Where is USB External Storage for the 942/ViP622?

Hope y'all aren't holding your breath that any random external drive will work. You know you're gonna have to buy the branded version for 3 times the price.

That has not been stated by Dish anywhere. Why are you spreading false information?
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At least when the feature is available the drives should be cheap!


If you can find them... By the time this feature is released, USB drives will be obsolete and difficult to find, because external quantum drives will be all the rage. ;)
If you can find them... By the time this feature is released, USB drives will be obsolete and difficult to find, because external quantum drives will be all the rage. ;)
...even proven technologies like firewire and eSata are far better choices than USB 2.0. Heck, even the 921 was supposed to have firewire enabled ports almost three years ago...but here we are still waiting for E* to catch up to cable by enabling external HDD storage on their most advanced line of HD receivers.:confused:
Any new news from the Team Summit on USB drive support?
I tried wading through all the Team Summit threads but it was making me dizzy!
This summer......

(translation from dishspeak: as soon as monkeys fly out of your butt):rolleyes:
They were demoing the USB HD and also showing it hooked up to a VIP211 to make it a DVR. They were also showing the HP media center serving 2TB over ethernet to all the receivers in the house.
Staples has a 400GB USB 2.0 External drive for $89.98 (after $20 rebate) this week.
A couple of cautions:
- Check reviews on the External USB Hard Drive before buying. If your collection of Star Wars in HD dies along with the disk, you may end up wishing you had paid $10 or $20 more for a more highly regarded model.
- Whenever I buy something with a rebate, I assume that the rebate will never be paid, and then see if I am content with the price before rebate. I bought a Soyo motherboard with a $50 rebate, and the rebate web site said approved, and they never sent a check. I sent copies of the paperwork, together with printout of the "approved" web page to the company by certified mail, signature required, and never received a check. Rebate companies make money by not paying the rebates. So, consider any rebate check that actually arrives to be free money and don't count on them.
Interesting exception: Not only does much-hated Microsoft always pay their rebates, they also do so immediately, without trying to get two months float on the money...
Its in beta right now, according to the folks who attended the Team Summit gathering.

We have already seen video of it from CES back in January. I am optimistic for July. :)
As I recall, USB storage has been in beta since November 2005 (I don't have time to search for the thread). Anyway, let's just hope we see a 2007 release date.

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