When can we expect Dish to jump on the 3D bandwagon?

I hope they never do. Personally, I hope 3D dies a slow, painful death. That bandwidth could be better used by offering more HD channels (like 24x7 HD RSNs). 3D is a gimmick and is NOT going to catch on, at least in its current form.
After the HD-DVD/BluRay fiasco, and now currently with the constant evolution of TV technology, I've pretty much decided to hold off for a while on purchasing spanking new video technology. Even if I had the endless money to throw at each new development in TV technology, I don't want to spend that kind of money every year or two, and risk a particular obsolescence of those purchases in a few years. It feels like the technology is being purposefully piece-mailed to the consumer every 3 months just to generate a constant stream of revenue for the industry. Oooh, look, 1080i widescreen plasma...oh yeah, now we have DLP...LCD...LED...60Hz...120Hz...240Hz...1080p...3D...analog sunset...DRM...bye-bye component...I'm waiting for all this crap to settle down into something more stable. TVs used to be an appliance that lasted 10-15 or more years.
IMO, 3D = Eye candy. Now we can re-release old titles in 3d to make more money, or spend less on actual production values and writing because the quality of the content is less important now than the quality of the visuals.
Television= Eye candy.

Color Television= Eye candy.

High Definition Television= Eye Candy



I don't think that is the case. I hate to say it, I was around for the first color TV's, it was a big deal, those who could afford it bought them and it didn't take long for most everyone to want it. it really made TV more enjoyable. Obviously there was no internet then, so harder to gauge, but back then there were several small electronic stores that sold them, and they were an instant success - for those that could afford it at first. It became pretty standard quite fast in the area I lived (And still do) in.

HD is more than eye candy to some (many) and was from the first time they saw it in the stores. Cost as always was an issue, but you can not compare the vast improvement in picture quality of HD to 3D. But even on this and other forums where generally more TV oriented people are going to be, there are many posts from people not jumping to get HD. Even more who do not mind having one TV in HD, the others in the house not. So even HD is taking longer to become the standard than people thought it would be. It took a government mandate to get many people to go to digital TV's. Even at that, they don't have them, they use a converter.

3D to me is not in the league of color TV or even HD TV. It's good for special effects in some movies, but even at that, I know my eyes get fatigued at the only person I know enough to go to their house who has 3D. He likes the 3D, I admit, but even he says he can not watch two movies in a row in 3D. I think you will know that 3D has arrived when network programming goes 3D, and HBO has 3D as a everyday offering.
And there in lies the rub. You don't need Dish for what 3D there is at the moment. 3D movies can be rented or bought.
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I have 2 3DTV's and it is rare I watch 3D on them.

Same here, don't think I've bothered with any 3D after a few initial "yeah, that's cool" viewings the first month or so. The kids don't care about it either.

Besides, what broadcast content is available other than n3D and ESPN3D? Is there any chance we would see ESPN3D with the current Disney situation?
They are just too damn expensive. (The 3D Blurays) if they cost the same as regular Bluray I bet more people would be buying them.

I have 2 3DTV's and it is rare I watch 3D on them.

The other thing with the 3D Blurays is that the studios make you buy all the other formats with the 3D format so you have the 3D Bluray, 2D Bluray, DVD and digital copy all in one. That's why the price for them is like $35-40. I'm sure if they just packaged the 3D Bluray by itself, the price would be about $20-$25 (which $25 is still considered too high for some people)
THe best thing about 3-D tvs is it pushing down the price of non 3-D.
Agreed. Each new micro-enhancement of TV/video technology will push down the price of the previous technologies. Another good reason to wait until the progression slows, and settles into a common standard.
Same here, don't think I've bothered with any 3D after a few initial "yeah, that's cool" viewings the first month or so. The kids don't care about it either.

Besides, what broadcast content is available other than n3D and ESPN3D? Is there any chance we would see ESPN3D with the current Disney situation?
n3D is the Directv partner, 3net is available ... 3net: Home and has quite a bit of content 3net: Schedule as does n3D ... DirecTV n3D TV Schedule | LocateTV
I just got a 3D TV set and I am really impressed by how well it looks and also how affordable it has become with the passive 3D technology. If your are getting a good quality flat panel set this season, there is really no reason not to get 3D. And that's different from last year, when 3D was much more expensive and required pricey shutter glasses.

I am still not convinced, that 3D TV is here to stay, but for now, I want more of it! I am seriously considering switching to DirecTV just so I could get those 3D channels. I am willing to wait a few months if there is some hope to get 3D from Dish though.

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I hope they never do. Personally, I hope 3D dies a slow, painful death. That bandwidth could be better used by offering more HD channels (like 24x7 HD RSNs). 3D is a gimmick and is NOT going to catch on, at least in its current form.
With all due respect, I think you are completely wrong. 3D is no more a gimmick than surround sound or HD video were when they were in their infancy. Most of us would not think of doing without either of those at this point.

Now that you can get a complete, good quality system for less than $1000 I think it has reached the point of viability.
With all due respect, I think you are completely wrong. 3D is no more a gimmick than surround sound or HD video were when they were in their infancy. Most of us would not think of doing without either of those at this point.

Now that you can get a complete, good quality system for less than $1000 I think it has reached the point of viability.
About time there was a voice of reason in the thread, as opposed to the weird knee-jerk opposition to 3DTV.
True. The knee-jerk reactions detract from the reasonable oppositions to 3DTV. :p
I would like Dish to add 3D channels too. I bought a 3D tv just after Christmas last year. I went in looking for a regular 1080p tv and ended up with a Toshiba 1080p LED 3D tv because they were running a special that included a free 3D bluray player and 2 pairs of 3D glasses. With this stuff included it wasn't really any more expensive than the other nice looking LEDs in the same size range. I bought 2 3D blurays as well and it looked amazing.

I haven't watched a movie in 3D since those first 2 though and its not because I don't want to. The problem is dish doesn't carry 3D channels and Netflix/Blockbuster don't rent out 3D blurays. I have been with 1 of those services at all times for the last 4 years. The reason I subscribe to those services is because I rarely watch the same movie multiple times and if I do want to watch it again I just bump it to the top of my queue. I find it hard to justify buying any movie anymore, let alone a $35 3D edition.

The only 3D use my TV gets now is the occasional video game on my PS3. 3D gaming is a very cool experience. Now I just want someone to provide me with a more affordable way to watch 3D content. It could be Netflix, Blockbuster, Dish or Directv in a year when my contract runs out.
I have a couple of titles purporting to be 3D in my Blockbuster (aka Dish Platinum) queue but I've yet to get them so I don't know if they actually will be.
I've said this before, that I have a friend who has problem with the alignment of his eyes, and has been through multiple surgeries. For someone like him 3D is totally useless. He says that it turns a lined picture into a really nice looking HD for him. Looking at someone like him, who watched many Celtics in SD last year, he would be annoyed to then have to see re-run 3D games on ESPN 3D, and his live Celtics games in SD.
I have a couple of titles purporting to be 3D in my Blockbuster (aka Dish Platinum) queue but I've yet to get them so I don't know if they actually will be.

I am currently using Blockbuster as well along with the streaming only Netflix plan. I have been with Blockbuster since about 3 months before Dish bought them. I guess I haven't checked recently but when I originally signed up I searched every movie that I knew was in 3D and they didn't have the 3D version of any of them. If they truly are the 3D versions this is new but I would be pleasantly surprised.

The only movie I found back then that claimed to be 3D was coraline but it wasn't actually the Bluray 3D edition. It was an earlier bluray edition that used the red and blue glasses.

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