Where are my Satellite Guy's gamers at?

You might want to check out Oxenfree too. I haven't played it yet but it was made by ex-Telltale people and I have heard a lot of good things about it. It's definitely on my list of games I want to get to soon.

That does look up my alley. Thanks! I'll have to keep an eye out for a good sale.
I finally finished Doom. That game is really good. Good enough that it should have been at #2 on my top 10 games of the year instead of #5. I was only about half way through Doom when I put my list together. At that point I had seen enough to know it belonged on the list but I hadn't seen a lot of the best parts of the game yet.

I started Doom when it first came out. I played about half of it and went on vacation. When I came back other games (like Overwatch) grabbed a lot of my attention and I didn't get around to finishing it. A couple weeks ago I finally decided it was time to start the game over and actually finish it this time. I was only slightly further than where I left off last time when the game really got it's hooks into me deep.

The second time around I spent a lot more time looking for upgrades and collectibles. The first suit upgrades I took were all focused around making it easier to find secrets. Not only did this let me explore the awesome environments and find stuff I never saw the first time through, it also meant I had access to weapons, upgrades, and rune abilities sooner.

I found the Super Shotgun a full level earlier and I had it's mastery ability unlocked pretty early in the game. That turned the Super Shotgun from a weapon I didn't really like because it was the only one that has to be reloaded into easily my favorite weapon in the game. Super fast reloads and the ability to shoot twice before having to reload meant that I could just sprint around the room and take everything out without ever having to slow down. This made a game that was already great a lot more fun for me.

They continued to introduce cooler enemies and greater quantities of them which made flying around with the Super Shotgun even more fun. I also focused all my rune abilities around glory kills and faster movement to make the pace even more insane. I'm actually glad I didn't finish the game this summer when I was just plowing through to the objective because I don't think I would have enjoyed it nearly as much.

I was pleasantly surprised with the story too. Typically when I heard people talk about the game they said that there really wasn't a story. It was just demon killing fun. I disagree with that pretty strongly. No, there weren't cutscenes before and after every mission. There were really only about 2 to 3 cutscenes the entire game and most of them were only a few seconds long. If you take the time to explore and read the codex entries you find there is actually a pretty interesting story to be found.

I already knew Doom was very good from what I played this summer. After finally finishing it it isn't hard to see why it got so much praise. If you like FPS games and don't mind lots of gore you should definitely check this out. And no, nostalgia for the original game is not necessary to enjoy this. I played the first few missions of the original for the first time earlier this year.
Doom really was a magnificent game. It really felt like a Doom for the modern era, and such a breath of fresh air. After all, it was my GOTY. I'm looking forward to seeing what id does from here with the franchise.
Finally got to play Superhot. If I had played it last year it definitely would have been a GOTY winner or at least honorable mention. Very cool concept and great execution (for the most part.)

Here's me first trying the game:

And here's me finishing it:

I watched part of both of these videos. As someone who has beaten Superhot and Superhot VR that first video was painful to watch at times. You kept hitting enemies and then letting their weapon fall to the ground even though it was well within reach. You then had to turn around and look for the weapon on the ground and you would end up getting shot.

It would have made your life so much easier, and made the replays look much cooler if you would have clicked on the weapons to catch them midair and then finish off the red guys with their own guns. Obviously I only know that because I have finished the game and you are basically required to learn that skill to beat the harder levels. I also watched part of your video from the end of the game and see that you did figure it out.

I would often only shoot a gun once or twice before throwing it at an enemy because doing that to make them drop their gun, catching it, and shooting with their gun was faster than waiting for my gun to be ready to shoot again. Also it just looks cool as hell, especially in VR.
I finished Inside last night (boy that's a loaded statement)..

Thoughts are pretty similar to that of @king3pj , better than Limbo and tells an interesting story, but sadly similar to Limbo it ends in a rather disappointing way. While I was never spoiled about the ending, from what I heard spoken from various people I was expecting some sort of big "A-ha!" or "OMG" moment that would reveal what was going on with everything, similar to a Soylent Green or 1984 big reveal. Instead, what you get is a sort of "Yup, that's all done with! Thanks for playing!" without any real plot resolution or answers to the NUMEROUS questions that come up throughout the playthrough. I won't bring up these questions, and while I know numerous people could bring up the "It's all up to interpretation" argument, sometimes I don't want to create my own story with these games. It can come off as lazy story telling by the developer. Oh, and the "Secret Ending" is rather dull as well.

Still, I did enjoy my time playing the game and recommend it to anyone who likes a dark, stylish story that is told via seeing as opposed to reading. Not sure it would have been a GOTY candidate but if I were a teacher I'd definitely have given it a nice gold star.

Next, I'm going to bunker down and FINALLY play (and finish) Undertale. I started playing a while back but got side tracked but at this point I really feel the need to finally see what all the fuss is about. Will try to do a pacifist playthrough as much as possible. I'll also be recording it.
I'm about 4.5 hours into Undertale. It is quite good, although I'm not sure it's GOTY good from what I've seen. It strikes me as one of those games that requires multiple playthroughs to truly appreciate, but so far I am having fun and keep looking forward to what's next the more I play.

As I mentioned I'm recording my progress and here's what I got so far. It's one video here but there's links to the next video in the current descriptions.

So I finally beat Undertale, and I can say that YES, the game IS as good as everyone said it was. Honestly, all I can think about is playing it again and seeing what I missed in my first playthrough, not to mention there's still the genocide run to do.

Of course, if you don't feel like playing the game yourself, you can watch me play it instead here :p

I'm just waiting for Steam or GOG to put it back on sale for $5. They did right before you started playing it though so it might be a while before it happens again.
I got inspired to try out Resident Evil 7. Here's early gameplay. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it up before For Honor arrives.

Finished Ninja Pizza Girl last night. Overall I liked it, although I did have some issues with it. I plan on doing a more detailed review later, but short answer: Worth it for $5 on a Steam Sale (Normally priced at $10.)

Still working on For Honor. Enjoying it, but I don't see it being a GOTY candidate. Need to finish that off and will try to make more progress on RE 7 before the Horizon Zero Dawn and Zelda Open World Time Sinks arrive.
I decided to try out NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 4, mainly because it had a free weekend and I just wasn't in the mood to play For Honor or Overwatch last night. From what I've played, it isn't bad, but when you have a game based on a long running Anime series and said game does a bad job in giving you reasons to care about the plot and characters, it's hard to stay interested. The fighting is pretty cool but I know I was doing it wrong, mainly because the game offers basically NO tutorial and has a rather steep learning curve.

Overall though I was expecting a lot worse and honestly if I had nothing else to play ATM I could easily see myself playing through more, but since I have other obligations I'll let this one go.

I saw that you were playing this last night on Steam. I wasn't aware of the free weekend so I thought it was kind of an unusual choice at the time.
I saw that you were playing this last night on Steam. I wasn't aware of the free weekend so I thought it was kind of an unusual choice at the time.
Yeah I thought that it might be weird for people to see that, and I really had no intention of playing until I saw on Reddit at about 6:30 last night that it was F2P for the weekend, so I decided to try it out. I could definitely see fans of the series enjoying the game, but jumping into Game 4 of a series that started in 1997 is a bit daunting, not to mention the steep learning curve of the combat.