releases is simply a frustration. IMO, that's not enough reason for me to, as you eloquently stated, "grow one" (I always thought it was "grow a pair").

I like reading the information about the new products and services. Scott and his crew do a great job here of keeping us informed. I just wish E* would stop announcing deliverable dates that they apparently know they can't reach, and would just let us know when it's available.

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