Mass Effect is definitely my favorite franchise, too, as I'm sure I've mentioned in this thread more than once already.
I've platinumed all three ME games on the PS3 and am currently three-quarters of the way through my fourth ME2 playthrough with my first Shepard imported from ME1, an engineer, as I had never played that class before. I've put that campaign on hold, however, as I patiently await an ME3 DLC sale or GOTY/special edition release, so I can do a full ME3 run with this same Shepard and with all the DLC installed. Playing the ME3 DLCs with Shepards I already finished the game with just doesn't hold the same interest for me. As a PS3 person, I was spoiled with getting most of the playable DLC included with the vanilla version of Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 (I only had to pay for Arrival, which was easily worth $7, and Pinnacle Station couldn't be ported). But the prospect of paying $50 for what I understand to be less than 15 hours worth of ME3 DLC content gives me pause, as much as I love the franchise. It's worth noting in that regard, however, that there's a special offer until 10/29, where you'll receive a $10 PSN credit for every $50 spent between now and that date.
Wow! Getting platinum trophies for all 3 games in that series is pretty hardcore. You put some serious time in there.
I hear you on the DLC. I bought all 3 games on PS3 separately. I had already played ME1 on 360 and bought ME2 and ME3 on PS3 because I got a great Black Friday deal on them but they didn't have the 360 versions available. When I heard that the trilogy box set was coming out for both systems and that ME1 would be available as a stand alone PSN download I decided not to play ME2 or ME3 until after I replayed ME1 on PS3 so my Sheppard and decisions could carry forward through all 3 games.
Anyways, I would have gladly bought the trilogy disk version at $60 even though I already had ME2 and ME3 instead of just paying $15 for a ME1 download if it would have been a complete package. I think the idea of them releasing the trilogy as a box set was a really cool idea especially for PS3 owners who never had access to ME1 before that point. It just seems like they should have included all the DLC and made it the complete story.