So I just finished Broken Age: Act 2, and I have to say that overall I feel rather, Broken Hearted.
It is a little hard to believe that this once humble Kickstarter idea ballooned into a 3 year development cycle, with the game being split up into 2 parts, with each part being released nearly 18 months apart from each other. Sadly, this does FEEL like a game that has been broken up into 2 parts with that sort of cycle. The game suffers due to the fact that Tim and the team took feedback from Act 1 into their design of Act 2. Now on the surface that isn't necessarily a bad thing. After all, player feedback is a good way to help achieve a better game. A prime example of that is Mass Effect 2, where nearly everything bad with the first game was thrown out while the good was kept in, thus creating in my opinion a masterpiece. Sadly, BA:A2 is not a masterpiece.
I suppose the biggest offender in this game is the difficulty. Act 1 was criticized by many for being too easy. I felt the same way as I mentioned in my earlier review, but I still thought it was good as it was like the modern Telltale games (not TWD, but more akin to Monkey Island and other true adventure games they made.) Well unfortunately Tim and his team took this feedback and decided to crank the puzzle difficulty to a very frustrating level. Whereas in Act 1 I only needed a walkthrough a couple of times, I practically had it open in a separate window as I played Act 2. And I know I'm not the only one who thought some of the puzzles went over the line. At least 5 reviewers that I know of were especially pissed at a particular puzzle that is solved by literally doing NOTHING for 90 seconds. That goes against all rules of point and click adventure games. What makes this puzzle worse is that you are put in the same puzzle in Act 1, but you can't do "nothing" like you do in Act 2. And sadly I have to admit that if not for a walkthrough, I doubt I would have beaten this game. Some of the puzzles had solutions that, while not exactly moon logic, were things that I know that I would not have been able to figure out on my own. There's no hint system in the game, and they're stingier with clues this time around. All this is rather surprising in that none of the difficulty concerns seemed to have come up during the numerous playtests that I know this game received. I suppose their testers just operated at a higher level of intelligence than myself.
The story also suffers in Act 2. I don't wish to spoil much about it, but I will have to say that basically the two characters swap settings with each other. So basically, you're at ALL the same places in Act 2 as you were in Act 1, also interacting with all the same NPCs. So that sense of adventure and discovery in Act 1 is basically lost here. The voice acting and writing are still good, but the removal of the mystery surrounding the whole thing destroys a key element. Finally, the main "plot" of Act 2 is quite lacking. A big conspiracy is revealed near the middle of the Act, but there's almost no proper elaboration of it, and there's hardly even a proper resolution to the whole thing. The game leaves a LOT of unanswered questions, and it's clear they're not going to be answered, as this is a 1 and done game. Oh, and the ending is sh*t. When it was done I said out loud, "That's IT?!" This seems to be a sadly common trend with Tim Shafer's recent games. Psychonauts (a GREAT game btw) also suffers from the same "That's IT?" style of ending, and I've heard that Brutal Legend wasn't much better either.
I suppose now the question comes as to whether or not Broken Age is worth it as a complete package. I suppose my thoughts are somewhat jaded as I (and many others) played the game in 2 separate parts. I suppose all done within one package, the difficulty spike and revisiting of characters and settings are more tolerable. On the other hand, there's no real excuse for the overall story being lacking and the numerous plot holes that exist. I'd hesitate to call it bad, but I do wish that this had simply been released as one big game and not broken up (no pun intended) like it was. I give it a C+. I'd say it's worth looking into if you can get it for 75% off (which is a likely proposition as Double Fine games often get discounts like that.)
On a side note, I have to mention that the entire development of this game was captured in a documentary, which has recently been released on YouTube. It literally chronicles the entire game's production, from the beginning of the Kickstarter to the release of Act 2. It is FASCINATING and really gives an insight to what goes into developing a game. It also explains why the game was broken up into 2 parts and all the other obstacles the developers ran into, from running out of money to people falling ill to deadlines not being fulfilled due to unforeseen circumstances. It is quite a beast to watch. I mean this thing over 10 hours long, but I would strongly suggest everyone at least take a look at it to see if they like it. If nothing else, it may give you all a better understanding of what goes into game development.
You can view it here.