Where are my Satellite Guy's gamers at?

BTW, AMAZING deal at BestBuy.com right now. They have a list of 15 major releases coming out later this year..... (Gears, Rage, Madden, Skyrim, and MW3 were my choices.... Pay $60 for five of them AND pick it up within 5 days of its' release date and you get a $100 gift card... So basically yo get them all for $40 each AND get 3-5% more back via reward zone points. I think that 5 day pickup window is their gotcha clause (you can't have it shipped is the way I read the fine print). You have to be a reward zone member AND be part of the Gamer Zone club (no charge) to qualify. I'm not sure if you have to order them all at once or if you can do it one at a time (I just ordered them all and burned up some certificates and gift cards to boot). Good deal.....
BTW, AMAZING deal at BestBuy.com right now. They have a list of 15 major releases coming out later this year..... (Gears, Rage, Madden, Skyrim, and MW3 were my choices.... Pay $60 for five of them AND pick it up within 5 days of its' release date and you get a $100 gift card... So basically yo get them all for $40 each AND get 3-5% more back via reward zone points. I think that 5 day pickup window is their gotcha clause (you can't have it shipped is the way I read the fine print). You have to be a reward zone member AND be part of the Gamer Zone club (no charge) to qualify. I'm not sure if you have to order them all at once or if you can do it one at a time (I just ordered them all and burned up some certificates and gift cards to boot). Good deal.....

So the deal really is the reward zone points, more and more places doing the $20 off promotions.

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BobMurdoch said:
BTW, AMAZING deal at BestBuy.com right now. They have a list of 15 major releases coming out later this year..... (Gears, Rage, Madden, Skyrim, and MW3 were my choices.... Pay $60 for five of them AND pick it up within 5 days of its' release date and you get a $100 gift card... So basically yo get them all for $40 each AND get 3-5% more back via reward zone points. I think that 5 day pickup window is their gotcha clause (you can't have it shipped is the way I read the fine print). You have to be a reward zone member AND be part of the Gamer Zone club (no charge) to qualify. I'm not sure if you have to order them all at once or if you can do it one at a time (I just ordered them all and burned up some certificates and gift cards to boot). Good deal.....

Good deal if you want all those games. While the 4th quarter does look to have some GREAT releases, I can't see myself buying more than maybe 3 of these (probably GoW 3, Arkham City, and some other game). Others like MW3 or BF3 or UC3 I will likely rent via gamefly and keep them if I like them. Besides I got a large enough backlog of games, although some I'm considering just selling as opposed to beating them like RDR and Halo Reach

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I've already preordered the games I will be getting this fall from Amazon. I just hope they sweeten the pot with the pre-order bonuses to match the Best Buy value. (Only Madden offers a $20 credit and Batman $10, the others are just in-game goodies I don't even really care about). I know I could switch my preorders to Best Buy (assuming I can ever access my account in spite of just changing my PW), but I don't otherwise shop there and I'd be paying sales tax.
So I just beat "Shadows of the Damned" and overall I have to say it is enjoyable, albeit somewhat short and generic.

The plot is basically about a guy named (and I'm not kidding,) Garcia F***ing Hostpur who is a demon hunter. The devil gets annoyed that Garcia has been killing too many of his workers and decides to kidnap Garcia's girlfriend Paula, which leads Garcia to go down into hell to get her back. He's accompanied by a skull friend named Johnson who acts basically as his torch and gun.

The game is basically a 3rd person shooter in the style of Resident Evil 4 and 5, which should be no surprise because the same guy who made those games worked on this one. However, one big difference is that unlike those games, you can aim AND move at the same time. As a result, the game is significantly easier than RE4/5 were, even on the normal difficulty. Also, while the gameplay style of RE4/5 are definitely fun, seeing it done here makes it seem rather old, and the difficulty does not go on a good curve with the player abilities. Being able to easily blow off limbs and have homing bullets in the 2nd half makes the game a bigger cake walk than it already was.

The game is rather odd. It has a lot of adult themes and acts of complete randomness, like the fact that many of the doors are made of baby heads, your checkpoints are marked by a creature taking a dump, and one of your main weapons is called "The Boner," which later turns into the "Big Boner." This is due to the game being written and directed by Sudha 51, who created the incredibly weird Killer 7 and No More Heroes. His writing and style are rather subdued compared to his other games, but it is present and well appreciated here. If nothing else, he can be commended for making a very original design for Hell.

Overall it is a fun game. The setpieces of Hell are well realized, the voice acting is good, and Garcia and Johnson make for a good "Buddy Comedy" style of relationship. There were points in the game where I found myself genuinely laughing out loud, and there are numerous times where you will find yourself either snickering or simply rolling your eyes. Unfortunately there's no real replay value with it, unless you just want to play the game again. It's not like the Resident Evil games where you get to play again with your souped up character and have fun just playing like you're Robocop with all your firepower. This is a shame, considering I've loved the multiple playthroughs that those games allowed with that perk. If you're looking for something off the beaten path, Shadows of the Damned is a good choice. Of course, if you're looking for something REALLY off the beaten path to the point where the path is made up of one set of footprints, pick up a copy of No More Heroes or Killer 7.

Now I'm continuing my trend of playing the more "random" games and am about to pick up a copy of "Catherine." I also have inFamous 2 at home.
Well, I have a slight headache and my eyes are killing me. That may be because I just spent the last 5 hours sitting in front of my plasma tv playing Catherine. Yeah.. It's that good. It's rare to see a game that has an engrossing story along with addicting and challenging gameplay that constantly makes you say, "alright, ONE MORE TRY!" honestly at the rate I'm going I may have this game beaten in 2 days. At least it was free after all the gamestop credits I had and used.

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I've already preordered the games I will be getting this fall from Amazon. I just hope they sweeten the pot with the pre-order bonuses to match the Best Buy value. (Only Madden offers a $20 credit and Batman $10, the others are just in-game goodies I don't even really care about). I know I could switch my preorders to Best Buy (assuming I can ever access my account in spite of just changing my PW), but I don't otherwise shop there and I'd be paying sales tax.

Same here. I have FIFA 12, NHL12, and Gears of War 3 pre-ordered from Amazon. All 3 have the $20 credit. I'll be able to grab Modern Warfare 3 for free when it releases.
I just finished inFamous 2, and if like me, you enjoyed the first one, there's a lot to like in its sequel.

The plot is a continuation of the first game. Remember that "Beast" that was prophesied at the end of the first game? Well, he decides to show up at the beginning of this game, and although Cole McGrath puts up a good fight, he is beaten down worse than the Broncos in Super Bowl 24, loses all his really good powers, and runs away to New Marias, a place in Lousiana that is not supposed to be New Orleans, but really is not in the same way that Metropolis isn't NYC and Gotham isn't Chicago. Cole must collect a bunch of magic electrical things that will power a small ball that allegedly is able to kill the beast.

There's not too much to say about the gameplay. It's very similar to inFamous 1, although now you have some "partners" in the form of 2 other conduits, one fire based and one ice based. You also get to share some powers with them, but I never found a need to use them as opposed to my regular lightening powers. Speaking of characters, they are much more defined and dimensional this time around. Even Cole's fat friend Zeke from the first game (who, given the crap he pulled in the first game, should be lucky that he is still alive) has a well realized and even believable arc. The graphics are improved over the original, but only in the sense that the world is more colorful than the original of Empire City. It's also cool that you can import your save from the previous game and you get a bonus depending on what karma level you had when you beat the first game.

That said, the game is not all sugar and spice. Like the first game, it takes WAAAYYY too long for Cole to recover his health when has has taken a lot of damage, which is NOT helped by the fact that the screen goes black and white, making it harder for you to identify things. For a comparison, think of how long it takes to recover in a typical CoD game, and add about 50% of that time on top of that. Also, the difficulty is a little shaky, especially near the end. I played as a good guy, and even without buying all the powers or finding all the blast shards (although I had found about 80% of them) I beat the end boss on my first try quite easily. On the other hand, I watched the final battle of the bad guy path, and it appears that that final battle is dramatically harder, leading to a rather uneven experience. As far as the whole "moral choice" aspect that the game forces us through, like many games it feels very token and badly executed. There's NO gray area in your choices, with choices coming down to basically, "Do you free the imprisoned people or rape them in front of their children?" Right after I beat the game as Famous, I started up an inFamous series and lasted about 20 minutes before I just stopped and mailed the game back. Maybe it was because I didn't like being chided by my support characters for my actions after what I went through with them in the previous run through, but being a d*ck did NOT feel nearly as satisfying as I thought it would be. And of course, in order to get all the best weapons, you need to be either a complete saint or a complete ass****, so you HAVE to pick the appropriate karma based answer throughout the game.

Overall though, these complaints are small ticks in what is overall a very satisfying and enjoyable game. To me, it still doesn't dethrone Prototype as my favorite anti-hero open world game, but it still is fun to play and definitely worth checking out if you enjoyed the first game. Best of all, unlike most games (sadly) nowadays, this one has a satisfying and definite ending to the story regardless of which karma path you take. Overall I give it a B+.

I'll probably have a Catherine review next. Meanwhile I'm waiting on the new Deus Ex game to finally ship to me, but will probably have the God of War Origins and Ico/Shadow of the Colossus remakes ship out first. Oh yeah, and the OTHER GoW game..
I just completed two playthroughs of inFamous 1 (normal/good and hard/evil) and am still debating on getting I2. While I enjoyed the gameplay, a lot of things regarding the set up and situation had me scratching my head. For example:

1. How does an underachieving errand boy with a history of run-ins with the law have a girlfriend who is an accomplished and repectable medical doctor?
2. Why do Zeke and Cole and many others sleep outside, especially once power is restored? I know it facilitates gameplay, but it just seems strange--and would be very problematic for Cole should it rain.
3. When Cole is evil, why is he still doing missions (story and neutral) that greatly help the same innocent people that he is sometimes killing?
4. Also, when evil, why are all those pedestrians throwing rocks at and taunting Cole. It would be like me going into urban gang territory and harrassing some big ass MF wearing gang colors: "Hey shithead, why don't you stop being a jerkwad and get a life?" I'm sure he would just ignore me and tend to his business of shooting rival gang members and selling drugs to 12 year olds. :rolleyes:

I also found the end boss battle to be disproportionately difficult on hard/evil to both my normal/good run and the rest of my hard/evil playthough. Took me like two hours to beat it after breezing through all the story missions.

Because of the weapon upgrade path (and trophies), the game basically forces you to always make good choice or evil choices depending on your goal for that playthrough. Like you said, too black and white. It would be more interesting if I could truly make choices based on how easy I wanted to make things on myself (somewhat like Bioshock) and then deal with the consequences. For example, maybe one major evil decision could allow me early access to a super-powered ability or upgrade. Even that wouldn't be perfect (like Bioshock), but not so forced.
Yahtzee said it best about the whole "Moral Choice" aspect in that there's no fundamental difference between the Good and Bad paths in terms reasoning behind it. It doesn't make sense when the good and bad are equally viable solutions. The way it SHOULD be is somewhat similar to Bioshock, in that the bad option should be riskier or have greater consequences associated with it. In this game though, overall the bad option doesn't make much sense. Yeah, it may make your life slightly easier when you do the bad thing because of collateral damage, but at the end of the day you're just a d*ck for the sake of being a d*ck.

Still, as I said, all these little things are not enough to really hurt the game. If you really start analyzing the plot and continuity as you are doing, you just drive yourself crazy. Trust me, you have only touched the surface of them, and there's even more you'll find in the sequel. I don't think you'd regret your decision if you chose to pick up this game.

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Still, as I said, all these little things are not enough to really hurt the game. If you really start analyzing the plot and continuity as you are doing, you just drive yourself crazy. Trust me, you have only touched the surface of them, and there's even more you'll find in the sequel. I don't think you'd regret your decision if you chose to pick up this game.

Thanks for the recommendation. In spite of the nitpicking, I agree, inFamous is totally worth playing and I look forward to the sequel. At least I'll know now to expect more of the same--the good and the bad. ;)
Here's some early thoughts on the God of War: Origins Collection.

First off, the title is somewhat deceiving. It'd be more accurate to call it "God of War: PSP Collection" since these are all the God Of War games that were released for the system. In terms of chronology, they are the first and third in the series, taking place before God of War 1 and in between 1 and 2, when Kratos was the real God of War but hadn't reached his first performance review which led Zeus to fire him.

There's not much to say about the gameplay, as it's basically the same as all the other God of War games, with perhaps the exception of the cell phone GoW game that no one seems to remember. The games have been given a nice HD facelift, and unlike the last GoW collection, the cutscenes have been cleaned up as well, removing the rather jarring situation of having the realtime engine render better than the pre rendered cutscenes. It's that good old fashioned hack and slash gameplay you've ever come to love or hate at this point, so if you don't like GoW, there's nothing here that will change your mind about the series. If you like GoW and never played the PSP versions because like me you knew very early on that the PSP was a doomed for failure device, then given the discounted price there's no real reason NOT to pick this up from what I can tell. This opinion may change after I beat the games but I don't see that happening.

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Think I am going to try Redbox for the first time ever to give X-Men: Destiny a shot. Reviews so far as lackluster as expected, but the comic nerd in me has got to try it.

Enjoying the Diablo III beta, and playing some Rift currently.
Think I am going to try Redbox for the first time ever to give X-Men: Destiny a shot. Reviews so far as lackluster as expected, but the comic nerd in me has got to try it.

Enjoying the Diablo III beta, and playing some Rift currently.

I liked it.
Anyone else playing Batman Arkham City? Totally epic! Glidding and grappling around an open-world setting is awesome. Combat is smoother, and a few new moves, enemies, and gadgets add some new wrinkles as well. Last night I wasn't in the mood to continue the main story path, so I just roamed the city, hitting some side missions I hadn't started yet and working on Riddler puzzles, riddles, and challenges (440 in all!). Most of the Riddler trophy icons now have to be "unlocked" by solving some sort of puzzle using Batman's gadgets and special moves. Being a completionist, I'm sure I'll be putting quite a bit of time into this. I just hope to finish a complete playthrough of the story and all the side mission sequences before Uncharted 3 arrives next Tuesday.
Zookster said:
Anyone else playing Batman Arkham City? Totally epic! Glidding and grappling around an open-world setting is awesome. Combat is smoother, and a few new moves, enemies, and gadgets add some new wrinkles as well. Last night I wasn't in the mood to continue the main story path, so I just roamed the city, hitting some side missions I hadn't started yet and working on Riddler puzzles, riddles, and challenges (440 in all!). Most of the Riddler trophy icons now have to be "unlocked" by solving some sort of puzzle using Batman's gadgets and special moves. Being a completionist, I'm sure I'll be putting quite a bit of time into this. I just hope to finish a complete playthrough of the story and all the side mission sequences before Uncharted 3 arrives next Tuesday.

I'm so backed up with games I'll probably wait until Christmas. I do really want to play it though.

Sent from my iPad2 using SatelliteGuys life affirming and suffrage supporting app
I'm so backed up with games I'll probably wait until Christmas. I do really want to play it though.

Sent from my iPad2 using SatelliteGuys life affirming and suffrage supporting app

Me too. Christmas present.
cybok0 said:
Can't wait till tomorrow, mw3. :D

Mine shipped out from gamefly today. Hopefully the campaign won't be as bad and the multiplayer won't be as unforgiving as modern warfare 2.

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