Where are my Satellite Guy's gamers at?

msmith198025 said:
I know! Ive even heard of some losers taking off work to play :D

That annoys me to no end. I have yet to find a game I needed to play so bad that I chose to skip work that day.
What annoys me is the fact that by the time I get home after 5 and get a chance to play, people will already have prestiged 5 or 6 times!
lol, nah, im not really annoyed by any of it. If people want to play all day, that is there business. Doesnt effect me.
yourbeliefs said:
Mine shipped out from gamefly today. Hopefully the campaign won't be as bad and the multiplayer won't be as unforgiving as modern warfare 2.

I atoll haven't finished the campaign on black ops, I liked multiplayer better

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I should have mine on my doorstep when I get home.
Early reviews seem to be about what I expected: forgettable campaign with improved multiplayer. Also, I'm dumbfounded by the fact that the survival mode (basically horde mode) only allows two players. They should have at least 4 players for that mode. If they did, I'd probably play that mode more than all the others combined..
Yes, very much like MW2. Some slight visual differences when firing the weapon, but the overall look and feel is nearly identical.
This is not a problem for me as I actually preferred MW to Black Ops.

Main change, aside from how you level up weapons and what not, is the addition of "party chat". It was sorely missing in team deathmatch of MW2. I dont care to talk to jr high kids when I play and would rather carry on a conversation with the friends that I am playing with. So glad that they fixed that.
I think the weapons fire better in Infinity Ward games as opposed to Treyarch games.
I'm a few hours in to MW3's campaign (yes, it does have one) and here's some early impressions and some very slight spoilers:

Let me start with some complaints:

It is very hard to differentiate between a friend and a foe in this game, and the amount of error you are given is very slim. I think I've been game overed more times by friendly fire than being put down by enemy forces. Too bad it's not like Medal of Honor where you can unload about 2 rounds in a guy before the game throws a fit.

The game also does an annoying thing where on the top left of the screen it will say "Objective Failed." You'd think you'd see this if you screwed up what you were trying to accomplish, but instead it acts as a continuation of the plot. The problem is that it shows the message a second before the s*** hits the fan, so it's basically saying, "Something bad is about to happen!" For example, one time I was on a plane transporting someone and I saw that message and then the plane came apart. I figured this was just an extended "Game Over" screen but instead it was a cutscene. Later on in that same mission I had to escort someone to a helicopter and it told me to open the door to said copter, and as I hit the appropriate button the "Objective Failed" sign came on again, tipping me off to the twist that was about to occur.

Finally, the "controversy" in this game can't hold a candle to the "No Russian" outcry of MW2 (which I thought was a bunch of BS FTR.) Basically, you see a guy with a video camera filming his wife and child on vacation in Europe, and the child goes up to a van that ends up exploding, killing the entire family. You don't see the child being harmed, just an explosion with some smoke and the aftermath. That's IT.

Still, overall the game isn't bad. I don't know how it compares to Black Ops, which had a very enjoyable campaign IMO (much better than MW2.) It is fun to have set pieces being in various famous places like Manhattan, London, etc, although it is weird in one level where you basically storm Germany and climb up a hill, which feels like you're playing an old school CoD game with a MW mod pack for the weapons. I am optimistic, but I'm prepared to be disappointed.

And no I haven't jumped into MP yet because I don't do that until I at least have used a majority of the weapons.

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Just finished the God Of War Origins Collection..

There REALLY isn't much to say about these games. They're basically HD ports of the 2 PSP exclusive GoW games Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta. As I was playing through the games, all I could think about was just how LITTLE GoW games have changed throughout the years. The fact that the combos haven't changed, let alone even the attack animations, the monotony wears on rather quickly. Near the end of the games I found myself referencing game guides, not for tips on how to beat the game, but to see how much more I had to play.

Literally almost everything is the same as other GoW games just with a different coat of paint. You'll still be fighting basically the same enemies as you've done in all the other games. Hell, think of how many games have had you fight the large horned creatures that you hit O on to initiate the O button bashing to stab them in the face. You'll be fighting them, the Medusas, the modified Medusas, the flying creatures that dive down from the sky and try and hurt you, the Cyclops creatures, etc etc etc.. The boss fights are nothing to write home about either, even the final boss fights. It feels weird that the series never was able to match the epic awesome fight of the first game between Kratos and Ares, but these fights are quite forgettable.

The stories are rather ho hum as well, but then again these games have never really been known for their narrative, with the possible exception of the first one. One has you off to save a God (yes, a GOD needs help from a MORTAL) and another has you off to try and save your long lost brother. I won't get into all the plot specifics or complaints....except for one of them. GoW: Ghost of Sparta takes place between GoW 1 and 2, meaning that Kratos is now officially the God Of War, meaning he is a God. Yet when he starts off, he's just as weak as he was in the beginning of GoW 1 and GoW: Chains of Olympus. Now, it made sense for him to start weak in those games since he wasn't a God yet, but why doesn't he have any powers of a God, or even the powers he got from the first game? At least in GoW 2 and 3 they start you off awesome but then do something in the plot to remove your powers. We don't get any of that and instead you get to build up the same weapons and magic that you have basically done in all the other games.

Basically, if you are a big GoW fan and haven't grown tired of the game's very familiar formulas, then you'll probably find some enjoyment in these games. However, there is a very good chance that at the end of the whole thing (especially if you've played the 3 other games) you'll be completely tired of Kratos and the stupid Gods of Olympus.

For now I'm still working on MW3, although my enjoyment is starting to wear thin, especially with the Multiplayer. I'll just say right here that Black Ops had the BEST multiplayer system so far. I'm really sick of the IW/MW system of "You must be THIS awesome in order to play with all the fun toys." Black Ops had a little of that as well, but at least it was MUCH easier to get the various perks and killstreaks with the CoD currency. Playing MW3 multiplayer is like pledging a fraternity. You basically are forced to play menial games with no good weapons and none of the perks, and after you've subjected yourself through enough of this mess of playing without the same stuff as the other players, THEN you are able to play with the fun guns. It also doesn't help that MW3 continues the great tradition of "Trial By Fire" as far as the maps go. I hate the fact that I am thrown into games early on with NO understanding of the maps and how they look, and thus am constantly being wiped out by other players who know the maps so well they could navigate them with their eyes closed. To learn the maps, you have to either go through this mess of trying to learn them as you're getting wiped out by other players, do local multiplayer, or do a fake local match that allows you to run around the maps and learn them without being interrupted by bullets and predator drones. At least Black Ops let you set up bots matches which let you learn the levels as well as hone your skills a little bit before being thrown out into competitive MP. I'm not ready to abandon it yet, but it is already rubbing me the wrong way, which isn't good considering I've only been playing MP for about 45 minutes. I understand the idea of giving a game more time to develop, but as far as a MP experience goes, I shouldn't have to play for more time than it takes to watch a typical movie before I start having fun.

And in other news I'll probably have Zelda: Skyward Sword coming to me next week.
Finished up Modern Warfare 3 single player campaign. Here are my feeble thoughts on it.

Remember how everyone complained that MW2 campaign was too short and schizophrenic? Well infinity ward took those complaints and threw them off a cliff because this game continues the tradition. It is clear that IW doesn't care like Treyarch does to create a fulfilling campaign experience. The campaign will run you around 6 hours but it definitely won't feel that long. It doesn't help that the final level is annoying and that the game's ending is about as satisfying as farting alone in your car with the windows closed. The game also continues the tradition of being even less believable than the previous games, in this case Russia attacking all of Europe, in the same day. What makes the disappointing campaign more tolerable this time around is that it was expected, as opposed to last time around with MW2.

While the campaign is still fun, it's short length and disappointing ending ruin the experience. For me, Black Ops still remains the definitive call of duty in terms of single and multiplayer. At the end of the day MW3 is just a safe, generic entry done by the numbers. This will be sent back to gamefly tomorrow. I give it a C.
Am I the only one around here in 7th heaven over the recent release of such AAA third-person action-adventure games like Batman Arkham City, Uncharted 3, and Assassins Creed Revelations?
Am I the only one around here in 7th heaven over the recent release of such AAA third-person action-adventure games like Batman Arkham City, Uncharted 3, and Assassins Creed Revelations?
I'm excited for all those games but I simply haven't been able to get to them. Batman will be a Xmas gift to me (or at least it goddamn better be), UC3 still hasn't arrived from Gamefly (I'm a fan of the series but I know I'll never play it again once I beat it) and I didn't want to delve into AC:R until I beat AC:B.

Speaking of, thanks to my recent time off that probably would have been better spent doing anything OTHER than play videogames, I have caught up on some games and I FINALLY beat AC:Brotherhood. To once again use a played out phrase, there isn't much to say about Brotherhood that couldn't also be said about AC:2. You spend the game stabbing people, running along rooftops, screaming at your controller for not obeying you properly, and watching your screen jitter from tearing. Overall the game is quite good, although it does suffer from the same problems as the others in that you need to have wikipedia close by to figure out some things that are going on. Also, the combat is still stagnant and incredibly easy, where the biggest "enemy" you may have is a bad camera angle that prevents you from seeing what you are doing, but basically it's the same mix of countering, kicking, and slashing your way to easy victories. Finally, once again the ending goes on a rather nonsensical cliff hanger, which, while hoping not to spoil anything, seemed somewhat reminiscent of the ending of Matrix: Reloaded. Basically, it creates more questions than it answers.

Overall, it is a fun experience with the continuing trend of good visuals, good voice acting, and decent cinematics. I give it a B+.

In other games, I received my copy of Skyward Sword, and while it is fun, after only about 2 hours I think I'm ready to return it. And I'm really not sure why that is. There's nothing wrong with the game. The game looks good for a Wii game, which means it looks like crap compared to everything else out there. The motion control works well, and the 1:1 sword mapping makes fighting more interesting. The storyline is more original than what I have seen in recent games, and Zelda and Link seem to have more of a personality than in past games, although in this game Link is portrayed as a bit of a dolt. For whatever reason Zelda just isn't clicking with me like it used to. Still, anyone who has a Wii and has ever been a Zelda fan owes it to themselves to at least TRY the game and then judge for yourself.

Finally, I've decided to do something completely different and delve into a MMO. DC Universe Online recently went Free to Play, so I decided to try that out on the PS3. Although it is free, I do advise people to invest the one time fee of $5 to upgrade to a premium account so that you are not stuck in uncomfortably long queue lines.
I'll get the bad out of the way first: For a game that has been out for nearly a year, the game still lacks a great deal of polish. There are a lot of graphical glitches including bad lip syncing, and the worst use of the Unreal 3 engine I have seen ever. Many textures look quite ugly and take an uncomfortably long amount of time to come up right. Also, it still falls into the typical MMO trap of numerous quests that are simply "Collect/Kill/Save x number of y thing." Finally, as an MMO the game is a doozy of a download. It is about 18 GB to download, and unlike other typical downloads, you have to download it within the launch program, so you can't go and play another game while it downloads in the background. I had my copy download overnight.

Still, it is rather fun. Playing as a Superhero in Metropolis for me is inherently more fun than running around in the mystical WoW land. I take joy in flying around the city, shooting lasers at enemies, and using telekinesis to beat up villains. Also it is cool to be in the DC Universe and fight alongside familiar faces. And the best part is that it is free, although I'm sure the incentives to pony up some cash are probably quite extensive.
I'm excited for all those games but I simply haven't been able to get to them. Batman will be a Xmas gift to me (or at least it goddamn better be), UC3 still hasn't arrived from Gamefly (I'm a fan of the series but I know I'll never play it again once I beat it) and I didn't want to delve into AC:R until I beat AC:B.

Speaking of, thanks to my recent time off that probably would have been better spent doing anything OTHER than play videogames, I have caught up on some games and I FINALLY beat AC:Brotherhood. To once again use a played out phrase, there isn't much to say about Brotherhood that couldn't also be said about AC:2. You spend the game stabbing people, running along rooftops, screaming at your controller for not obeying you properly, and watching your screen jitter from tearing. Overall the game is quite good, although it does suffer from the same problems as the others in that you need to have wikipedia close by to figure out some things that are going on. Also, the combat is still stagnant and incredibly easy, where the biggest "enemy" you may have is a bad camera angle that prevents you from seeing what you are doing, but basically it's the same mix of countering, kicking, and slashing your way to easy victories. Finally, once again the ending goes on a rather nonsensical cliff hanger, which, while hoping not to spoil anything, seemed somewhat reminiscent of the ending of Matrix: Reloaded. Basically, it creates more questions than it answers.

Overall, it is a fun experience with the continuing trend of good visuals, good voice acting, and decent cinematics. I give it a B+.

In other games, I received my copy of Skyward Sword, and while it is fun, after only about 2 hours I think I'm ready to return it. And I'm really not sure why that is. There's nothing wrong with the game. The game looks good for a Wii game, which means it looks like crap compared to everything else out there. The motion control works well, and the 1:1 sword mapping makes fighting more interesting. The storyline is more original than what I have seen in recent games, and Zelda and Link seem to have more of a personality than in past games, although in this game Link is portrayed as a bit of a dolt. For whatever reason Zelda just isn't clicking with me like it used to. Still, anyone who has a Wii and has ever been a Zelda fan owes it to themselves to at least TRY the game and then judge for yourself.

Finally, I've decided to do something completely different and delve into a MMO. DC Universe Online recently went Free to Play, so I decided to try that out on the PS3. Although it is free, I do advise people to invest the one time fee of $5 to upgrade to a premium account so that you are not stuck in uncomfortably long queue lines.
I'll get the bad out of the way first: For a game that has been out for nearly a year, the game still lacks a great deal of polish. There are a lot of graphical glitches including bad lip syncing, and the worst use of the Unreal 3 engine I have seen ever. Many textures look quite ugly and take an uncomfortably long amount of time to come up right. Also, it still falls into the typical MMO trap of numerous quests that are simply "Collect/Kill/Save x number of y thing." Finally, as an MMO the game is a doozy of a download. It is about 18 GB to download, and unlike other typical downloads, you have to download it within the launch program, so you can't go and play another game while it downloads in the background. I had my copy download overnight.

Still, it is rather fun. Playing as a Superhero in Metropolis for me is inherently more fun than running around in the mystical WoW land. I take joy in flying around the city, shooting lasers at enemies, and using telekinesis to beat up villains. Also it is cool to be in the DC Universe and fight alongside familiar faces. And the best part is that it is free, although I'm sure the incentives to pony up some cash are probably quite extensive.

Out of the three games I mentioned, I would say that Batman AC is the one that is most worth owning (though my copy of AC:R doesn't arrive until tomorrow--a Cyber Monday buy).

Last night when I had nothing to do but continue my campaign in Uncharted 3 (one of my all time favorite series), what did I do? I completed a side mission in Batman and knocked off a couple more challenge rooms.

You're lucky your copy of U3 didn't arrive yet, as Naughty Dog finally issued a patch earlier this week fixing an issue with SP aiming. They had totally changed it from U2, and even from the MP in U3, claiming it was more accurate. In reality, it was really slow, like moving underwater. And when you turned up the sensitivity, it made camera control in every other situation way too loose. So when you start the game, be sure in the options menu to select the alternate aiming mode--the fix is not the default. The patch also added motion blur, which should've been in the game originally.

All in all, U3 is still an awesome experience for its visuals, sound and soundtrack, storytelling, and voice acting (I'm halfway through the SP campaign). Gameplay wise it's mostly the same except the enemies are much more aggressive in rushing you, forcing you to melee (the melee system was beefed up a bit). I haven't tried MP yet as the U2 MP effectively contained spoilers in how they designated some characters as heroes or villains, and I'm not taking any chances (I've been on a complete media blackout for this game).

With AC:R, I was planning on waiting for the inevitable price drop to $30 this February, but by picking it up for $35 on Cyber Monday, I'm guaranteed getting a "release day" copy (PS3) that will include the first Assassins Creed on the disc (I always wanted to play that) and Triovitz 3D glasses (with the green/magenta lenses).

I had definitely wanted to check out DC Universe, though I've never played an MMO and don't care for online play generally. But the biggest impediment for me is that 18 GB download. Holy crap that would eat up half of the remaining space on my PS3 HDD!
I was worried about space on mine since I only have 80GB total, but luckily I was okay. One thing I would suggest to clean up space if you haven't already is to delete game data from old games. I'm referring to those big installs they force you to sit through the first time you run some games.
The trick with game data installs is to make sure you don't delete any for games you bought DLC for (and don't want to re-download) as that's where it's usually stored. I always have this fear that if I delete downloaded content (games, DLC, etc.), Sony will change its policy at some point and not let me redownload if I want it on my system again. I know it's silly as there are a bunch of PSN games and game data for games I'll likely never play again. For example, inFamous, I can't see playing the campaign again, and I completed the game to 100%, but there it sits (the downloaded version) all 7 GB of it. But I guess it's time to move on unless I want to upgrade my HDD--again!